Cinnamon, Clove & Nutmeg
This trio Warms the Kidneys, increases Yang, clears Cold and Damp, potently regulates Wind and Qi, promotes Circulation and Digestion.
Specifically, Cinnamon Warms the Kidney Yang, and has a special effect of guiding the Kidney Yang back to its source. Clove potently guides the Qi of the body, especially the Yang Qi. With its pungent and piercing quality, it penetrates all thickness and obstruction to allow the smooth flow of Qi. Nutmeg also warms the Yang Qi of the Lower Body. However, because of its astringent nature, it helps astringe the Qi which is apt to be scattered by the warming, pungent quality of the other medicines. Together, they work to move the Qi without scattering, break through obstruction without depleting, and warm the Kidneys without causing the excess rising of Yang Qi to the head.
By warming the Kidneys, it is effective for Edema, Leukorrhea and Diarrhea when caused by Cold and weak Kidneys. It may also be used for Incontinence. It is a sexual stimulant to both Sexes, and therefore treats Frigidity and Impotence (Cinnamon increases Testosterone levels). Some cases of Diabetes will respond well to this combination (adult-onset with signs of Kidney deficiency but without Heat). Cinnamon has proven to be able to stimulate fat cells into responding to Insulin in type II Diabetes, and both Cinnamon and Clove have been shown to promote more effective use of Insulin by the body, while Nutmeg astringes the urinary system.
This combination can have the effect of increasing the 7 Body Tissues, including the Essence (Jing or Ojas), especially in cold and damp bodies. Cinnamon has been listed to increase the 7 Body Tissues in older Tibetan and Ayurvedic sources. Nutmeg can restrain or hold the Essence because of its astringency.
As it strongly clears Cold and Damp and regulates Wind, it is effective for cold-type Muscle and Joint Pain, Arthritic disorders, as well as Fluid Swelling, and Lymphatic Swellings associated with Wind, Damp and Phlegm.
It warms the Stomach, promotes Digestion, relieves Wind and Colic, and regulates the Bowels. Useful in Poor Appetite, Abdominal pain or distention. It may also be used for Hiccough, Vomiting and Diarrhea associated with Wind or Phlegm. It is good for all cold pain of the digestive system as well as for pain associated with spasms of the smooth muscle.
It strongly regulates the Nervous system due to its regulatory effect on Wind. It may therefore be used for Vertigo, Dizziness, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Numbness, Parkinsonism and various mental and nervous imbalances associated with Cold, Damp or Wind. This combination moves the Qi, but also regulates it. Clove has a special function of regulating Qi. It can therefore force Qi through stubborn or chronic obstruction without exciting the nervous system or disturbing the Mind and Spirit. Nutmeg likewise strongly moves the Qi, but because of its astringent nature, harnesses the Yang Qi, stopping it from rising to the Head in excess. The combination of these two medicines therefore strongly orders and directs the Qi to its proper flow. They therefore also have a reputation for increasing the function of the Senses and improving Memory.
All three of these medicines have individually been used for Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Wheezing and shortness of Breath when caused by Wind and Phlegm. It may be used for Asthma caused by weakness of the Kidneys (Na Qi function in TCM), and may even benefit more serious Lung conditions associated with Cold, or Wind and Phlegm.
Cinnamon is Cardiotonic and increases circulation in both central and peripheral blood vessels and is anti-hypertensive. Nutmeg inhibits platelet aggregation, and Clove can help regulate circulation due to its regulatory effect on Qi which conducts the Blood. Nutmeg is regarded as a main medicine for Heart disorders in Tibet and Ayurveda, Clove likewise being commonly used for the Heart. These effects, joined with the warming and stimulating properties of the herbs and their Yang-increasing effect, makes this combination a potent Heart and Circulatory tonic for use in chronic Heart diseases associated with coldness and poor circulation. It is also useful for Palpitations and mild cases of Angina.
It is no less effective in coldness of the Uterus. It is useful for Amenorrhea, painful Menstruation and other Menstrual disorders caused by coldness, or Wind and Phlegm. It helps make the Uterus ‘fruitful’ and strengthens the same. It may be taken during Labour to Stimulate Birth, and may be taken after Labour to stop Bleeding and reduce the Uterus to its normal size and place.
These medicines have also long been regarded as potent against Infectious diseases. They have all shown strong inhibition of various Bacteria, Virus and Fungii. Diptheria, Dysentery, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Staph. aureus are all inhibited by 2 or more of these herbs. Strong Inhibition of the Influenza Virus is also well represented by Cinnamon and Clove.
Tumurs and Cancer are also an indication. In traditional medicine Tumors, in general, are caused by Wind and Phlegm. This potent combination regulates Wind and Qi, and penetrates and wastes Phlegm, thereby being useful for Tumors. Clove potently induced differentiation of mouse Leukemia (M1) cells (being one of the strongest out of over 400 herb extracts tested). Cinnamon has proven anti-tumor effects, increases Cytostatic activity of Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF), stimulates general Immunity, and is anti-ulcer. Various other beneficial effects, including the Antioxidant and circulation-promoting effects make this a potentially useful combination for Tumors and Cancers.
The grateful warmth of these spices cherishes the Heart and Circulation, enlivens the Mind, and regulates the Qi, therefore promoting happiness of the Spirit.
All three of these medicines have demonstrated Sedative, Tranquilising and Analgesic effects. Lastly, this combination provides good levels of Antioxidants (Clove is particularly strong).
1. Mace is used fairly synonymously with Nutmeg. Some formulas (such as Aromatic Clove Powder) listed Mace instead of using Nutmeg. For the purpose of the present writing, Mace and Nutmeg are considered interchangeable.
2. In this combination, the Cinnamon would generally appear in a proportion 3-5 times that of the Clove and Nutmeg.
1. It should not be used in conditions with strong heat and dryness, or in cases with Yin deficiency.
1. For the Heart and Nervous system, Amber is a good addition. It is especially good for Vertigo, Lethargy, Emotional, Nervous or Mental disorders.
2. For Lung conditions, add Licorice, Almonds and Raisins, and take with Honey.
3. To support the Qi and Yang while warming and activating the same, combine with Licorice and Elecampane or Atracylodes.
Aromaticum Rosatum, Aromatic Clove Powder, Rosata Novelle Powder, The Restorative of Nicholaus, Diacinnamonum, Rosemary Powder Compound, Sweet Powder of Musk, Imperial Pills, Troches of Wood of Aloes, Nutmeg Tablets (of Platerus), Elixir Vitae, Apoplectic Balsam, Imperial Water Corrected, Cephalic Water, Imperial Water, Infusion and Water of Rosa Solis, Comp. Wine of Zedoary, Bezoardic Extract.
A number of Tibetan and Ayurvedic formulas combine these medicines to regulate Wind, and for digestive disorders: Clove 22, ‘Mind Increasing Jewel’ of Tibetan Medicine; Nilvagai Churam of Ayurveda etc.