Celastrus, Jyotishmati

Staff Tree
Jyotishmati, Malkuki (Ayurveda)
Valuzuvai (Siddha)
Mal Kangni (Unani)
Arujee (Arabic)
Nan Sha Teng (TCM)
Picture Celastrus orbiculatus
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, (1898)

Picture Celastrus paniculatus fruit
(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia)

Picture Celastrus paniculatus fruit and seed
(Photo by DrLee) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Celastrus spp.
Two main species are used in 2 different systems:
  1. Celastrus paniculatus (Ayurveda)
  2. Celastrus orbiculatus (syn. C. articulatus) (TCM)
The American C. scandens has been used and may be a synonymous medicine.

Parts used:

Seed, Oil; less commonly the bark, leaves

Temperature & Taste:

Very Warm, dry. Pungent


1. Warms the Kidneys, Clears Wind-Damp, Strengthens Sinews and Bones: (Ayurveda, TCM)
-Arthritis, Rheumatism
-Lower back pain and weakness; Sciatica; disorders of old age
-Aphrodisiac; Sexual Debility; Impotence

2. Opens the Orifices, Benefits Mind: (Ayurveda, Unani)
-Mental Impairment, Mental Dullness, Mental Exhaustion, Poor Concentration
-Poor Memory, Senile Dementia
-proven to enhance cognitive function, improves intellect, learning and memory
-internally and medicated oil topically
-Oil also builds stamina

3. Settles Wind, Calms the Mind: (Ayurveda, Unani, TCM)
-Headache, Restlessness, Anxiety, Insomnia
-Epilepsy, Apoplexy
-Paralysis; Facial Paralysis; Numbness of the extremities (Ayurveda, TCM)
-symptoms of Beriberi
-Depression, Hysteria, Psychosis

4. Warms the Kidneys, Moves the Blood: (Ayurveda, TCM)
-Amenorrhea, delayed or irregular Menstruation
-Cold diseases of the Uterus
-stem-bark is Abortifacient

5. Relieves Inflammation, Resists Poison:
-Abscesses, Toxic Swellings
-Leucoderma, Leprosy
-Snake Bite

6. Warms and Strengthens the Stomach:
-Indigestion from weakness of the Stomach
-abdominal disorders from cold

7. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Cough, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough from Cold Phlegm

8. Externally:
-Indolent Sores and Ulcers (seeds)
-herb is smoked for Phlegm conditions of the head


1. When using the seed, a diet of milk, bread and roast meat is used (Ayurveda),
Seed Powder: 500mg–2 grams, up to 3 grams
Traditionally, seed is taken in a dose of 1 seed, increasing by 1 seed daily until a maximum of 50 are taken.
Tincture of the Seed (1:5 in 50% alcohol): 1–3 mls.
Expressed oil; 5–15, or 20 drops
Root, Stem and Leaves are used in TCM: 10–30 grams
Fresh leaves are crushed for topical application.


1. The Chinese (TCM) and Indian (Ayurveda) species appear to be similar in appearance and use and are probably synonymous medicines.
2. The American C. scandens was listed by King’s for ‘scrofula, secondary syphilis, chronic hepatic affections, cutaneous affections, leucorrhea, rheumatism, and obstructed menstruation.’ Its use suggests it may have a similar therapeutic profile. King’s also notes it has ‘some narcotic powers’ which may partly explain its effects of the Mind and Nerves.


1. Cow’s Milk
2. Oil of Egg Yolk


1. Celastrus has been used as a substitute / adulterant of Albizia. Conversely, Albizia (bark or flower) may be used in place of Celastrus.
2. Clove (for the seed), Clove oil (for the oil)

Seeds of Cardiospermum halicacabum and Duranta plumieri

Main Combinations:

1. Arthritis, Rheumatism:
i. Celastrus with Cinnamon and Nutmeg in decoction
ii. Celastrus, Bdellium, Frankincense, Withania
2. Benefit Memory, Celastrus, Calamus, Cyperus, Frankincense
3. Enhance Mind, Memory and Cognitive function:
i. Celastrus with Centella, Calamus, Indian Spikenard
ii. Celastrus with Centella, Valerian, Almond, Chebula and Emblic Myrobalan, Pearl
4. Male sexual debility:
i. Celastrus, Withania, Mucuna
ii. Celastrus with Nutmeg, Saffron, Cinnamon, Costus, Withania, Asparagus root, Orchis
5. Promote Menstruation, Celastrus with Hibiscus flower
6. Beriberi, Celastrus oil with Benzoin, Clove, Nutmeg (Unani)

Major Formulas:


1. May cause nausea or vomiting in large doses. Not used in cases with vomiting.
2. Not suitable for use in Heat / Bile diseases. Large doses causes Burning sensation.


The oil was given to rats in doses of 5 grams per kilo with no negative effects.

Main Preparations used: