Cocos, Coconut
Indian nutNarikela (Ayurveda)
Narjeel (Unani)
Thenkai (Siddha)

Botanical name:
Cocos nucifera (syn. Cocos indica)
Parts used:
Coconut water, Dried pulp, Oil
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, moist. Sweet
“Hot in the first phase of the Second degree and Dry in the first degree. It contains some noticeable superfluous moisture but the fresh one is Moist in the first degree”. (Avicenna)
1. Nourishes Yin:
-nourishes Sperm
-used for heat and dryness of the Stomach, Lungs and Kidneys
-the Milk has been used successfully for debility, incipient phthisis, and cachexia
-“stimulates Sexual desire”. (Avicenna)
2. Benefits Spleen, Increases Qi:
-promotes strength
-strengthens Heart
1. Clears Heat, Nourishes Fluids:
-Fever, Thirst
2. Clears Stomach Heat:
-Stomach heat, hyperacidity, gastroenteritis
-proven to protect from gastric mucosa damage
3. Promotes Urine:
-increases urine output
4. Externally:
-juice with rice flour is applied to abscesses, carbuncles, gangrenous sores, indolent ulcers
-given in Phthisis with benefit
-soothes and moistens skin; relieves Itch
-promotes hair growth, nourishes and thickens hair; Alopecia, greying hair
-applied to Frostbite, Burns, Wounds.
-it can be used as Sesame oil externally but is generally regarded as inferior (except to nourish the hair)
-has also been used as a substitute for Cod Liver oil and Lard
Dried Coconut meat: 10–20 grams
Coconut Oil: 1–2 spoonfuls
1. Rose (Unani)
2. Milk, Cane Sugar (Unani)
1. Pine nut, Pistachio, Walnut (Unani)
2. Sesame oil for the Oil

Main Combinations:
1. Nourish Sperm and as an Aphrodisiac:
i. dried Coconut flesh, Almond, Pistachio, Orchis, Clove, Nutmeg with Ghee and Honey (as in Majun-e-Pethapak of Unani)
ii. dried Coconut flesh, Almond, Pistachio, Hazelnut, Pomegranate seed, Black and Long Pepper, Ginger (as in Electuary of Fruit Kernels)
iii. dried Coconut flesh, Almond, Pistachio, Clove, Nutmeg, Ginger, Deer Pizzle, Skink tails (as in Confection to Increase Seed of Augusta)
2. Asthma, dried Coconut flesh, Pine nut, Poppy seed, Cinnamon, Orris, Tragacanth (as in Majoon-e-Rahul Momineen)
3. Thirst, Sandalwood powder is given with Coconut Milk.
1. Skin diseases:
i. Wrightia bark with Euphorbia hirta, Toddalia asiatica and Clitoria ternatea in Coconut oil and applied topically.
ii. Oil for Skin diseases, Barberry with Turmeric, Rock Salt, Psoralea, boiled in coconut milk (Siddha)
2. To promote hair growth:
i. Frankincense powder is mixed with Coconut oil and applied
ii. Alopecia, Coconut Oil in which a paste of Datura seeds has been heated is used as a topical application for Alopecia
3. Topically for Lice, Neem Oil, Coconut oil (equal parts
Major Formulas:
Majoon-e-Rahul Momineen
Confection to Increase Seed of Augusta
Electuary of Fruit Kernels (Rhazes)
Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung)
Asparagus Ghee (Shavatari Ghritam) (Ayurveda)
Oil for Skin Diseases (Siddha)
Excess use was said to damage the stomach and digestion
Main Preparations used:
Coconut oil, Coconut milk