Cimicifuga racemosa, Black Cohosh

Black Snakeroot
Picture Cimicifuga racemosa
The Family Flora and Materia Medica Botanica, 1845

Picture Cimicifuga racemosa
(Photo by SB Johnny, edited) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Cimicifuga racemosa (syn. Actaea racemosa)

Parts used:

Dried root and rhizome

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral. Pungent, Bitter


A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold


1. Regulates Qi, Promotes Menstruation:
-painful or delayed Menstruation; Amenorrhea
-Menstrual Cramping, pain at Ovulation
-useful during Menopause, PMS, Hysteria
-weak or irregular uterine contractions during labor; to prepare for Birth (King’s)
-also for Threatened Miscarriage

2. Moves the Blood, Clears Wind-Damp, Benefits the Joints:
-muscle and joint pain
-acute Rheumatism (for which it often cures within a week)
-Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica
-Chorea, Tinnitus, Apoplexy

3. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison:
-traditionally for Snake Bite
-was used in the reformed Venetian Theriac
-useful to settle acute Coughs



Powder: 1–2 grams
Decoction: half–1 teaspoonful in a cup of water, bring to the boil and simmer 15 minutes; take 3 times daily.
Tincture (1:5 in 60% alcohol): 2–4mls.
Fluid Extract (1:1 in 90% alcohol): 5–30 drops (0.3–2mls.)
Dry Extract: 3–5 grains (200–300mg)

Main Combinations:

Obstetrics & Gynecology
1. Amenorrhea
i. Black Cohosh with Pennyroyal
ii. Black Cohosh with Rue
iii. Black Cohosh with Rue, Valerian, Wormwood
2. Dysmenorrhea:
i. Black Cohosh, Viburnum prunifolium
ii. with Endometriosis or Lesions, Black Cohosh, Viburnum prunifolium, Dioscorea villosa
3. Uterus Fibroids, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Agnus Castus, Dioscorea villosa, Dandelion
4. Endometriosis, Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus, Dioscorea villosa
5. Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS):
i. Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus
ii. Black Cohosh with Sage
iii. Black Cohosh, Dang Gui, Cyperus rotundus
iv. with Headache, Black Cohosh with Rue, Sage, Lavender, Wormwood
6. To regulate the hormones, Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus
7. Reproductive tonic:
i. Black Cohosh, Dang Gui, Agnus Castus, Asparagus racemosus Shatavari
ii. Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus, Wild Yam root, Licorice
8. Threatened Miscarriage, Black Cohosh, Viburnum prunifolium
9. To prepare for Childbirth:
i. Black Cohosh and Raspberry leaf tea, taken for 3 weeks before the due date.
ii. Black Cohosh, Licorice, Cinnamon as a powder, taken for several weeks before the due date
iii. Black Cohosh, Raspberry leaf, Blessed Thistle, Pennyroyal
10. Menopausal Syndrome:
i. with Sweating, Black Cohosh with Sage
ii. with hot flashes, Black Cohosh with St. Johns wort
iii. with hot flashes, Black Cohosh, Motherwort, Sage
iv. Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus, St. Johns wort, Sage
v. Black Cohosh, St. Johns wort, Rue, Sage, Licorice
vi. with Arthritic complaints, Black Cohosh, Harpagophytum, Blue Cohosh, Sage
vii. with Anxiety and Tachycardia, Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus, St. John’s wort, Motherwort, Balm
viii. with Incontinence, Black Cohosh, Agrimony, Raspbery leaf
ix. with marked Kidney weakness, Black Cohosh, Dioscorea Shan Yao, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Agnus Castus, Cinnamon

Arthritic complaints
11. Arthritic complaints, Black Cohosh, Yarrow, Angelica, Celery seed
12. Acute Rheumatism, Black Cohosh tincture (2 tablespoons), Aconite tincture (30 drops); mix into 6 tabelspoonfuls of syrup. Dose: 1 tablespoon every 3 hours.
13. Rheumatoid Arthritis:
i. Tincture of Black Cohosh and Colchicum, equal parts. Dose: 10–50 drops.
ii. Black Cohosh, Menyanthes, Filipednula, Guaiacum, Yarrow, Celery seed
iii. Black Cohosh, Sassafras bark, Juniper berry, Colchicum, Potassium nitrate (Fenner’s)
iv. Black Cohosh, Poke root, Juniper berry
v. Black Cohosh with Harpagophytum

Head & Wind diseases
14. Tinnitus, Black Cohosh with Ginkgo leaf
15. Phrenitis, Black Cohosh, Betony, Vervain
16. Black Cohosh with Rue
17. Apoplexy, Black Cohosh, Betony
18. Muscle Tremors, Black Cohosh with Valerian
19. Myalgia, Spasms:
i. Black Cohosh with Lobelia (as in Antispasmodic Tincture)
ii. Black Cohosh with Valerian

Major Formulas:

Antispasmodic Tincture, Modern Theriac Venezian:

i. Modern Theriac Venezian:
          Angelica                                      10 grams
          Black Cohosh                               7 grams
          Cinnamon, Valerian, Zedoary    3½ grams each
          Myrrh, Black Cardamom            1¾ grams each
This is a modern adaptation of the old and grand composition which was known as Theriac. Traditionally, it was often added to various compositions, and it is still to be found in Swedish Bitters, for example. This is based on a very old version which was much larger. (From the German Pharmacopeia)


1. Avoid during pregnancy, excepting in the last few weeks of pregnancy and during Labor.
2. Large doses cause Nausea, Headache, Vertigo, Tremors,

Main Preparations used:
