Coral, Shan Hu 珊瑚
Praval (Ayurveda)Marjun (Unani)
Bassad, Besed, Bassath (Arabic)
Shan Hu (TCM)
Byu ru བྱུ་རུ, Jumar (Tibetan)
Hortus sanitatis, 1491 |
Gesner, De Rerum fossilium, 1565 |
A History of Plants, Hill, 1751
Red Coral necklace
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578
Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719
Various Coral species, including Corallina, dealt with elsewhere (bottom right)
Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704
Red Pipe Coral
This is more commonly used today due to it being found on beaches rather than harvested from reefs
(Calcutta Unani Medicine College, Adam, 2019)
Red Coral collected from beaches (Adam, 2019)
Zoological Name:
Various species of Red Coral:
- Corallium rubrum (syn. C. nobile, Madrepora rubrum)
- Corallium konojoi
- Tubipora musica (Pipe Coral, or Organ Pipe Coral)
White Coral is also used, but less commonly.
Parts used:
Red and White Coral; Red Coral roots are also used in Ayurveda and Unani medicine.
They are either prepared or burnt.
Only Coral found washed up on shores should be used.
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Salty, sweet.
“It is Cold in the first and Dry in the Third degree”. (Avicenna)
Primarily Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 87%, Magnesium carbonate 1.2%, Calcium sulphate 1.7%, Ferrous oxide 1.3%, Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), Sulphur, Potassium peroxide; traces of more than 70 minerals.
Over 100 organic matrix proteins, scleritin being most common;
Glycoproteins; sugar-binding Proteins, Collagen-like proteins
Hardness: 3.5–4
B. Clears Heat B. Clears Deficient Heat
1. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding, Stops Leakage (West, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine):
-excessive Menstruation, spitting Blood
-“wonderful for healing those spitting blood” (Galen)
-Incontinence, Leukorrhea, Gonorrhea, Spermatorrhea and other inflammation and discharge of the genitals
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, with or without Blood
-“Stops all fluxes [leakages] of the Bowels, Womb and Privy Parts”
-Damp-Heat diarrhea and urinary disorders
-White Coral was used for Leakages, Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea; Red was more used for Bleeding, heavy Menstruation, dysentery with Blood etc
2. Clears Heat, Stops Wind, Settles Spasms:
-Epilepsy, Obsession, Madness, Dizziness, Vertigo, Nervousness (West, Tibet, Unani, TCM)
-chronic Headaches and Brain and Nervous diseases (West, Tibet, Unani, TCM)
–Avicenna and Serapion both specifically used it for Epilepsy.
-TCM has used Coral similarly including Epilepsy from fright (Oriental Materia Medica, Hong-Yen Hsu)
3. Calms the Spirit, Benefits the Heart: (West, TCM, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine):
-Insomnia, Restlessness, excess Dreaming
-Melancholy, Anxiety with Palpitations
-Said to give wisdom, and make Cheerful and Merry
-“putteth away the foolishness of him that bears it and give wisdom” (Albertus)
-“Makes Men Lightsome, Cheerful, and Merry Hearted” (Salmon)
-“Coral drunk in wine provokes Sleep: but if the patient have an Ague, then it is with better success ministered in water” (Gerard)
-“Its black variety especially when burnt and washed, is a tonic for the Heart and useful in Palpitation” (Avicenna)
-Ayurveda uses the Bhasma for Insanity
4. Clears Heat, Cools the Blood, Resists Poison:
-various types of Fever; especially in Children
-Pestilential and Epidemic diseases such as the Plague
–Bhasma has been used for various Poisons, Fevers, and Leprosy in Ayurveda
-Menopausal symptoms including Hot flashes
5. Clears Stomach Heat, Neutralises Acid (West, Ayurveda, Unani):
-antacid in acid reflux, indigestion and vomiting.
6. Clears Heat, Stops Coughs (West, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine):
-Cough, Asthma, chronic Bronchitis and Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Heat and deficient Heat symptoms.
-“It stops hemoptysis and also acts as an expectorant”. (Avicenna)
7. Clears Heat, Benefits the Eyes:
-tearing, redness and irritation of the Eyes. (TCM, Ayurveda, West)
-Ayurveda uses the ash (Bhasma) for Eye disorders.
-said to strengthen Eyesight
-mostly used topically as a Collyrium for the eyes.
8. Benefits the Yin, Restrains Leakage (West, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine):
-debility and deficiency, including that from chronic disease, chronic Fever, old age, or excessive lifestyle (similar to Pearl).
-Emaciation, Debility, Rickets
-Prevents Miscarriage.
-long-term use was said to promote longevity
-Red Coral has also been used for Female Infertility: “It was supposed to possess the virtue of making women fruitful” (Lexicon of Alchemy).
-“By taking Coral ash (Bhasma) regularly, strength of the body can be increased” (Ayurveda)
9. Externally:
i. Powder of Red Coral put into a hollow tooth was traditionally said to make it Fall out without pain (Various), although this is probably a mis-translation of older texts which used the powder to stop Toothache (‘extract the tooth pain’, not ‘extract the tooth’).
ii. Long used in Tooth powders (in both the East and West).
iii. externally to fill up Ulcers with flesh. (Salmon)
iv. Worn to improve negative effects of Mars in the Natal Chart. (Ayurveda)
v. Traditionally Worn to protect from Evil, Evil Eye, Ghosts, Nightmares (esp. Children)
vi. Traditionally Worn to Cool, benefit the Heart, and resist Poison
-The Bhasma is used in Ayurveda for Indigestion, Constipation, Anemia, Jaundice and Obesity. It is regarded as strengthening to the body. (Ayurveda)
-Burnt Coral is more drying, and was given with water for griping, and also for bladder Stones. It is more drying and therefore better to remove dampness.
Levigated Powder: 125mg–1 gram (up to 3 grams traditionally)
Bhasma / Khusta: 30–125mg
1. Levigated Coral:
In the Western Tradition it is finely levigated with Rose water until impalpable. This is still performed in Unani and Ayurveda (where it is called Pishti).
2. Purified Coral (Ayurveda):
It is soaked in Lemon or Lime juice for a day, then washed well and dried. This preparation appears in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani.
2. Prepared Coral (Tibetan):
Coral is boiled with Chebulic Myrobalan, Dryopteris root (Re ral) and Saltpeter for 4 hours. The water and herbs are disgarded and the Coral is washed well. After processing the color of the Coral is much lighter.
4. Burnt Coral, Coral ash or Bhasma:
It is sometimes burnt to make it stronger to stop Bleeding and leakage. It is prepared as Bhasma in Ayurveda and Kushta in Unani.
1. Tragacanth (for the Kidneys)
2. Tabasheer (for the Throat)
3. Cinnamon (for Nausea)
4. Anise, Tragacanth and Gum Arabic (for the Nerves)
1. Amber (Unani)
2. Dragon’s Blood (Unani)
3. White Coral with 5% Hematite powder added
4. To calm the Mind and Spirit, Pearl or Mother of Pearl
5. To Stop Bleeding, Red Earth
Red Coral has several distinct uses:
1. Bleeding, especially from Heat
2. Wind-Heat affecting the Mind and Nerves, Insomnia, Spasms, Mental disorders
3. Benefiting Yin and Essence
4. Clearing Heat and Poison, Fevers, especially in Children
5. It is also very useful for disorders of old age, Osteoporosis, Restlessness or Insomnia, Menopausal symptoms etc.
Main Combinations:
Coral and Pearl
Red Coral is often combined with Pearl to nourish Yin, clear Heat, calm the Mind and Nerves. Pearl is stronger to nourish Yin; Red Coral can strengthen Blood and clear Heat; Coral is more drying, Pearl is more Cooling. Pearl has a signature of turning adversity into perfection while Coral has a signature of consolidation, accumulating the useful to create a solid foundation Together, they mutually enhance one another. Amber is often added too.
Pearl, Red Coral & Amber
1. Heart weakness:
i. Red Coral, Pearl, Amber, Aloeswood, Saffron, Mastic
ii. Comfort the Heart Yin, clear Heart from the Heart, Red Coral with Pearl, Red Earth, Dragons Blood, Aloeswood, Rose, Tragacanth, Cinnamon, Sandalwood (as in Diacorallion)
2. Palpitation,
i. Red Coral with Pearl, Amber, Saffron
ii. Red Coral with Rose conserve, Pearl, Jacinth, Emerald, Citron seed, Sorrel seed, Sandalwood
iii. Red Coral with Mastic, Cinnamon, Basil, Mint, Marjoram, Long Pepper (equal parts). To 10 drams of this powder add: Pearl, Coral, Amber, burnt Silk, Red and White Behen, Indian Spikenard (half dram each), form an Electuary with Honey with Chebula added. It strengthens the Heart and Stomach and stops Palpitations (Wirtzing)
Head, Brain and Nerves:
3. Strengthen the Head, Mental Weakness or Dullness, Anxiety Restless, Red Coral with Tabasheer, Rose, Indian leaf, Aloeswood, Mace (as in Powder to Strengthen the Head)
4. Headache from Wind, Red Coral with Cinnamon, Triphala, Sandalwood, Cardamon, Clove, Nutmeg (Wrtzung)
5. Melancholy, Dementia, Red Coral, burnt Silk, burnt Deer horn, Pearl, Cardamon, Pine nuts, Hyssop, Licorice, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon, Saffron, seethe in Bugloss (or Borage) Water, then with Sugar form a syrup. (Wirtzung)
6. Obsession, Charms, Nervousness, Melancholy, Red Coral with St. Johns wort, Storax (Paracelsus)
7. Epilepsy:
i. Red Coral, Pearl, burnt Silk, Galangal, Cardamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Peony, Cinnamon, Saffron (Wirtzung)
ii. Red Coral, Pearl, Mistletoe, Amber, Peony, Gold leaf (Wirtzung)
iii. Epilepsy, Dizziness, Panic disorder, Red Coral, Amber, Pearl, Ginseng, Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Dang Gui (TCM)
8. Red Coral is the basis for an important Tibetan Formula for various nervous diseases and diseases of the Brain, Red Coral 25.
Leakages and Bleeding:
9. Diarrhea:
i. Red Coral with Marmelade of Quince, Diamargaritum frigidum
ii. Red Coral with Tormentil, Myrrh, Tragacanth, Plantain seed, Dragons Blood, Red Earth (Pemell, 1652)
iii. Rhubarb, yellow Myrobalan (both parched, 2 drams), Red Earth (1 dram), Sandalwood, Coral (1 scruple each), Pearl, Troches of Spodium (1 dram each), Dose: 1–1½ drams in Plantain water (Wirtzung)
10. Heat-type Bleeding:
i. Red Coral with Red Earth, Pomegranate flowers, Earth of Lemnos, Henbane seed (as in Troches of Coral)
ii. Vomiting Blood following Trauma, with Rose, Comfrey, Red Earth, Hematite (Pemell, 1652)
11. Hemopytsis:
i. Red Coral (2 parts), Tragacanth (1 part), form pills with Barley Water. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
ii. Red Coral with Pearl, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic
iii. Red Coral with Barberry juice, Henbane seed, Gum Arabic, Violet flower
iv. Red Coral (1 scruple), Henbane seed (10 grains), Plantain water (3 oz.); mix. (Wirtzung)
v. Red Coral with Conserve of Rose, Conserve of Violet, Triasantalum, Purslane seed, Plantain seed (Wirtzung)
vi. Red Coral, Poppy seed, Sealed Earth, Red Coral, Hematite, mixed with Conserve of Rose
vii. Plantain seed, Butchers Broom seed (1 dram each), Pearl, Red Coral, Amber, Hematite, Dragons Blood (2 drams each), Tragacanth, Gum Arabic, Frankincense (3 drams each). Mix. Dose: 1 scruple (Wirtzung)
12. To prevent Miscarriage:
i. Red Coral with Aloeswood, Sandalwood, Tabasheer, Bistort root, Purslane seed, Armenian Earth, Mastic (as in Powder of Muhafiz Janeen of Unani)
ii. Red Coral with Purslane seed, Aloeswood, Tabasheer, Bistort, Peony root, Oak Galls, Silkworm Cocoon, Pearl, Honey, Grape juice syrup, Gold leaf (as in Hamal Ambari Alvi Khani of Unani)
13. Ruptures (Hernias), Red Coral with Myrtle berries, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Knotgrass, Plantain seed, Garden Cress seed (Pemell, 1652)
14. Back weakness, Red Coral with Amber, Cinnamon, Nutmeg
15. Spermatorrhea, take a raw egg with a little powder of Mastic and Red Coral added. (Wirtzung)
15. As a Yin Tonic, Red Coral with Pearl
16. Tooth powder, Red Coral with Pyrethrum, Mace, Mastic, Pumice, Red Earth
17. Swelling and bleeding of the Gums, Red Coral topically with Frankincense and Mastic
18. A traditional ‘Cordial Shield’ against Swooning: Borage flower, Violet flower, Sandalwood, Coral, Rose, Saffron, Camphor, Musk. These are to sewn into a red silk bag and hung over the Heart. (Wirtzung)
Major Formulas:
Troches of Coral (Galen)
Troches of Coral (Diacorallium) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Coral (Diacorallion) (Nicholas)
Cooling Powder of Gems
Red Hungarian Powder
The White Powder
The Goa Stone
Powder of Gems for Palpitations (Wirtzung)
Powder to Strengthen the Head
Powder for Cold Diseases of the Head (Renodeus)
Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach (Nicolas)
Powder for Stomach Pain from Bile
Powder for Vomiting of Blood
Troches of Red Coral
Troches of Red Coral (Samarqandi)
Troches for Heart Weakness
Electuary for Arthritis
Electuary of Pearl (Galen)
Electuary of Steel (Unani)
The Great Electuary
Letificans Electuary (Unani)
Letificans Cooling Electuary (Unani)
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Pills of Bdellium (Mesue)
Pills to Prevent Miscarriage (Wirtzung)
Pills to Stop Bleeding (Unani)
Safoof e Jawahar Mohra (Precious Defender Powder) (Unani)
Cantharide 37 (Tibetan)
Mauktika Yukta (Pearl Compound) (Ayurveda)
Mother of Pearl 13 (Tibetan)
Precious and Great Multi-Jewel Compound Pill (Rin chen mang sbyor chen mo) (Tibetan)
Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Rin chen ratna bsam ‘phel) (Tibetan)
Red Coral 25 (Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga)
Turquoise 25 (Rin chen gyu rnying nyer lnga)
Generally Safe.
1. It is heavy and cold, and hard to digest. It should be used cautiously in cold and weak digestion. It can cause nausea.
2. Harmful for the Kidneys and Bladder (in excess). (Unani)
Doses of up to 2000mg/kg in rats had no ill effect.
CITES listing
Red Coral is listed on CITES as endangered and trade is generally forbidden. The trade that mostly endangers Coral is for jewellery. Large pieces of gem quality Red Coral fetch high prices and this mostly feeds illicit trade. However, lower quality and non-gem quality red coral, especially Pipe Coral, can be commonly found on tropical beaches. Further, direct communication with the head office of CITES in Europe confirmed that Red Coral Powder or Sand is not covered under the convention. Therefore, trade in Red Coral powder as used in medicine is neither a predominant factor in making Red Coral endangered, nor is it prohibited by the CITES international convention.
Main Preparations used:
Prepared (levigated) Powder, Bhasma
Extra Info
Dioscorides: “Coral seems to be a sea plant which hardens when it is drawn out of the deep — taken out of the sea and as it were, dipped into the air flowing all around us. Great amounts of it are found in the promontory called Pachynum near Syracuse. The best is red like sandarac or sandyx [very red], a very intense colour. This is easy to pound; even throughout its whole concretion, with a mossy smell like little seaweed, and with many branches, imitating cinnamon in the form of little shrubs. That hardened like stone, rough, without colour, hollow and loose, is thought to be worthless. By its strength it is therapeutic for the bowels, cools gently, represses abnormal growths, takes off scars on the eyes, fills up hollow sores and cracks, works effectively against spitting up blood, is good for frequent painful urination, and (taken as a drink with water) reduces the spleen. Some have called it lithodendron“. Crollius: “The secrets that are in Coral are altogether admirable and its faculties beyond expression” |
Salmon, Seplasium: It is called Bassad, Besed, Bassath, Belisis and Morgen in Arabic; in Greek, Korallion, Lithodendron and Georgeia; in Latin Corallium, Corallum; Pliny calls it Cirolium, Caerulium, Dendrites, Sandastrum; in English, Coral. There are three main colors: White, Black and Red. The red came from East Indies, the Tyrrhene and Sicilian Sea and came chiefly out of Italy. The White was found in the West Indies, Spain, France and on the west coast of England. The Black was from Spain. The deep red is best, the paler types being less good. The clear, clean White is next best. It is levigated very finely on a marble; it is cool, dry and binding, strengthens the Heart, Stomach and Liver, absorbs acidity, purifies the Blood, resists Plague, Epidemics and Poison. It stops leakages from the Bowels, Womb or Urinary tract, prevents and cures Dysentery, Gonorrhea and Spermatorrhea, Leukorrhea. Used for Epilepsy in children, 10 grains being given with mothers milk. It stops Bleeding, helps difficult Urination, eases the Spleen and is prevalent for the pain of Bladder stones. Topically it helps Ulcers, fills them with flesh, and cicatrizes. In Collyriums it helps the eyes, stops tearing and strengthens the Eyesight. Dose is 1 scruple to 1 dram in a suitable vehicle. From it were prepared a Tincture, Syrup, Salt and Magistery. The Arabs had some compound medicines based on Coral. |
–The application and sustainable development of coral in traditional medicine and its chemical composition, pharmacology, toxicology, and clinical research.
–The Application of Coral in Traditional Medicine and Its Chemical Composition, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Clinical Research
–Ethno-Pharmacological Profile of Corallium Rubrum L., an Important Marine Drug, in the Unani System of Medicine
–Arginine Kinases from the Precious Corals Corallium rubrum and Paracorallium japonicum: Presence of Two Distinct Arginine Kinase Gene Lineages in Cnidarians.
–Ethnopharmacological study of natural products used for traditional cancer therapy in Algeria
–Healing with animals in the Levant from the 10th to the 18th century
–Characterization of the proteinaceous skeletal organic matrix from the precious coral Corallium konojoi
–In-house preparation and characterization of an Ayurvedic bhasma: Praval bhasma.
–Clinical evaluation of Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha Churna and Praval Pishti in the management of menopausal syndrome.
–Effect of Praval bhasma (Coral calx), a natural source of rich calcium on bone mineralization in rats.