Chelidonium minus, Lesser Celandine or Pilewort

Picture Bulliard, Herbier de la France, 1776-1783

Picture Gourdon & Naudin, Nouvelle iconographie fourragère, Atlas, 1865-1871

Botanical name:

Ranunculus ficaria

Parts used:

Whole plant

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent, biting


1. Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:
-Good for the Spleen; Spleen obstruction, hardness; Scrofula
-bleeding Hemorrhoids

2. Externally:
-topically for Hemorrhoids, it is ‘incomparable’ (Salmon)
-Scrofula, Wens, Sores
-creeping Ulcers, ‘for which it is a kind of Specific’ (
Salmon); Creeping Ulcers are usually skin cancers
-applied to rotten Teeth

Main Combinations:


Caution with internal use.

Main Preparations used:

Distilled water