Cynodon dactylon, Bermuda Grass

Dog’s Tooth Grass, Dog’s Tooth Couch Grass
Durva (Ayurveda)
Arugampallu (Siddha)
Duub, Doob (Unani)
Dur Wa  དཱུར་ཝ  (Tibetan)
Picture Cynodon dactylon
J. Sibthrop, J.E. Smith, Flora Graeca, vol. 1 (1806)

Botanical name:

Cynodon dactylon (syn. Panicum dactylon)

Parts used:

Herb (whole plant); Root

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sweet, Bitter


1. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Cystitis, Difficult or Burning Urine, Edema (Ayurveda, Dioscorides)
-Stones (Dioscorides)

2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-Nosebleeding (as a snuff)
-Blood in the Urine
-Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia
-applied to stop bleeding Wounds

3. Externally:
-Scabies, skin diseases
-beaten and applied to fresh Wounds (Dioscorides)
-applied to stop bleeding Wounds
-Eye diseases with redness and pain


Herb in Decoction: 10–30 grams
Of the Juice of the Whole Plant: 10–20mls


1. Couch Grass
2. Carex arenaria

Main Combinations:

1. Fresh herb is cooked with Fish or Prawns for Kidney diseases and Edema. (Myanmar)

Major Formulas:


None noted

Main Preparations used: