
Constipation is a difficult or incomplete emptying of the Bowels. In general, in Humoral Treatment, the Humor associated is Purged. The Humoral Treatment can be seen under Purging the Humors. Softening, cooling, loosening foods are used. Enemas of Oil and Herbal Decoctions are a main part of Treatment in Traditional Medicine.

Medicines used for Constipation can be divided into three classes:
1. Laxatives: gentle, safe; used in children, pregnancy and in the weak. They are mostly moistening, lubricating medicines from various seeds and Fruits pulps such as Cassia Fistula, Tamarind and Prunes.
2. Purgatives: these promote bowel movement and are of medium strength. They should be used carefully and long-term use in forbidden. Aloe, Senna and Rhubarb are of this class.
3. Cathartics: these are the strongest class, capable of passing water via the bowels in full doses. They are often toxic and are generally only used in formula with Laxative or Purgative medicine to facilitate their activity. They are also used for serious types of Edema such as Ascites, but only in strong patients.

Also see
Purging the Humors

Western Tradition

These are used for Constipation in the Old, Young or Weak, and for Chronic Constipation.
Infusion of Linseed
Common Decoction
Decoction of Fruit
Potion to Purge the Delicate 
Syrup of Fresh Roses
Oil of Sweet Almond
Electuary of Prunes (Nicholas)

Electuary of Dates (Mesue)
Elixir of Health
Stomach Pills (Mesue)
Pills of Mastic (Mesue)
Pills of Aloe and Mastic
Pills to Clarify (Pilulae Lucis Majores) (Mesue)
Bruhath Triphala Churna (Ayurveda)

Constipation from Weakness of the Bowels
Triphala Electuary of Coriander (Itriphal Kishneez)

Constipation caused by Heat
Syrup of Fresh Roses
Syrup of Apples Purgative (King Sabors Syrup) (Mesue)
Compound Syrup of Senna

TCM Classification

Qi Stagnation with Heat
Irritable, restless, emotional, tender breast, hypochondriac pain, headache, insomnia, dry mouth, dry eyes, premenstrual syndrome, red edges to the tongue with thin white or yellow coat, wiry, rapid pulse
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San

Dryness of the Intestines or Yin or Blood Deficiency
Dry stool, constipation with weakness, dryness and qi stagnation:
Si Wu Tang (Blood deficiency)
Ma Zi Ren Wan
Run Chang Wan

i. Heat in the Stomach and Intestines: constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention, fullness in the epigastric region, dirty and dry yellowish coating on the tongue, slippery and rapid pulse
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang

ii. Liver Heat: dizziness, vertigo, restless, angry, dark urine or dysuria, red tongue or red edges on the tongue, yellow coat, wiry or big pulse
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan

iii. Shao Yang / Yang Ming: alternating Fever and Chills, vomiting, bitter taste, nausea, fullness in the chest and abdomen, constipation, maybe with alternating diarrhea, thick yellow coating, forceful pulse
Da Chai Hu Tang

iv. Yang Ming: severe Constipation, abdominal pain, Fever (no Chills), sweating, dry mouth, irritable, dry yellowish or blackish tongue coat with heat spots (papillae), deep and strong pulse, maybe fast
Da Cheng Qi Tang

v. Heat with Qi and Blood deficiency. with Constipation with passage of clear, watery mucus, adbominal pain and hardness, low energy, weak voice, dryish yellow or blackish tongue coat with a weak pulse.
Huang Long Tang

vi. with Blood Stagnation: abdominal pain, tension and hardness; irritability, fever, thirst, dysmenorrhea or obstructed menstruation, purplish tongue coat, nails, lips; deep, choppy pulse.
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang

vii. Heat and Water accumulation: severe constipation, obstructed urine, water accumulating in the Lungs, chest or abdomen, edema, forceful, rapid and deep pulse
Zhou Che Wan

Cold or Yang Deficiency
Abdominal pain, cold limbs, feels cold, aversion to Cold, white greasy tongue coating or puffy tongue, wiry and tight pulse
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang (Cold obstruction)
Wen Pi Tang (Yang deficiency)

Food Stagnation
With Damp and Qi stagnation: fullness in the stomach, abdominal distention and pain, flatulence, foul belching, acid regurgitation, sour taste, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, greasy yellow tongue coat
Bao He Wan (excess cases)
Jian Pi Wan (deficient cases)
Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan (with Damp-Heat)

Special Formula

1.  Honey
    Roasted Sesame oil                   1 spoonful each
mix together, then stir into hot water and take once daily. This is suitable for deficient and dry type constipation, as seen in the weak and elderly.
2.  Rhubarb                                      4 grams
Infuse in boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and sweeten with sugar.
3. Cassia seed (Jue Ming Zi)         
    Cistanche Rou Cong Rong      10 grams each
Decoct and add Honey. This is suitable for chronic constipation, constipation in the old or weak, and constipation from dryness.

    Figs, washed and minced     500 grams
    Senna leaves, finely ground      5 grams
Knead them together to form sausages, then wrap in aluminium foil and store in the refrigerator. To use, a piece the size of a hazelnut (a third for children) is taken every morning on an empty stomach (Maria Treben)

    Figs                                               3 oz.
    Cinnamon                                    2 oz. ea.
    Senna leaf                                   1 ¾ oz.
    Prunes                                          1 ½ oz.
    Coriander seed                           6 drams
    Peppermint                                 1 ½ drams ea.
    Simple Syrup                              1 pint
Cover the fruits and herbs with water, boil them well down until thick, then add the Syrup

    Apricot seed (Xing Ren)
    Pine nut (Song Zi Ren)
    Cannabis seed (Huo Ma Ren)
    Biota seed (Bai Zi Ren)                9 grams each
Beat the seeds and infuse in boiling water. It is a gentle moist laxative suitable for the old and weak. This can be drunk freely. (TCM)