Da Cheng Qi Tang 大承气汤 Major Order the Qi Decoction |
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Source / Author:
Discussion of Cold Induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun) C.220
Herb NameDa Huang (Rhubarb root)Mang Xiao (Mirabilite) Zhi Shi (Unripe Bitter Orange) Hou Po (Magnolia bark) |
Decoct Citrus Zhi Shi and Magnolia Hou Po in 10 cups of water down to 5 cups, then add the Rhubarb and cook a further 20 minutes, then strain and dissolve in the Mirabilitum Mang Xiao.
Purge Heat accumulation
Severe constipation, focal distention, abdominal fullness, dry, yellow tongue coat, or black coat, deep strong pulse. Severe cases may have delirium.
1. Severe Constipation
2. Intestinal obstruction
3. Acute Appendicitis
4. Acute pancreatitis
5. Acute cholecystitis
6. Infection of the Gall Bladder
7. Food Poisoning
8. Poisoning from Lead and Organophosphorus
9. Tetanus
a cupful can be taken as a dose. A second cup can be taken after several hours if required. Once diarrhea is induced it is not taken.
1. Not used during pregnancy
2. Not used in cold and weak patients
3. Not used for mild or occasional Constipation.
4. Not used for more than a few days without a break in treatment.
1. Large doses of Magnolia Hou po are used if there is strong focal distention, otherwise less doses are used.
2. In most cases, lower doses of Rhubarb are sufficient unless there is severe constipation with excess heat, in which case a full dose of 12 grams may be required.
3. Blood stasis, add Peach kernel Tao Ren
4. High Fever with rapid pulse, add Gypsum Shi Gao
5. Severe Thirst, add Gypsum Shi Gao and Anemarrhena Zhi Mu
6. Severe Qi deficiency, add Ginseng. More moderate deficiency, add Astragalus Huang Qi.
7. Debility of Qi and Blood, add Ginseng, Dang Gui and Licorice. This is called Huang Long Tang.
7. Cholecystitis, add Deandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Lysimachia Jin Qin Cao, Artemisia scoparia Yin Chen Hao.
8. Acute Pancreatitis, add Scutellaria Huang Qin, Phellodendron Huang Bai, Bupleurum Chai Hu
9. Ascites, add Euphorbia kansui Gan Sui and Daphne flower (Yuan Hua)
10. Tetanus, add Cicada Slough (Chan Tui)
11. Urinary Stones, add Lysimachia Jin Qian Cao and Lygodium Hai Jin Sha. This was 97% effective when used in 138 cases.
Similar Formulas:
Huang Long Tang (adds Ginseng, Dang Gui and Licorice for cases of deficiency)
1. Gall Bladder infection: Effective for acute cases in clinical trials.
2. Cholecystitis: Effective in clinical trials with appropriate additions.
3. Tetanus: with Cicada Slouygh (Chan Tui) added it has been used successfully for mild-to-moderate Tetanus.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures