Consumption & Tuberculosis
Consumption is the classic Yin-deficient Heat disease. In traditional theory, long-term heat has damaged the Yin and is now burning the fluids and tissues of the body. The body slowly wastes, becomes emaciated, with Night Sweats and fevers in the Afternoons, a withered look, dull eyes and a parched mouth. This describes the Yin deficient Heat of TCM perfectly, and is also the cause of the Hectic Fever of the Western Tradition.Treatment requires clearing the Deficient Heat while Nourishing the Yin. Acute and serious cases may require stronger medicines to attack Heat (anti-bacterial medicines), while Chronic cases with marked weakness require a focus on restoring Yin and nourishing the Body.
While TCM has specific herbs for clearing Deficient Heat, in practice Yin tonics with cooling medicines are often used. Medicines such as Pearls can be used to support the Yin while clearing Heat.
Western Tradition Phthisi conferunt–Consumption 1. Betony powder mixed with Honey into an Electuary and taken. 2. Pine nuts beaten with wine and honey until the consistency of Honey. 3. Boil Marshmallow in milk or wine and take. 4. Take a quart of Snails, break their shells and wash well in water. Then boil in half a gallon of Milk until boiled to half. Take half a pint every morning. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) 5. Nothing was praised more than the Confection of Fox Testicles by classical writers. 6. Prepared Fox Lungs were also highly regarded. 7. Lungs and Heart of a Goose boiled and eaten (Secrets of Alexis) Sugar of Rose Infusion for Consumption Decoction of a Cock Pectoral Decoction Decoction of River Crayfish Decoction of Snails Decoction Against Lung Ulcers Syrup of Violet Syrup of Hyssop Syrup Against Consumption Syrup of Snails Syrup of Poppy compound Syrup of Violet Compound Syrup of Sweet Pomegranate Syrup of Comfrey and Plantain (Boyles Syrup) Compound Syrup of Comfrey Gelatin of Deer Horn Lohoch of Fox Lungs Tincture of Honey Confection of Fox Testicles Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum) Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum Nicolai) Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung) Diathamaron Magna (Nicholas) Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas) Powder of Crabs (Unani) Powder of Three Sandalwoods (Diatrionsantalum) Philonium Romanum (Nicholas) Troches of Camphor (Nicholas) Sugar Penids (Diapenidium) Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas) A Sound and Experienced Electuary (Mesue) Sweet Almond Oil Copper 25 (Zangs thal nyer lnga) Death Healing Nectar (Bdud rtsi chi gsos) Mercury Precious 18 (Dngul chu rin chen bcho brgyad) Principle 25 (Gtso bo nyer lnga) Rhinoceros Horn 25 (Bse ru nyer lnga) Tabasheer 25 (Cu gang nyer lnga) Great Cold Compound Precious Black Pill Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Ratna bsam ‘phel) |
TCM Classification Acute Stage-Heat and Phlegm Beginning stages with Cough with yellow Phlegm, Fever and chills; rapid pulse Xiao Chai Hu Tang Qi and Yin Deficiency Fatigue, short of breath worse after little exertion, dry throat, thirst, cough, scanty sputum, spontaneous sweating. Pulse is weak, tongue is pale. Sheng Mai San Bu Fei Tang Jiu Xian San Yin Deficiency Dry cough, chest pain when coughing, tidal fever, Night Sweats, heat of the palms soles, dry skin, dry throat, insomnia, irritability; dry and red tongue, weak pulse. Bai He Gu Jin Tang Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Ma Wei Di Huang Wan Zuo Gui Wan Zuo Gui Yin Yin Deficient Fire As above with more heat symptoms; low grade Fever, stronger Night Sweats, insomnia, maybe blood in the sputum, emaciation; tongue is more red, maybe cracked, with a weak and rapid pulse. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan Da Bu Yin Wan |
Sample formula
1. Oatmeal, 5 cloves of Garlic minced, Currants one handful. Boil in broth and take morning and evening. (Natura exenterata, Philatros, 1655)
2. Prepare a broth with a Rooster, China root, Raisins, Dates, shaved Deer horn, Maidenhair, Thyme, Violet
3. Dates, Raisins, Figs, Maidenhair, Coltsfoot, Aniseed, Coriander seed, decoct down to half
4. Fox Lungs prepared, Licorice, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Maidenhair (equal parts) powdered; prepare a sugar syrup until thick then add the powder to form an Electuary.
5. Syrups of Hyssop, of Coltsfoot, of Licorice (1 oz. each), Flowers of Sulphur (½ scruple)
6. Crabs burnt, Poppy seed, Tragacanth, Tabasheer, Licorice