Cotoneaster, Tshar ‘brum ཚར་འབྲུམ་

Tshar ‘brum (fruit), Tshar pa dkar po (Tibet)
Picture Cotoneaster acuminatus
Revue horticole, sér. 4, Vol 61 (1889)

Picture Cotoneaster acuminatus
(Photo by Aka) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Cotoneaster spp.
Three types are mentioned in Tibetan texts: 1. Black type; 2. White type; 3. one growing on ‘high rocks’
  1. C. acuminatus (syn. C. bakeri, C. nepalensis, C. royleanus, C. roylei, Mespilus acuminata) Tshar pa dkar po
  2. C. microphyllus
  3. C. melanocarpus (Black-fruited variety, used in Nepal)
  4. Pyracantha crenulata

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sweet, Sour



1. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-excess Menstruation, spotting
-said to be very useful for other types of bleeding such as blood in the stool
-twigs and leaves also stop Bleeding

2. Clears Damp-Heat:
-Diarrhea, Gastritis, Colitis
-used for damp accumulating in the joints of the extremities
-in Unani the root decoction is used for Joint pain

Roots have an Anti-hypertensive effect


Some texts suggest the best method is to prepare a concentrated decoction from the ripe fruit. If this is not possible, the dried fruit can be used.
Decoction: 3–9 grams
Powder: 1–3 grams

Main Combinations:

Major Formulas:


Toxic in overdose. Contains cyanogenic glycosides.

Main Preparations used: