Cochlearia, Scurvy-grass

Picture Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586

Picture Atlas der officinellen pflanzen, Felix, 1899

Botanical name:

Cochlearia officinalis (syn. C. pyrenaica)
Several varieties were used:
  1. Common, English, or Sea Scurvy Grass
  2. Great Garden or Dutch Scurvy Grass
  3. Small Dutch Scurvy Grass

Parts used:

Leaf (preferably fresh)

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry.


1. Warms the Stomach, Clears Damp,
-Good for the Spleen; good for Hypochondriac diseases
-Indigestion, poor appetite
-Scurvy ‘for which it is famous’.
-also for Melancholy

2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Edema, Dysuria, Stones
-Arthritis and Rheumatism
-good for Tartarous diseases
-Paralysis from Damp
-Diaphoretic, resists Putrefaction

3. Externally:
-juice topically for rotten gums, even after Small Pox.
-sore Mouth and Throat, used as a gargle
-used in Enemas; used in Baths ‘to loosen the Joints’.

Main Combinations:

1. Scurvy:
i. Scurvy-Grass with Cress
ii. Scurvy with Horseradish
iii. Scurvy-Grass with Cress, Buckbean, Burdock root, Horseradish
iv. Scurvy-Grass with Horseradish, buds of Spruce Fir
v. Scurvy-Grass with China root, Water Cress, Rocket (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
vi. Scurvy-Grass with Sorrel, Agrimony, Chicory, Fumitory
vii. Scurvy-Grass with Buckbean, Fumitory, Cough Grass
viii. Scurvy-Grass with Mustard seed, Horseradish seed, Rocket seed, Cress seed, Pepperwort, Hops
ix.. Scurvy-Grass with Wormwood, Brooklime, Borage, Bugloss, Fumitory, Cress, Elecampane, Fern root, Orange peel, Tamarisk bark, (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
2. Edema, Gout, Stone, Scurvy-Grass with Horseradish
3. Melancholy humor:
i. decoction of Scurvy-Grass, Betony, Camomile, Oregano, Marshmallow, taken before bathing (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. Scurvy-Grass, Watercress, Scarlet Pimpernel, Wormwood, Wild Rue, decoct and aromatize with Cinnamon (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
iii. Scurvy-Grass, Asparagus root, Fennel root, Licorice, Polypody, Fumitory, decocted, add syrup of Borage juice and taken with Confectio Hamech. (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)

The Diet Drink:
  Scurvy Grass Juice 5 pints
  Angelica juice 1 pint
  Burdock root half pound
  Horse Radish root 4 oz.
  Mustard seed bruised
    Coriander seed bruised
    Nutmegs half ounce each.
  Orange peel 3 oz.
  Senna 4 oz.
  New Ale 10 quarts
Add the juice to the ale, put the other ingredients into a a bag and steep in the the juices for 2 days. Cleanses the Blood, used for skin diseases. (Salmon, Botanologia, 1710)


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Conserve of the Leaf, Distilled Water, Syrup of the Juice, Spirit of the fermented Leaves, Expressed Juice, ‘Volatile common Salt of the Juice’.

1. Conserve of Scurvy-Grass:
  Scurvy Grass 1 part
  Sugar 2 part
For weakness of the Stomach, poor appetite, indigestion