Chalcopyrite Bhasma
Copper Pyrite AshSwarna Makshika Bhasma (Ayurveda)
Minerological name:
Copper Pyrite
Pyrite is a compound of Iron, Copper and Sulphur. That with greater Iron is called Iron Pyrite, that with more Copper is called Copper Pyrite. Copper Pyrite is softer than Iron Pyrite.
Parts used:
Copper Pyrite ash
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter, Sweet
It primarily pacifies Kapha (Phlegm) and Pitta (Bile)
1. Nourishes Blood and Essence:
–Blood deficiency, Anemia
–General Debility
–promotes strength and is rejuvenating
2. Clears Heat from the Blood, Resists Poison:
–regarded as a Blood purifier
–Obstinate skin diseases including Leprosy
3. Opens Obstructions:
–obstinate abdominal diseases including Ascites and abdominal enlargement
4. Clears Heart Fire, Calms the Mind:
–Heart tonic
5. Kills Worms
–it has been listed for Worms and Parasites
6. Enhances the effects of other Medicines:
–it is classed as Yoga Vani–enhancing other medicines it is combined with
125–250mg with Honey, Ghee, Milk or Water
“Nowadays Vimala (Iron Pyrite) is generally being used in the place of Maksika as real Maksika is not available frequently. The main difference between Vimala and Maksika is presence of angles, edges and facets in Vimala
i.e. Vimala is cubic in shape while Maksika is free from these characters and has no specific shape”. (Rasamritam)
From Rasamritam:
“Take 3 parts of Makshika and one part of saindhava lavana in an iron pan, add matulunga (citrus medica var. acida) or jambira (citrus limonum) juice in sufficient quantity and heat it to red hot stirring continuously. On assuming red colour stop heating and on cooling wash it with water to remove lavana content. In this way Makshika becomes purified”
“In almost all the texts saindhava lavana has been recommended to be added with Makshika during purification. But in practice Makshika is purified with nimbu (Citrus medica, Var. acida) juice only without adding saindhava lavana”
From Rasamritam:
“Mix 1/4th part purified sulphur with purified Maksika and triturate it with kumari (Aloe barbdensis) juice, prepare it’s pellets and close in Sarava samputa. After drying apply Gaja Puta heating. From second puta onwards slowly reduce the heat. In this way within 10 putas Maksika bhasma can be prepared”
“Though according to text 1/4th part sulphur has been recommended to be added with Maksika during its marana process but in practice it is not used, as purified compound itself contains some part of sulphur which is sufficient for its marana. In place of kumari (Aloe barbadensis) juice nimbu (Citrus medica var. acida) juice is also found used in marana process. It is our experience that Gaja Puta heat in this case is much more than required. As on giving Gaja Puta heat pellets become very hard. Hence Ardha Gaja Puta (half Gaja Puta) heat is used for its marana and proved suitable. It’s bhasma was also prepared in muffle furnace regulating the temperature up to 600°C for one hour. In Muffle furnce heating less time and less number of heatings are required as compared to conventional Ardha Gaja Puta heating method. Further as the mineral contains copper its bhasma should be free from kasaya (astringent) rasa (taste) and should not give rise to the appearance of green colour if tested on curd piece”.
Main Combinations:
Major Formulas:
Punarnavadi Guggulu
Candraprabha Vati
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Nothing at Present
1. Evaluation of the effect of conventionally prepared swarna makshika bhasma on different bio-chemical parameters in experimental animals
2. Swarna Makshika Bhasma preparation using an alternative heating method to traditional Varaha Puta
3. Physicochemical characterization of Ayurvedic bhasma (Swarna makshika bhasma): An approach to standardization
4. Analytical study of raw Swarna Makshika (Chalcopyrite) and its Bhasma through TEM and EDAX