Crab Eyes
Oculorum Cancri‘Crab’s Eyes’ are small balls of calcium stored by several species of freshwater crayfish to repair their shells. They were traditionally used in medicine in the West.
‘Crabs-eyes are of different sizes, hemispherical or convex on one side, flat or concave on the other, of a bluish, whitish or reddish-white colour, of a leafy structure, moderately firm and compact: There are small striae upon the convex part, and irregular impressions in the concavity’. (Caspar Neumann, Chemical Works, 1773)
Medical Zoology, Hulme, 1861 |
Aldrovani, Musaeum Metallicum, 1648 |
Zoological name:
Astacus fluviatilis, is the River Crayfish. Other species have been used also.
Parts used:
Round calcareous masses found on river crayfish
Salts extracted form Crabs Eyes were also used
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, Sweet, Salty
1. Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-Crab Eyes were used for stones of the urinary tract
-also obstructions of the Urine
2. Clears Heat and Poison:
-often with Crab Claws against Epidemic diseases and Fever in children
-“an Antidote against the Plague, and all malignant Diseases”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
3. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis.
-used for Trauma, Bruising (Salts also) (Salmon)
-occasionally for Cancer
4. Antacid.
-also to help open the bowels.
-used for Ulcers and Fistulas to promote their healing
5. Externally:
-the powder was applied to cut nerves
-“The levigated Powder of Crabs Eyes, is a Specific to cure old Ulcers, and Fistula’s, being outwardly applied (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
-eyes were applied to the neck for redness and swelling of the Eyes (Leechcraft)
Powder: 200mg–1 gram (5 grains–1 scruple)
1. Dissolved in lemon juice to clear heat
2. Also levigated with Rose (for heat) or Fennel water (to promote Urine)
Several sources stated that Crab Claws have the same vertues as Crab Eyes.
Main Combinations:
1. Fevers and Spotted Fevers, especially in Children:
i. Crab Eyes with Coral, Amber, Pearl, the Black Tips of Crab Claws. (as in The Countess of Kents Powders)
ii. Crab Eyes with Pearl, Red Coral and Bezoar
iii. Crab Eyes with Burnt Deer Horn
2. Trauma, Bruising, Crab Eyes with Red Earth, Myrrh
3. Cancer, Crabs Eyes with Pill Millipedes and Viper (as in Powder for Cancer)
4. Gonorrhea, seeds of Cannabis, Millium Solis, Violet (½ oz.), Cucumber, Melon, Poppy (1 oz.), form an emulsion with Parsley water (qs); then add Amber powder, Crabs Eyes (1 oz. each). Form Penids. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
Major Formulas:
Powder of Crabs Claw (Countess of Kents Powder)
The White Powder
Powder for Cancer
‘Powder for those Hurt by a Fall’
Powder Against Heartburn
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Levigated or prepared powder