Croton, Ba Dou 巴豆

Ba Dou  巴豆 (TCM)
Jayapala, Dravanti, TintidiphalaKumbhini (Ayurveda)
Nervaalam (Siddha)
Habb-us-Salateen, Hubb-ul-Malook, Dand (Unani)
Dan rog  དན་རོག  (Tibetan)
Picture Picture
Picture Croton tiglium
Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887

Picture Croton tiglium fruit (Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Croton tiglium

Parts used:

Prepared Seed; Seed oil
The root is occasionally used, most notably in Zheng Gu Shui.

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Very Toxic
It is very Hot”. (Avicenna)
Some said it is cool after being stir-fried (Ming Yi Bie Lu)


E. Cathartics


1. Warms and Purges Cold Accumulation:
-cold accumulation; acute abdominal pain and distention
-chronic and obstinate constipation from cold
-food stagnation, as well as chest and abdominal distention.
-‘purges all kinds of stagnation in the Five Viscera and Six Bowels’. (Shen Nong Ben Cao)
-‘As a purgative it is invaluable in cerebral hemorrhage, coma and insanity on account of its minute dose and the rapid and complete evacuation of the bowels which it causes in obstinate constipation and intestinal obstruction from impacted feces, Tape Worms, Dropsy, Hydrocephalus, Uremia, Delirium tremens, etc.’ (Gems of the Siddha system, Ramamurthi Iyer, 1986)
-“Evacuation induced by taking croton and with some softening drugs, keeps the hair black”. (Avicenna)

2. Clears Water and Cold-Phlegm:
-Edema and Cold Swellings
-Arthritic disorders
-purges all Humors, but especially Phlegm and Melancholy.

3. Clears Phlegm from the Chest:
-wheezing and difficulty breathing from Phlegm obstruction
-fullness and distention in the chest from excess Phlegm
-early stage Consumption, and racking pain in the Lungs;
-Lung abscess with excess Phlegm
-very small doses are used in India for Whooping Cough in children.
-TCM also uses it for sore throat from wind.

4. Resists Poison:
-various Fevers
-Syphilis, Gonorrhea
-Lead poisoning.
-detoxifies Cantharides and Snakes (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
5. Abortifacient:
-promotes abortion and expels a Dead Fetus

6. Settles Wind, Stops Spasms:
-Convulsions, Epilepsy, Apoplexy
-Stupor, Mania, Coma, DT’s, Insanity, and head injuries.
-‘dispels invading pathogenic Wind’ (Da Ming Ri Hua Ben Cao)
deviation of mouth due to invading pathogenic Wind’. (Li Shi Zhen)

7. Kills Worms:
-Kills and Expels worms

8. Externally:
i. Abscesses that have suppurated to promote healing
ii. severe Ulcers
iii. the Oil is applied externally, diluted with 3 parts of olive oil, as a counter-irritant in various types of pain including neuralgia, gout, arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism.
iv. in liniments for bronchitis, asthma and throat diseases including laryngitis.
v. applied instead of the older blister plasters.
vi. warts, furuncles, tumors and various dermatitis, as well as tinea (liniment is made with 1 part Croton Oil: 7-10 parts Olive Oil).


1. “It should be taken only in Cold countries by cold tempered persons and must never be taken exclusively [ie. by itself]”. (Avicenna)
2. “
If it is used with any purgative, then it should not be mixed up with Opium or any such strong drug. It may, however, be mixed up with Turpeth, juice of Fig, the extract of Wormwood, Indigo seeds and Saffron in two-fifth of its given quantity.” (Avicenna)
3. “If Ba Dou is used in bigger dosage, it has the function of treating a serious disease and dispersing the invading pathogenic factors. If it is used in a small dosage, it has the function of harmonizing the interior” (Li Shi Zhen)
Prepared Seed in Powder: 60–125mg (up to 300mg); “Its dose is about 200 mg”. (Avicenna)
Seed Oil has been taken in doses of half–1 drop.
Half–1 seed (prepared) was a traditional dose in India.


Note in all the preparations the green sprout (cotyledons) in the center of the seed are removed as they are most toxic.
“Croton should be peeled off using a (iron) knife. It should never be touched with lips because it fades the natural colour ofthe lips and makes them like those of persons affected by Leukoderma. When it is peeled off, there emerges a tongue-like thin structure nearly a half habbah. (63 mg) in weight. These “tongues” must be removed before using the pulp”. (Avicenna)

1. Milk-prepared Croton:
i. Siddha Preparation: Soak the seeds in water overnight. Remove the testa and cotyledons, then boil the kernels in milk 3 times. Then wash in water, and dry well. (Siddha)
ii. Ayurvedic Preparation: Soak the seeds in water overnight. Testa and cotyledons are removed as the preceding, the kernels powdered, are tied up in cloth and boiled with milk in Dola Yantra for 3 hours (The tied cloth is fully submerged in the milk but is not allowed to touch the sides or bottom). This is repeated three times. (Ayurveda)
iii. a more elaborate process involves suspending the cotytledons in a bag in a solution of Cow Dung, boiling slowly for 4 hours. Wash and dry in the Sun. Then repeat the process using a solution of Cane Jaggery, and lastly, Cow’s Milk. Wash well, dry in the sun, then fry in Ghee.
2. Stir-fried Croton seed (Chao Ba Dou)
  The seeds can be burnt until yellow-black, then beaten to a paste and dried. This is used for chronic abdominal diseases such as Food Stagnation and abdominal masses. (TCM)
  When carbonised until purple-black and the smokle has stopped, it was said to act as a mild laxative. (Wang Hao Gu)
3. De-fatted Croton Seed (Ba Dou Shuang)
  The testa and cotyledon is removed, then the seeds are beaten to a paste. The paste is pressed between blotting paper which absorbs most of the toxic oil. It is then dried and powdered. This is called De-fatted or De-oiled Croton seed and is most commonly used in modern TCM..
4. Wine-prepared Croton:
  Break 1 oz. of the seeds into small pieces, then stew with 70 mls. each of Wine and Sesame oil until the liquid is consumed. Grind the drug into a paste to use. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
5. Vinegar-prepared Croton:
  The seed may be stewed in vinegar, then washed and dried. (Li Shi Zhen)
6. Aloeswood-prepared Croton:
  When soaked in a decoction of Aloeswood (Chen Xiang) its action both ascends and descends. (Li Shi Zhen)
7. ‘The drug can be processed to make alchemical drugs. It is then good for nourishing blood and improving the complexion. It makes one more enlightened’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
8. A more elaborate preparation from the Siddha system is given below.


1. Gum Arabic, Tragacanth
2. Egg white, Milk, fresh curd (Unani)
3. Mastic
4. Borax (Ayurveda)
5. Used with Rhubarb lessens its activity and makes it more mild. (Li Shi Zhen)
6. Bees wax was used to moderate its effect in TCM.


1. Castor Oil can be used instead of Croton oil, with a larger dosage, this being much safer.
2. Castor seeds, purified, can be carefully used as a substitute for Croton seed. The 2 are regarded as different versions of the same medicine in Tibetan Medicine.
3. The seeds of Sophora flavescens were used in China, being less drastic but similar in effect. (Chinese Materia Medica, Stuauoft)
4. In Unani, Colocynth is an accepted substitute.

Main Combinations:

1. As a purgative in Constipation, prepared Croton with Chebula (or Black Chebula) and Rice, made into Pills. (See below)
2. Cold accumulation, prepared Croton with Rhubarb and Ginger (equal parts) as pills. For Cold obstruction with acute, sharp abdominal pain, full and distended abdomen etc. Dose: 300mg–1.5 grams with a decoction of Jujubes. (TCM)
3. Ascites:
i. due to Cirrhosis, Purified Croton, Apricot kernel (Xing Ren)
ii. purified Croton seed (9 parts), Ginger (3 parts), Black Pepper, Borax, purified Sulphur, purified Mercury (1 part each). Triturate with water and make 2 grain pills. (Ichchhavedivatika).
iii. Emblic and Chebulic Myrobalans, Cassia pulp, Baliospermum, Turpeth, milky juice of Euphorbia neriifolia, Picrorhiza, Senna, Cyperus rotundus, 1 part each; boil in water to one-eighth; then crush 1 part husked Croton seed, tie in a cloth and boil in the above decoction to a fluid extract consistency. To the extract add purified Croton seed (8 parts), Ginger (3 parts), Black Pepper, purified Mercury, purified Sulphur (2 parts each), and form a pills mass; make 2 grain pills. Used for serious Edema and Ascites (as in Mahandrcha Rasa of Ayurveda)
4. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, prepared Croton with Cinnabar
5. Fevers, Cough, Edema, Ascites, severe Headache, Abscesses, Prepared Croton with Asafetida, Rock Salt, Borax, Long Pepper, Picrorhiza, purified Aconite root, purified Orpiment. (Agasthiar Kushambu of Ayurveda)
6. Chronic Cough, Lung Cancer, Prepared Croton seed, Platycodon Jie Geng, Fritillaria Zhi Bei Mu., equal parts (This has been proven to be effective against various Lung Cancer cell lines)
7. Lung Abscess, defatted Croton, Fritillaria Zhi Bei Mu, Platycodon Jie Geng (equal parts). Powder. Dose: 375mg.
8. Abscesses and Ulcers, Croton with Myrrh and Frankincense, topically,
9. Trauma, Fractures, Dislocations: Croton root, Costus (Mu Xiang), Turmeric (Jiang Huang), Litsea Dou Chi Jiang, Gleditsia Zhu Ya Zao, Aconitum Kusnezoffii Cao Wu, Camphor as a topical tincture (as in Zheng Gu Shui)

Major Formulas:

San Wu Bei Ji Wan
Rhubarb 8 Ointment (Zab lag brgyad pa) (Tibetan)

    Croton prepared                   
    Chebula                                   10 grams each
    Rice                                           20 grams
Powder, sprinkle with water, add 10% by weight of Gum Arabic, mix, dry, then powder and form Pills of 250mg
Used for Constipation, dose is 1–2 pills. (Unani Pharmacopoeia of India)


1. Very toxic in overdose
2. Not used in the very young, weak or pregnant, or in those with Heart or Kidney disease.
3. Not used if there are hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal or renal inflammations, peritonitis, or for those with weak-type constipation.
4. Not used in Fever
5. Not applied to the head, face or genitals, and should not be applied to open skin. Application may cause itching, burning and swelling.
6. It consumes Yin and was accounted bad for male sexuality.


Toxicity is primarily due to the phorbol esters and crotonic acid. These are greatly reduced when prepared, especially when prepared with Milk.
1. Very toxic when unprepared, 1 gram of the unprepared seed can kill an adult. It should only be used in prepared form.
2. Overdose produces symptoms 1–3 hours after ingestion. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain and severe diarrhea with blood and mucus. It irritates the Kidneys so may cause hematuria, dysuria and proteinuria.
Severe poisoning causes hypotension, cyanosis, rapid heat rate with weak pulse, respiratory depression leading to shock.
3. Doses of 20 drops of Croton oil are lethal to human.
4. Assessment of acute, 14-day, and 13-week repeated oral dose toxicity of Tiglium seed extract in rats.
5. Mutagenic: (see here)

Drug Interactions:

Considered incompatible with Coptis Huang Lian, Veratrum Li Lu

A large number of antidotes have been given in Ayurveda and TCM:
1. If it causes griping, vomiting and excessive purging, a good draught of Lime juice, taken several times, is an excellent antidote. Another similar remedy is 4-5 oz. of Lemon juice taken with an equal amount of Conjee or Water. This is to be followed with a dose of Castor Oil. (Ayurveda)
2. Coriander seed is given with Curds and Sugar. (Ayurveda)
3. Cardamons macerated with Curds is also used. (Ayurveda)
4. Otherwise, in an overdose an emetic must be used immediately, followed by Olive Oil, Milk, or Egg Whites. Mucilage fluids and pain relievers are then given to ease the pain and inflammation.
5. Enough Ghee can be given to act as an emetic. (Ayurveda)
6. In Indian Medicine, Antidotes include washing out the stomach with gruel and mustard, or Olive Oil, or Diluted milk (4 oz. in 1 pint of water), and demulcent drinks including Linseed tea, Milk Whey, gruel etc; Opium and stimulants are also used. (Siddha)
7. In India, Borax is also said to be the antidote to Croton poisoning. Borax is often used in formulas with Croton.
8. Decoction of Isatis Ban Lan Gen with sugar. (TCM)
9. Peanut oil in doses of 60–120mls. (TCM)
10. Calamus juice counters the poison (Li Shi Zhen)
11. TCM has developed a number of compound formulas for Croton poisoning (Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, Chen and Chen, 2001):
i. Figwort (Xuan Shen) 12 grams, Calamus (Shi Chang Pu) 15 grams, taken every 4 hours for 3–4 doses.
ii. Mung bean (Lu Dou) 150 grams, Phellodendron Huang Bai 9 grams, Licorice 9 grams, taken every 3 hours for 2–4 doses.
iii. Coptis Huang Lian, Phellodendron Huang Bai, Paeonia Bai Shao, Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi), Dendrobium Shi Hu

Main Preparations used:

Purified Seed; Carbonised Seed; Seed Oil

    Croton seed (husk and epidermis removed), bruised, 2 oz.
    Alcohol, 60%, 12 oz.
Digest for 6 dfays, then strain.
Dose: 10–20 drops for an adult.

  • Extra Info
  • Preparation
  • History
  • Research
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In the Siddha system, prepared Croton seed is regarded as a powerful and useful medicine after correct processing.

  i) First, the entire seed is boiled in the Dung and Urine of a Cow or Buffalo.
  ii) Then the inner seed is separated from its cover, the cotyledons are removed
  iii) next boil in Lime juice, and after that in Vinegar.
  iv) next boil with Rice and Water, just like cooking Rice. Then dry them in the shade.
  v) then soak in Human (or Cow) milk for a day, then dried again in the shade.
  vi) Lastly, they are fried with a little Ghee or Castor Oil. Excess oil is wiped off and they are kept for use.

A Variation:
  i) Boil the seeds in a mixture of the juice of fresh Cow Dung, Tamarind leaf and Red Earth for 6 hours
  ii) Wash and clean the seeds, then break open and reserve the endosperm, throwing away embryo and seed coat
  iii) Cook the endosperm with Rice, just as if cooking rice.
  iv) Remove, wash, grind with Lime juice to a paste, then dry.

This is a common method of Purification in Siddha Medicine.
  The purification is said to remove or greatly decrease the toxic acids in the seed, while still retaining the active and useful principles.
  The purified seeds are much used as a purgative in the Siddha system, and many compound Pills are made with these as the prime ingredient. These pills not only produce copious watery stool, but also stop the complications of many diseases, and cure many others. When combined with suitable ingredients, and taken in appropriate vehicles, they are used as carminatives, febrifuges, hepatics, anti-lithics, diuretics, anthelmintics, expectorants, and antidotes. They are good for general pain, pain in the joints, muscles, or bone marrow, including these problems associated with Syphilis and Rheumatism. They are used in formulas for the Poisonous Bites of Snakes, Insects, and other Venomous Beasts.

  Research has found the purified seeds are not merely acting as an intestinal purgative, but have several other distinct functions and benefits:
  i) They irritate no organ.
  ii) They may safely be used as a common purgative, even in children;
  iii) Proper doses do not produce violent catharsis.
  iv) If a Cathartic effect is desired, it can be adequately controlled by simple intestinal astringents.
  v) Combining with such substances as Saffron and Musk enhances efficacy.
  vi) ‘Many alarming symptoms are controlled by a first dose of the Compound Croton seeds preparation’.
  vii) It is of such benefit in that only a small dose is needed.
‘In many instances, after giving this purgative, no further treatment will be required’.


The purified seed is more effective than the Oil in many diseases, and much safer to use. (The Gems of the Siddha System, T. G. Ramamurthi Iyer, India, 1986)
“In Europe, the seeds and wood of the tree were first described in 1578 by Christoval Acosta— the former, with a figure of the plant, appearing under the name of Pinones de Maluco. The plant was also described and figured by Rheede (1679) and Rumphius (1743). The seeds, which were officinal in the 17th century, but had become obsolete, were recommended about 1812 by English medical officers in India, and the expressed oil by Perry, Frost, Conwell and others about 1821-24. The oil then in use was imported from India, and was often of doubtful purity, so that some druggists felt it necessary to press the seeds for themselves”. (Pharmacographia, Fluckiger & Hanbury, 1879)
Botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological and toxicological effects of Croton tiglium Linn.: a comprehensive review.
[Study on chemical constituents of seeds of Croton tiglium and their cytotoxicities].

Impact of Shodhana an Ayurvedic purification process on cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of Croton tiglium Linn.
Detoxification of Croton tiglium L. seeds by Ayurvedic process of Śodhana.
[New processing procedure for Croton tiglium with study on comparison of Croton tiglium and processed product].

Evaluation of developmental toxicity and genotoxicity of aqueous seed extract of Croton tiglium L. using zebrafish.
Cytotoxic phorbol esters of Croton tiglium.

Activity-guided isolation of a novel protein from Croton tiglium with antifungal and antibacterial activities.

Anti-HIV-1 phorbol esters from the seeds of Croton tiglium.
[Inhibitory effects of some traditional medicines on proliferation of HIV-1 and its protease].
Combined effect of the extracts from Croton tiglium, Euphorbia lathyris or Euphorbia tirucalli and n-butyrate on Epstein-Barr virus expression in human lymphoblastoid P3HR-1 and Raji cells.

Antidermatophytic Activity of Ethanolic Extract from Croton tiglium.
Activity-guided isolation of a novel protein from Croton tiglium with antifungal and antibacterial activities.

Effects of essential oil from Croton tiglium L. on intestinal transit in mice.

Croton tiglium L. seeds ameliorate loperamide-induced constipation via regulating gastrointestinal hormones and gut microbiota before and after processing.
Characteristics, efficacy and safety testing of standardized extract of Croton tiglium seed from Indonesia as laxative material.
Gastro intestinal effects of croton tiglium in experimental animals.

Five new phorbol esters with cytotoxic and selective anti-inflammatory activities from Croton tiglium.

Neuroprotective and Anti-Neuroinflammatory Effects of a Poisonous Plant Croton Tiglium Linn. Extract.

Study on Components with Neuroinflammation Inhibitory Activities from Croton tiglium L. var. xiaopadou.
Neuroprotective and Anti-Neuroinflammatory Effects of a Poisonous Plant Croton Tiglium Linn. Extract.

Anticonvulsant effect of hydroalcoholic seed extract of croton tiglium in rats and mice.

Antinociceptive and Smooth Muscle Relaxant Activity of Croton tiglium L Seed: An In-vitro and In-vivo Study.

Alleviation of Collagen-Induced Arthritis by Crotonoside through Modulation of Dendritic Cell Differentiation and Activation.

Evaluation on Antidiabetic Properties of Medicinal Plants from Myanmar.

Five new phorbol esters with cytotoxic and selective anti-inflammatory activities from Croton tiglium.
Isolation of isoguanosine from Croton tiglium and its antitumor activity.
Ethanolic extracts of Pakistani euphorbiaceous plants induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells through induction of DNA damage and caspase-dependent pathway.
Antileukemic principles isolated from euphorbiaceae plants.
Croton tiglium essential oil compounds have anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in A549 lung cancer cell lines.
Discovery of a novel protein kinase C activator from Croton tiglium for inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer.
Croton Tiglium Extract Induces Apoptosis via Bax/Bcl-2 Pathways in Human Lung Cancer A549 Cells.
Ethanol extract of Kilkyung-baeksan, a traditional herbal formula, induces G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in human lung cancer cell lines.
Crotonianoids A-C, Three Unusual Tigliane Diterpenoids from the Seeds of Croton tiglium and Their Anti-Prostate Cancer Activity.

Crotonis Fructus Extract Inhibits 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate-Induced Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 via the Activator Protein-1 Pathway in MCF-7 Cells.