
Cinnamon & Licorice

It is a potent combination to warm the Stomach and Spleen while strengthening the same. Licorice strengthens the Spleen and increases Qi, while Cinnamon warms, invigorates, clears Cold and Damp, and helps in the distribution of nutrition. It is therefore very useful for poor and debilitated digestion with cold and damp. Symptoms may include Nausea, Vomiting, lack of Appetite and general debility.
It warms and strengthens the Heart and promotes circulation. Used for Palpitations, Fainting, and Heart deficiency, especially with poor circulation.
This combination also warms the Lungs and facilitates expectoration of cold Phlegm. It may be used for chronic cold-type Cough and Wheezing.

Another important aspect of this combination is on the Kidney Qi and Yang. Licorice increases Kidney Qi while Cinnamon warms the Kidney Yang. Together, they effectively restore Kidney Yang Qi.

It was also used to prepare for childbirth. For 2 weeks before the due date, a little is taken with wine, and traditionally, with a little Venice Treacle.

Key Indications
  • Heart Yang deficiency with Coldness, Palpitations
  • Cough, Wheezing, Breathlessness from Cold and weak Lungs
  • Preparation for Childbirth

Decoction against Arthritis and Gout, Stronger Common Decoction, Restorative Electuary, Electuary for a Duke, Electuary of Orris, Electuary for Melancholy, Solutive Electuary of Prunes, A Sound and Experienced Electuary, Electuary of Senna, Electuary of Seeds, The Delicate Solutive Electuary, Electuary of Ginger, Linctus of Coltsfoot, Tincture of Sun Dew, Powder of Aniseed, The Restorative of Nicholas, Aromatic Clove Powder, The Stone-Breaking Powder, Warming Pearl Powder of Mesue, Greater Sugar Penid Compound, New Rose Powder, Aromatic Rose Powder, The Abbots’ Confect of Roses, Compound Rosemary Powder, Greater Powder of Senna, Tragacanth Warming Powder, Gross Powder, Troches Resisting Poison of Renodeus, Tablets of Storax

1. To prepare for Birth, take Cinnamon and Licorice in a little wine every day for 2 weeks before delivery. During Labor, a little Saffron with or without Amber can be added.
2. For Cold Phlegm of the Stomach and Lungs, add Mastic, Aniseed, Fennel and Clove (as in Powder of Aniseed)
3. For weakness of the Lungs, add Sugar Penids, Pine nuts, Sweet Almonds, Poppy seed, Gums Arabic and Tragacanth (as in Greater Sugar Penid Compound)
4. Coldness and weakness of the Lungs, add Tragacanth, Hyssop, Pine nuts, Sweet Almonds, Linseed, Fenugreek (as in Tragacanth Warming Powder)
5. For Sadness, Grieving, Worry, Fearfulness, Lethargy, mild Depression, and to promote a Cheerful disposition, add Clove, Galangal, Aloeswood, Rose, Mace, Basil, Citron peel, Pearl and Red Coral (as in The Restorative of Nicholas)
6. Nausea associated with Cold and Damp, add Clove, Zedoary, Sandalwood, Indian Spikenard, Rose (as in Aromatic Clove Powder)
7. Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Vomiting, as well as Palpitations, add Rose, Clove, Indian Spikenard, Galangal, Storax, Cardamon (as in New Rose Powder)
8. To strengthen the Heart and for Palpitations, Fainting and Parkinsonism, add Aloeswood, Clove, Galangal, Indian Spikenard, Nutmeg, Storax, Pearl, Amber (as in Warming Pearl Powder of Mesue)
9. Against Infection, add Angelica, Gentian, Tormentil, Zedoary, Ginger, Clove (as in Troches Resisting Poison of Renodeus)