Cytisus, BroomGenista, Genesta, Genestra, Scoparius, Spartium, Scotch Broom |
1. Stem showing the two wings ending in a node. 2. A large flower and a
flower bud. 3. The hairy pistil.. 4. Fruit. 5. Three foliate leaves.
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919
Botanical name:
Cytisus scoparius (syn. Spartium scoparium; Genista scoparius, Sarothamnus scoparius)
Parts used:
Flowering tops
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral (slightly Warm), Dry. Sweet, Bitter
1. Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:
-Jaundice; constant use of the herb and seed in powder cures Black Jaundice (Pemell, 1652)
-Swelling or Hardness of the Liver, Spleen or Abdominal Organs
-Scrofula, Tumors
2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, clears Stones:
-Nephritic, good for Edema, fluid retention;
-‘purges water by vomit, stool and urine’. (Schroder)
-Gravel and Stones of the Kidney, Bladder and Gall Bladder
3. Moves the Blood, Regulates the Heart:
-Cardiac Arrhythmia’s (specific); used for Atrial and Ventricular Fibrillation.
-Extrasystoles likewise respond well to long-term treatment.
4. Moves the Blood, clears Wind and Damp:
–Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lower Back and Hip Pain, Arthritis, Gout
5. Stops Bleeding, Regulates the Uterus:
-excess Menstruation, Postpartum Hemorrhage
-stimulates Contractions
6. Emetic:
-full doses were traditionally used as an Emetic to purge Phlegm, Damp and Watery humors
–Lonicerus (1564) said the flowers were emetic
7. Externally:
-The liquid extracted from the ends of the storks of the heated herb was applied to the tooth for Toothache.
-Sores or Abscesses of the Mouth are helped by gargling the decoction.
-For Pain in the Sides and Stitches the juice was made into an ointment or oil was anointed on.
-the seed paste was applied to Nodes and Scrofula; flowers beaten with Honey and applied to Scrofula
-the juice (or herb) boiled in oil ‘is the safest and surest medicines to kill Lice in the Head or Body of any’. (Culpeper)
-the juice or fresh herb boiled in oil is also ‘an especial remedy for Joint aches, and swollen knees’. (Culpeper)
-Juice boiled in oil is applied to Sciatica (Pemell, 1652)
-oil distilled from roots and seeds takes away spots, freckles and skin deformities (Pemell, 1652)
… available in PRO version
… available in PRO version
Main Combinations:
1. To promote Urine, Edema:
i. Broom with … available in PRO version
ii. Broom with … available in PRO version
iii. Broom ashes with … available in PRO version
iv. Broom with … available in PRO version
v. Broom with … available in PRO version
vi. Broom with … available in PRO version
2. Urinary Irritation, Broom with … available in PRO version
3. Infertility, Broom flower with … available in PRO version
4. Uterine Fibroids, Broom with … available in PRO version
5. Liver disorders, Broom with … available in PRO version
6. Hypertension:
i. Menopausal Hypertension, Broom with … available in PRO version
ii. Broom with … available in PRO version
7. As a bath for Eczema, Broom with … available in PRO version
Major Formulas:
Wine for Edema
Pills Against Barrenness (Turner)
1. Toxic in excess
2. Not used during Pregnancy
3. Avoid in Hypertension
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of the whole Herb in Flower, Conserve of the Flowers, Salt of the Ashes