Coriandrum, Coriander
Kishneez, Kishniz (Unani, Seed)Dhanyaka (Ayurveda)
Koththumali Vitai (Siddha)
‘U su འུ་སུ (Tibetan, Seed)
Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 |
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 |
1. Small coriander. 2, Coriander of a normal size, 3, Indian coriander (not official)
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919
Botanical name:
Coriandrum sativum
Parts used:
Seed; Herb
Tibetan Medicine generally uses a combination of seed and herb.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Pungent
“Coriander is Cold from the last phase of the First degree up to the Second degree. It is Dry in the Second degree“. (Avicenna)
1. Clears Wind-Cold, Resists Poison:
-Cold, Flu, Sinusitis, Rhinitis
-Epidemic Fever, Malaria, Small Pox
-promotes Eruption of Measles, Small Pox
-Food Poisoning
-poisoning from Croton or Castor seed (Ayurveda)
2. Benefits Stomach, moves Qi:
-good for the Stomach; indigestion, colic, nausea, vomiting
-good for looseness if taken after food;
-suppresses vapors (Wind) that hurt the Head and cause belching.
-Morning Sickness
3. Clears Wind-Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, Ascites, Cystitis
-Rheumatism, Gout, Bone pain, Neuralgia
4. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-promotes and regulates Menstruation; can check excess menstrual flow
-Pain during Childbirth
-“Its extract, if used with milk, provides relief from all kinds of severe injuries” (Avicenna)
5. Settles Wind, Clears the Mind and Senses:
-Mental weakness, to improve Memory
-Headache, Deafness, Vertigo, Dizziness, Epilepsy
-acute diseases of the Sense organs
-also for Palpitations (Avicenna)
-“Dizziness and Epilepsy associated with Bilious or Phlegmatic fevers”. (Avicenna)
-“Its chief characteristics to prevent the vapours ascending towards the head”. (Avicenna)
6. Kills Worms
-including Filiariasis (seed powder, especially in children)
7. Externally:
-infusion of the seeds is used as an eyewash in Conjunctivitis, Blindness, and other eye diseases
-mouthwash for mouth Sores and a gargle for Throat Ulcers.
-poultice of the seeds is applied to Ulcers, Sores and Carbuncles
-juice or Cataplasm applied dissolves Lumps, Nodes and hard Tumors
-of particular benefit to chronic Ulcers (Ayurveda)
–seed fumes are used for Hemorrhoids (TCM)
-wash or enema of the decoction for rectal prolapse. (TCM)
Decoction: 3–6 grams, added towards the end of decocting.
Powder: 1–3 grams
1. Vinegar prepared Coriander seed:
Coriander seed was commonly steeped in Vinegar, then dried for use in the Western Tradition.
2. Roasted Coriander seed:
Roasted Coriander seed is more warming, milder, and more astringent; it was said to cause Constipation.
1. Lemon juice;
2. Honey
1. Lettuce seed;
2. Poppy leaf (Unani)
Main Combinations:
Burdock seed & Coriander seed
1. Indigestion, Colic:
i. Coriander seed with Fennel and Aniseed, Cinnamon and Clove
ii. Coriander seed with Fennel, Cumin, Cardamon
iii. digestive symptoms that occur after eating (nausea, bloating, heaviness, fullness, flushing, headaches, drowsiness etc.), Coriander seed with Aniseed, Fennel seed, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Clove, Long Pepper (as in Peptic Powder)
iv. Indigestion after eating, combine Coriander seed with Fennel seed, Tabasheer, Sodium bicarbonate, Emblic Myrobalan and Cardamon (as in Powder of Coriander, Unani)
v. Indigestion with Stomach weakness, Coriander seed with Aniseed, Cinnamon, Aromaticum Rosatum, Chicken Gizzard skin (as in Powder to Restore)
2. Poor Appetite, Coriander seed with Cardamon and Black Pepper (Ayurveda)
3. Hernia, Coriander seed with Comfrey, Valerian, Shilajit
4. Fever: Coriander seed with Fresh Ginger (TCM)
5. Thirst:
i. Coriander decoction with Sugar relieves Thirst from any cause. (Tibet)
ii. Coriander, Swertia, Emblic Myrobalan, Raisin (Tibet)
6. Acute Wind-Cold: Coriander seed, Ginger, Radish seed, equal parts in powder, taken with warm water. “This has been proven most thoroughly” (Tibetan Medicine–Tibetan Buryat Medicine)
7. Cough, Wheezing:
i. Coriander seed with Licorice and Long Pepper
ii. from Allergies, Coriander seed with Adhaotoda vasica
iii. Coriander seed, Radish seed, Licorice
8. Hemoptysis, Coriander with Plantain juice (Avicenna)
9. To strengthen Memory, Coriander seed with Bitter Almonds (Wirtzung)
10. Vertigo, Coriander seed with Cumin, Calamus, Marjoram, Aniseed, Fennel seed
11. Apoplexy, Coriander seed with Peony, Nutmeg, Mistletoe, Galangal, Cinnamon, Long Pepper, Rosemary
12. Excessive Menstruation, Coriander seed with Red Earth, Mastic, Amber (as in Powder for Menstrual Flux)
13. Morning Sickness:
i. Coriander seed with fresh Ginger
ii. Coriander seed with Ginger and Cyperus rotundus (as in Decoction for Morning Sickness of Ayurveda)
14. Threatened Miscarriage:
i. Coriander seed with Aloeswood, Sandalwood, Tabasheer, Bistort Purslane, Mastic, Red Coral, Cowry
ii. Bleeding during pregnancy, Coriander seed with Plantain, Bistort, Purslane (as in Powder for Bleeding During Pregnancy)
15. Melancholy, Coriander seed with Ginger, Cardamon, Saffron, Balm (as in Powder for Melancholy of Philon)
16. Madness, Mental Illness, Coriander seed with Water Lily flower Violet flower Rose Lettuce seed Poppy seed Red Coral Red Sandalwood
17. Stones, Burning Urine:
i. Coriander seed with Tribulus seed, Madder, Boerhaavia
18. Diabetes,:
i. Coriander seed with Acorn, Frankincense, Gum Arabic, Armenian Earth (as in Powder for Diabetes)
ii. Coriander seed with Rose, Pomegranate, Myrtle (Unani)
19. Incontinence, Coriander seed with Cypress nut, Myrtle berry, Red Coral, Amber, Tabasheer, Cyperus, Galangal (as in Electuary for Incontinence)
20. Rheumatism, Coriander seed with Fennel seed, Chebulic and Belleric Myrobalans, Licorice, Rose, Dill seed (Ayurveda)
21. Hot swellings, Coriander, Whiute Lead, Vinegar, applied topically (Avicenna)
22. Urticaria and Eczema, Coriander seed, Rose oil, Honey, Raisins, applied topically. (Avicenna)
23. Scrofula, Coriander, Broad Bean, roatsed Wheat flour, Chickpea flour, topically. (Avicenna)
24. Orchitis, fresh Coriander with Honey and Raisins applied (Avicenna)
Major Formula:
Triphala Electuary of Coriander (Itrifal Kashneezi)
Powder for Diabetes (Wirtzung)
Powder for Diabetes (Unani)
Powder for Bleeding During Pregnancy
Powder for Dizzyness and Vertigo (Gabelhover)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Wirtzung)
Powder for Madness (Rondeletius)
Powder to Strengthen the Stomach of Andernacus
Decoction for Morning Sickness (Ayurveda)
Pomegranate 9 Decoction (Se bru dgu thang) (Tibetan)
1. Carminative Spirit:
i. Coriander seed, Fennel seed, Carrot seed, Aniseed, Caraway seed, Dill seed (½ oz. each), Proof Spirit (4 lbs.). Digest several days, strain, then add White Sugar (12 oz.). Mix, filter. Dose: ½–1 oz. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
2. Honey Water:
i. Coriander (8 oz.), Fresh Lemon peel (1 oz.), Nutmeg, Storax, Benzoin (½ oz. each), Vanilla (3 drams), Alcohol (48 oz.). Infuse 24 hours, then distil. A little Ambergris and Musk can be added. Cephalic, Nervine, Cardiac, Pectoral, and Cosmetic. Dose: ½ ounce. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
Coriander seed was commonly said to hurt the Stomach and Head when taken raw, and was ordered to be steeped overnight in Vinegar, then dried. This is milder in effect. The hurtful quality is especially in the fresh state, and is lessened when dried, but corrected when prepared or roasted.
1. Not used in Yin deficiency.
2. Use carefully in Pregnancy
3. Said in Unani to lessen sexual activity in men and be adverse to the memory if taken in excess. “The fresh and dry Coriander reduces the Sexual desire, erectile power, and the volume of Semen” (Avicenna)
4. “Excessive use of fresh and dry Coriander causes mental confusion” (Avicenna)
Main Preparations used:
Vinegar-Prepared Seed, Confection of the prepared Seed, Distilled Water, Distilled Oil