Cistanche, Broomrape, Rou Cong Rong 肉苁蓉
Rou Cong Rong (TCM)von Ledebour, Icones plantarum novarum, vol. 4: 1833
Large wild Rou Cong Rong for sale in Chengdu (Adam, 2016)
Cistanche tubulosa
(Photo by Nikola, cropped) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Cistanche deserticola is the official species.
Other species used in China include:
- C. salsa
- C. sinensis
- C. tubulosa
Parts used:
Fleshy Stem of the parasitic plant.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, moist. Sweet, Salty
N. Yang Tonic
1. Tonifies Kidney Yang, Benefits Essence:
-Impotence, Spermatorrhea, Incontinence, dribbling Urine
-Cold pain in the Back and Knees, Lumbago
-Infertility, Excess Uterine Bleeding and Leukorrhea from Coldness of the Uterus
-‘treats the Five Overstrains and Seven Damages … Nourishes the Five Viscera’ (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
-‘long-term use makes one feel happy’. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
2. Moistens the Intestines:
-constipation from intestinal dryness, especially in the weak or elderly.
3. Moves the Blood:
-dissolves hard masses in Women. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
‘The dosage of the drug should be comparatively big, otherwise it won’t work’. (Kou Zong Shi)
Decoction: 9–20 grams
Powder: 1–4 grams
Li Shi Zhen noted that it replenishes very mildly.
Steamed with wine to make it warmer and increase its effects of Warming Yang.
1. Cynomorium Suo Yang has ‘twice the efficacy of Cistanches Rou Cong Rong‘. (Li Shi Zhen)
2. Boschniakia rossica is used as Rou Cong Rong in Inner Mongolia. It may actually be a stronger tonic.
Main Combinations:
1. Impotence:
i. Cistanche Rou Cong Rong decocted with Mutton
ii. and cold pain of the Lower back, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cynomorium Suo Yang.
iii. with Spermatorrhea, weakness and pain of the Lower Back, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Cuscuta Tu Si Zi and Schisandra Wu Wei Zi.
iv. with dribbling Urine, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Dispacus Xu Duan, Eucommia Du Zhong, Dodder seed (Tu Si Zi)
v. Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Morinda Ba Ji Tian, Eucommia Du Zhong, Placenta
2. Infertility from Blood and Essence deficiency, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Angelica Dang Gui, Deer horn Gelatin Lu Jiao Jiao and prepared Placenta Zi He Cao.
3. Kidney weakness with abundant clear Urine, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Alisma Ze Xie, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Dang Gui
4. Strengthen Kidneys and Essence, and for lower back pain and weakness:
i. Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cnidium seed (She Chuang Zi), Schisandra Wu Wei Zi, Aconitum Fu Zi.
ii. Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Dioscorea Shan Yao, Poria Fu Ling, Velvet Deer Horn (Lu Rong)
5. Nourish Essence and Blood, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Goji fruit, made into a wine.
6. Nourish the Tendons and Marrow, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Polygonatum Huang Jing
7. Inability to gain weight, despite always hungry, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Schisandra Wu Wei Zi.
8. Constipation:
i. in the elderly, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cannabis seed Huo Ma Ren.
ii. caused by excess sweating Cistanche Rou Cong Rong with Cannabis seed Huo Ma Ren, and Aloeswood (Chen Xiang)
9. As a tonic food, soak in wine to remove the black juice, then cut into slices and cook with Chinese Yam (Shan Yao) and Mutton.
Major Formulas:
Zan Yu Dan
Tu Si Zi Wan
1. Heavy and moist, so not used in Digestive weakness with loose stool.
CITES listing:
Cistanche deserticola is endangered in the wild, so is listed on CITES.