Corydalis melanochlora, De wa དེ་ཝ
De wa དེ་ཝ (Tibet)An Lu Zi Jin 暗绿紫堇 (TCM)
Maximowicz, C.J., Historia naturalis itinerum N. M. Przewalskii
per Asiam Centralem, vol. 1, Flora Tangutica, vol. 1 (1889)
Botanical name:
Corydalis melanochlora, C. bulbifera
Sman rams pa (1998) gives 3 types of De Wa:
- Sno De Wa: Corydalis melanochlora, C. bulbifera
- Chu De Wa: Saussurea hieracioides
- Shing De Wa: Populus alba, P. bonati
Parts used:
Entire plant
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet
1. Clears Wind-Heat
-Heat (Bile) disorders of the Channels
-Fever from Heat (excess Bile)
-Contagious Fever
Powder: 1–3 grams
1. Flowers of Gentiana decumbens
2. Saussurea hieracioides (Chu De Wa)
3. Populus alba, P. bonatii (Shing de wa) is regarded as a type of De wa in Tibetan Medicine. It may be used as a substitute.
4. Willow tree (Shing byar pa) is accepted as a substitute for P. alba (Shing de wa), indicating it may be a useful substitute for De wa.
5. Primula sibirica (herb) has been given by some sources.
‘Bulbous Fumitory’ was said to supply the market for Round Birthwort, and was in fact a bulbous Corydalis which may be related to C. bulbifera.
Main Combinations:
Major Formulas:
None noted