Cynoglossum, Nad ma ‘byar ma ནད་མ་འབྱར་མ་

Ceylon Hounds Tongue (C. zeylanicum), Small petaled Hounds Tongue (C. lanceolatum)
Nad ma ‘byar ma (Tibet)
Liu Li Cao (C. zeylanicum, TCM)
Gou Shi Hua (C. amabile, TCM)
Chitkari (Ayurveda)
Picture Cynoglossum lanceolatum
Jacquin, N.J. von, Plantarum rariorum horti caesarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones (1804)

Picture Cynoglossum wallichii
Lindley, J., Edwards’s Botanical Register (1841
Picture Cynoglossum lanceolatum
(Photo by Franz Xaver) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Cynoglossum spp.
Several species are used:
  1. C. lanceolatum
  2. C. zeylanicum (syn. C. furcatum, C. formosanum, Anchusa zeylanica) (TCM)
  3. C. wallichi
  4. C. amabile
Three types of Nad Ma are differentiated in Tibetan Medicine:
  1. Nad ma ‘byar ma: Cynoglossum wallichii, C. lanceolatum (etc.)
  2. Nad ma snun ma: Hackelia uncinata
  3. Nad ma g-yu lo: Lindelofia longifolia

Parts used:

Whole herb, root

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet



1. Clears Heat, Resolves Swelling, Resists Poison:
-Abscess, Toxic Sores, Boils, Periodontal Abscess
-Snake Bite
-Wounds, Knife wounds (Tibetan, TCM)
-Swellings associated with injuries; Swelling of the limbs
-Scrofula (Tibet), acute Submandibular Lymphadenitis (TCM)

2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-regulates Menstruation (Tibet)
-Menstrual Flooding or Spotting (TCM)
-Uterus Tumors (Tibet)
-Trauma, Bruising (TCM)
-Fractures (Tibet, TCM)

3. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, Urinary retention
-difficult or obstructed urine
-Acute Nephritis (TCM)
-powder has been given for Kidney Stones (India, C. lanceolatum)
-swellings of the limbs, fluid swelling of the joints
-Wind-Damp joint pain
-Leukorrhea (TCM)

4. Clears Heat, Calms the Mind:
-Depression, Mental Illness

5. Externally:
-paste of the flowers is applied to Boils
-applied to Ringworm
-Wounds, Swellings
-leaf paste can be applied to Wounds (India)
-decoction is applied to insect bites (Nepal)


Powder: 1–3 grams
Decoction: 6–12 grams
10 grams of the powder once daily has reportedly been used for Kidney stones in India.


This possibly is synonymous to the Western Hounds Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale)

Main Combinations:

1. Acute Nephritis, take 1–2 grams of the powder 3 times daily

Major Formulas:


Avoid overdose or long term use. Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids.


Cynoglossum lanceolatum extract showed no toxicity when given to mice in doses up to 12 g/kg.

Main Preparations used: