Confectio de Hyacintho
Confection of Hyacinth
Western, Unani
The stones must be properly prepared by levigation or other means; The Earths are prepared by levigating with Rose water then drying; Make a Confection with 4 oz. of Syrup of Lemons to every ounce of the above Powder by slowly adding the powders to the Syrup, adding the Musk, Ambergris, Gold and Silver towards the end.
It was often made without Musk and Ambergris.
Strengthens, clears Heat, benefits the Heart, stops Wind, settles the Mind and Nerves, Resists Poison
1. Syncope, Fainting
2. Palpitations
3. Heart weakness
4. Melancholy,. Sadness without Cause, Depression
5. Protects the Heart in Epidemic disease
6. Small Pox, Measles, Epidemic Fever
7. Weakness or Debility due to Fever
8. Shortness of Breath
9. Promotes a Happy disposition; Exhilarant
10. Dysentery
11. Some recommended it for Cancer
1 scruple–1 dram; in Fever, take with Syrup of Lemon
None noted
1. In some versions the Raw Silk, Bone of a Stag’s Heart and Camphor. Some used burnt Ivory instead of Ivory.
2. Dysentery, take with Troches of Amber
3. Also for Dysentery, take with Plantain
4. In Fever, take with Syrup of Lemons.
5. Syphilis, combine Confect. de Hyacinth with Confection of Alkermes and Abbot’s Confect of Roses as a strengthener in the long-term treatment of Syphilis.
6. Cancer: Confect. de Hyacinth 1 1⁄2 oz., Confect. Alkermes 3 drams, Conserve of Rose, Conserve of Bugloss root 1 oz., Syrup of Apples, qs, form an Electuary. Take as much as a nut with wine.
‘It much helps the Heart and Noble parts in their affections; it cures the Syncope, exhilarates the Heart, emends Palpitations, dulcorates the Breath, takes away Melancholy, and her sister Sadness without a manifest cause; it cures venerate and contagious diseases, and produces the same effects with the Confection of Scarlet grains [ie. Confectio Alkermes]’. (Renodeus)
Cardanuus said his Powder of Hyacinth cured many of Melancholy within 8 days.
Some said it has the virtues of Confectio Hamech, and used it for Cancer.
Although the author of this formula is uncertain the formula was in common use for a very long time. Galen had a powder which was likewise named after the Hyacinth stone, but this version is very different from his original and dose not therefore carry his name. Cardanuus had a Powder of Hyacinth, but it is not certain if this is a modified version of his prescription in the form of a Confection.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures
Confection of Hyacinth
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb NameJacinth (Zircon)Red Coral Armenian Earth Lemnian Earth Kermes (Chermes) Tormentil Dittany root Citron seed Sorrel seed Purslane seed Saffron Myrrh Rose Red Sandalwood White Sandalwood Yellow Sandalwood Bone of a Stag’s Heart Burnt Deer horn Ivory Emerald Topaz Sapphire Pearl Silk Gold leaf Silver leaf Camphor Musk Ambergris |
The stones must be properly prepared by levigation or other means; The Earths are prepared by levigating with Rose water then drying; Make a Confection with 4 oz. of Syrup of Lemons to every ounce of the above Powder by slowly adding the powders to the Syrup, adding the Musk, Ambergris, Gold and Silver towards the end.
It was often made without Musk and Ambergris.
Strengthens, clears Heat, benefits the Heart, stops Wind, settles the Mind and Nerves, Resists Poison
1. Syncope, Fainting
2. Palpitations
3. Heart weakness
4. Melancholy,. Sadness without Cause, Depression
5. Protects the Heart in Epidemic disease
6. Small Pox, Measles, Epidemic Fever
7. Weakness or Debility due to Fever
8. Shortness of Breath
9. Promotes a Happy disposition; Exhilarant
10. Dysentery
11. Some recommended it for Cancer
1 scruple–1 dram; in Fever, take with Syrup of Lemon
None noted
1. In some versions the Raw Silk, Bone of a Stag’s Heart and Camphor. Some used burnt Ivory instead of Ivory.
2. Dysentery, take with Troches of Amber
3. Also for Dysentery, take with Plantain
4. In Fever, take with Syrup of Lemons.
5. Syphilis, combine Confect. de Hyacinth with Confection of Alkermes and Abbot’s Confect of Roses as a strengthener in the long-term treatment of Syphilis.
6. Cancer: Confect. de Hyacinth 1 1⁄2 oz., Confect. Alkermes 3 drams, Conserve of Rose, Conserve of Bugloss root 1 oz., Syrup of Apples, qs, form an Electuary. Take as much as a nut with wine.
‘It much helps the Heart and Noble parts in their affections; it cures the Syncope, exhilarates the Heart, emends Palpitations, dulcorates the Breath, takes away Melancholy, and her sister Sadness without a manifest cause; it cures venerate and contagious diseases, and produces the same effects with the Confection of Scarlet grains [ie. Confectio Alkermes]’. (Renodeus)
Cardanuus said his Powder of Hyacinth cured many of Melancholy within 8 days.
Some said it has the virtues of Confectio Hamech, and used it for Cancer.
Although the author of this formula is uncertain the formula was in common use for a very long time. Galen had a powder which was likewise named after the Hyacinth stone, but this version is very different from his original and dose not therefore carry his name. Cardanuus had a Powder of Hyacinth, but it is not certain if this is a modified version of his prescription in the form of a Confection.

How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures