Chenopodium, Goosefoot
Fat Hen, White Goosefoot, Wild Spinach, PigweedVastuka (Ayurveda)
Parupukeerai (Siddha)
Bathua (Unani)
al-Sarmagh (Arabic)
Sne ‘U སྣེའུ་ (Tibetan Medicine)
Li (TCM)
Chenopodium album
E. Korsmo, Unkrauttaflen – Weed plates – Planches
des mauvaises herbes – Ugressplansjer, (1934-1938)
Botanical name:
Chenopodium album (syn. Atriplex alba)
In Tibetan Medicine, several types of Sne ‘U are used:
1. C. album (Sne ‘U)
2. C. botrys
3. C. album subsp. pedunculare
4. C. suecicum
Chenopodium ambrosioides is used very similarly.
Parts used:
Whole plant
Seeds are also used
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, moist (Unani). Sweet. (Neutral in Tibetan Medicine)
1. Clears Heat and Damp, Opens the Bowels:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery (TCM)
-Abdominal pain; inflammation of the Stomach and Intestines
-Intestinal Ulcers (Ayurveda)
-Swelling of the Liver or Spleen (Ayurveda); Hepatitis; Jaundice
-Edema Dysuria (Unani)
-Constipation; widely used as a gentle laxative in numerous cultures
2. Clears Heat and Toxin, Resolves Swelling:
-Fever (Tibetan Medicine); Thirst
-Eczema; Scab and Lichen (TCM); Pruritus
-swelling sores; Tumors; Cancer
-Poisonous Insect Bites (TCM)
3. Clears Heat, Stops Cough:
-Sore and swollen Throat
-Cough, Bronchitis
-Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4. Kills Worms:
–Hook worms, Round worms, intestinal amoeba
-used for Worms (Juice or seed oil)
5. Externally:
-applied to decayed teeth (TCM)
-Heat and swelling of the Eyes
-Atopic Dermatitis
-used in cosmetics for Wrinkles
-seed paste applied to marks and spots of the skin (Unani)
-Cuts, Wounds (West, Tibet)
-heals Fractures (Tibet)
Seed: 3–9 grams
Herb: 5–15 grams (10–30 grams fresh)
Similarly to Spinach, it is regarded as nourishing the Blood and has been used for Anemia. (Tibetan Medicine, Ayurveda)
Spices (Unani)
Main Combinations:
1. Viral Hepatitis, Chenopodium seed, Agrimony, Chicory root, Yarrow, Senna, Dodder seed, Fumitory, Swertia, Rhubarb (as in the patent formula Kabdeen of Unani medicine)
Major Formulas:
Unless corrected with warming and aromatic herbs, it may cause flatulence.
Main Preparations used:
Seed oil