Coltsfoot & Licorice

Coltsfoot is Neutral, Pungent and Sweet. It strengthens the Lungs, clears Phlegm, stops Cough and relieves Wheezing. It is said to have a downward effect in TCM. It is useful in acute and chronic conditions, and conditions with Heat, Cold, Deficiency or Excess, depending on the herbs it is combined with. It has a long history of use in various traditional medical systems where it is often used for various Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Asthma, Wheezing, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, and even Emphysema, Silicosis and Tuberculosis.
Licorice is warm and sweet, strengthens the Spleen, Tonifies the Qi, and benefits the Stomach. It is also much used for Cough, Asthma and various Lung diseases, and has an effect of clearing Heat and Poison. It is also a main medicine to relieve the negative effects of all harsh medicines.

Together combination potently strengthens and regulates the Lungs. It can be used for acute Cough and Bronchitis, but is also useful for chronic Lung disease including Asthma, Breathlessness, Wheezing

Key Indications:
  • Acute and chronic Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Breathlessness
  • supportive in chronic Lung diseases including Emphysema, Silicosis and Tuberculosis.

Pectoral Decoction, Anti-Asthmatic Syrup, Syrup of Horehound, Syrup of Wild Mustard, Syrup of Elecampane, Syrup Against a Consumption, Syrup of Coltsfoot, Linctus of Coltsfoot, Tablets of Coltsfoot, Pectoral Salt

    Coltsfoot root                 1/2 lb.
    Coltsfoot leaf
    Coltsfoot flower            4 handfuls
    Maidenhair                     2 handfuls
    Licorice                           1 oz.
Boil the bruised roots in 8 pints of water for half an hour, add the leaves and boil 15 minutes more, then add the rest, boil briefly and remove from the heat, allow to sit, then strain and press. Clarify with an egg white, then add 5 lbs. of Sugar and form a syrup.
  Used for Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Cough, shortness of Breath, Breathlessness, Asthma etc.

    Coltsfoot leaf powder   1/2 oz.
    Licorice root powder     1/2 oz.
    White Sugar candy        12 oz.

With Gum Tragacanth, dissolved in Pectoral decoction, form Tablets.
  Good for acute Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Cough.