A ru bcu brgyad ཨ་རུ་བཅོ་བརྒྱད།
Chebula 18
* Different sources have given different amounts
** Some sources have listed Cupressus spp or Sabina spp. instead of Juniperus spp. There are a number of related plants that supply this medicine in Tibet.
*** Some sources has been listed Mucuna instead of Canavalia.
Powder and form pills of 500mg
Some sources have given the following proportions: 25 grams for Chebula, 10 grams for each of the other medicines excepting Musk, which is 2.5 grams
Benefits the Kidneys, clears Kidney Heat, Clears Stones, Promotes Urine
Kidney Heat with burning and pain in the Kidneys, Lower Back and Urethra
“especially good to reduce inflammation and cures Kidney fever”
1. Nephritis
2. Pyelonephritis
3. Hematuria
4. Stones of the Kidneys and Bladder
5. Polyuria
6. Dysuria
7. Chronic Kidney disease
8. Pain of the Lower Back, Hip, Waist and Knees
9. Swelling in the Legs, Ankles and Feet
10. Swelling of ther Testicles
10. Stooping because of Kidney weakness
4–6 pills (2–3 grams), twice daily
None noted
1. Juniper berry may be used for Shug Pa Tsher Can
2. Mucuna can be used for Canavalia, and is listed by some sources.
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Chebula 18
Source / Author:
Herb NameA ru ra (Chebula)Shug pa tsher can (Juniper) ** Lcam pa (Mallow seed) Mkhal ma zho sha (Sword Bean) *** Zhu mkhan (Symplocos leaf) Rgya skyegs (Lacca) Btsod (Madder) A bras (Mango stone) Sa bras (Java plum) Gur gum (Safflower) Jam bras (Indian Beech) Tig ta (Swertia) Gser bye (Mica) Brag zun (Shilajit) Sug smel (Lesser Cardamon) Bong nga nag po (Aconite) Ka ka ru (Crab shell) Gla rtsi (Musk) |
* Different sources have given different amounts
** Some sources have listed Cupressus spp or Sabina spp. instead of Juniperus spp. There are a number of related plants that supply this medicine in Tibet.
*** Some sources has been listed Mucuna instead of Canavalia.
Powder and form pills of 500mg
Some sources have given the following proportions: 25 grams for Chebula, 10 grams for each of the other medicines excepting Musk, which is 2.5 grams
Benefits the Kidneys, clears Kidney Heat, Clears Stones, Promotes Urine
Kidney Heat with burning and pain in the Kidneys, Lower Back and Urethra
“especially good to reduce inflammation and cures Kidney fever”
1. Nephritis
2. Pyelonephritis
3. Hematuria
4. Stones of the Kidneys and Bladder
5. Polyuria
6. Dysuria
7. Chronic Kidney disease
8. Pain of the Lower Back, Hip, Waist and Knees
9. Swelling in the Legs, Ankles and Feet
10. Swelling of ther Testicles
10. Stooping because of Kidney weakness
4–6 pills (2–3 grams), twice daily
None noted
1. Juniper berry may be used for Shug Pa Tsher Can
2. Mucuna can be used for Canavalia, and is listed by some sources.
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