Centaurea behen, White Behen

Cornflower, Star Thistle
Behman Safed (Unani)
Picture Ortus sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture White Behen
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture White Behen
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549

Picture Lychnis sylvestris was also listed as a source of White Behen
(Image from New York Public Library‘s Digital Library) (Wikimedia)

Picture White Behen
(Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019)

Botanical name:

Centaurea behen (syn. C alata, Behen album); C. ruthenica

Parts used:

Like Pellitory, grey, whitish within; insipid taste, eventually bitter

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Sweet, slightly Bitter

Essential oil (β -caryophyllene (40.3%), β-sesquiphellandrene (18.4%) and caryophyllene oxide (9.9%),


1. Strengthens Spleen, Increases Qi:
-increase energy and sense of well-being;
-weakness, poor digestion; 
-tonifies Heart, Brain and Liver
-traditionally said to make Strong and Powerful.

2. Benefits the Kidneys, Increase Yang:
-Infertility, Impotence, and to augment Sperm.
-enhances Hair growth.

3. Settles Wind, Calms the Mind and Spirit:
-Anxiety, Mental unrest and Insanity;
-regarded as Exhilarant, is Sedative, and improves Concentration
-contracted sinews (Wirtzung)

4. Clears Phlegm:
-Cough, Catarrh, Hoarseness


Powder: 500mg–2 grams
Decoction: 3–6 grams


The Behens (Centaurea behen, White Behen and Centaurea haematodes, Red Behen) were not known to the Greeks but were introduced by the Arab physicians. The exact identification was unknown to many authors so substitution was common throughout Europe. They appeared in a number of Arabic tonic formula. The White can be looked at as a Qi tonic, the Red a Blood tonic, both having strengthening effects on the Kidneys.


In most cases, the combination of Dang Gui and Withania (or Ginseng) can replace the two Behens.
1. Asparagus root
2. Withania
3. Curculigo orchioides (Musli siyah)
4. Chlorophytum arundinaceum (Musli safed)

5. Elecampane
6. Salep (Orchis spp.)
7. Borage or Bugloss roots
8. Cheiranthus cheri, Curcilago orchioides (Unani)
Erysimon (Tudari) in equal dose and Holarrhena in half dose (Avicenna)
10. Tanacetum umbelliferum

Adfulteration is apparently a common problem. According to research looking at various market samples, adulteration was common, none of the samples being C. behen. Sixty-nine percent of samples were Cousinia spp. (Asteraceae), 23% Korshinskya spp. (Apiaceae) and 8% Crambe spp (Brassicaceae). (See research here)


1. Jujube (Unani)
2. Tragacanth (Unani)

Main Combinations:

The Two Behens
The Two Behens (Centaurea behen, White Behen and Centaurea haematodes, Red Behen) were nearly always used together in formulas, usually being combined with other tonics like Salep (Orchis spp.), Asparagus root, Withania, Tribulus seed etc.

1. Aphrodisiac:
i. combine both Behens with Withania, Tribulus and Mucuna
ii. for those with a cold and moist temperament, both Behens with Triphala, Long Pepepr, Ginger, Orchid, Ash tree keys, Sesame seed, Mace (as in Triphala Electuary Greater of Unani)
2. To Warm and strengthen the Kidneys, both Behens with Pistachio, Sweet Almond, Orchis, Sea Holly root, Asparagus root, Linseed, Rocket seed, Clove, Nutmeg (as in Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen)
3. Infertility, both Behens with Turnip seed, Ash tree key, Cinnamon, Clove, Long Pepper, Rosemary, Marjoram, Pennyroyal, Balm (as in Confection for Impregnation)
4. To nourish Semen, White Behen, Cucumber seed, Ash Tree Keys, Almond, Pistachio, Pine nut, Poppy seed (Uyghur Medicine)
5. To warm and strengthen the Heart, both Behens with Mastic, Cinnamon, Basil, Pearl, Red Coral, Amber, Indian Spikenard, Chebulic Myrobalan (as in Powder to Warm the Heart)
6. To promote Happiness, both Behens with Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Cinnamon, Balm, Citron peel, Mastic, Saffron, Nutmeg, Greater Cardamon, Peony, Basil seed (as in Letificans Almansoris of Rhasis)
7. To strengthen Memory, the power is taken with Milk (Persia)

Major Formulas:

Powder of Musk Sweet (Diamoschu Dulce) (Mesue)
Powder to Warm the Heart
Powder to Ascertain if Pregnant (Gabelhover)
Letificans Almansoris (Rhasis)
Letificans Temperate Electuary
Cooling Exhilarating Electuary (Unani)
Restorative of Nicholas (Pleres Arconticon) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Pearl (Avicenna)
Electuary of Pearl (Galen)
Electuary of Aloeswood (Diaxyloaloes) (Mesue)
Electuary of Steel (Unani)
Electuary for Stomach Debility (Unani)
Electuary for Sadness and Worry
Letificans Electuary (Unani)
Letificans Cooling Electuary (Unani)
Confection for Impregnation (Renodeus)
Confection for Infertility from Cold
Special Confection for Scoliosis
Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen (Nicholas)
The Great Electuary
Triphala Electuary Greater (Unani)


Generally safe.
1. Large doses or long-term use are unsuitable for those with a hot temperament. Excessive dose causes Headache

Main Preparations used:

Health Promoting Properties of Behman safed, a root of Centaurea behenLinn.A Review
Chemical examination of the roots ofCentaurea Behen Linn
Molecular Authentication of Radix Behen Albi (” Bahman Sefid”) Commercial Products Reveals Widespread Adulteration


In vitro antifungal activity of 63 Iranian plant species against three different plant pathogenic fungi

In-Vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Centaurea behen
Antioxidant activity and isolation of luteoline from Centaurea behen L. grown in Iran
Cytotoxic and antioxidant properties of essential oil of Centaurea behen L. in vitro
Antioxidant Activity and Isolation of Luteoline from Centaurea behen L. Grown in Iran

Effectiveness of “Centaurea behen” root on quality of life in patients with systolic heart failure: A randomized clinical trial.

Health Promoting Properties of Behman safed, a root of Centaurea behenLinn.A Review
Health Promoting Properties of Behman safed, a root of Centaurea behenLinn.A Review
Antianxiety investigations of Centaurea behen Linn. and Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb

Cytotoxic and antioxidant properties of essential oil of Centaurea behen L. in vitro

Centaurea behen L. (Asteraceae/Compositae)

Screening of several biological activities induced by different sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Centaurea behen L. and Rhaponticum repens (L.) Hidalgo
Anticancer Potential of Aguerin B, a Sesquiterpene Lactone Isolated from Centaurea behen in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells
Evaluation of Bcl2 gene expression in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells under treatment of Centaurea Behen extract and Cisplatin
Cynaropicrin Potentiates the Anti-Tumor Effects of Paclitaxel and 5-Fluorouracil on KYSE30 Human Esophageal Carcinoma