Cinnamon & Licorice

Cinnamon & Licorice It is a potent combination to warm the Stomach and Spleen while strengthening the same. Licorice strengthens the Spleen and increases Qi, while Cinnamon warms, invigorates, clears Cold and Damp, and helps in the distribution of nutrition. It is therefore very useful for poor and debilitated digestion with cold and damp. Symptoms…

Herniaria, Rupturewort

Herniaria, Rupturewort Burstwort Herniaria glabraDeutschlands Flora in Abbildungen Sturm, 1796 Herniaria glabra(Photo by Algirdas) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Herniaria glabraSalmon listed 3 varieties:  1. Greater Rupturewort  2. Lesser Rupturewort  3. African Rupturewort Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry Uses: 1. Lifts Qi, Astringes:-’cures principally the Rupture [Hernia]’ (Schroder); internally and topically-Hematomas, Varicose veins 2….


Hair Western Tradition Hair, Premature Greying 1. An Oil or strong decoction of Eclipta Han Lian Cao is effective used topically for premature greying. In TCM, it is also taken internally.2. Massaging Sulphur into the scalp is an old treatment for premature Greying.3. Burn Earthworms to ashes, mix in Oil, and use to comb the…


Indigestion Dyspepsia Indigestion or Dyspepsia manifest with abdominal pain or discomfort, often with bloating, belching and nausea. The symptoms are often intermittent and may be aggravated by diet, stress, irregular eating habits etc. As Hippocrates said “All Disease begins in the Stomach”, indigestion can be viewed as the instigator or origin of many diseases. From…


Sperm; Semen In the Western and Unani Tradition a great deal of importance was place on medicines to Nourish and Increase Sperm. These were viewed a male tonics and may be given to a male while the female is having medicines for Infertility in order to increase likelihood of conception. Medicines that increase Sperm often…

Gum Ammoniac & Saffron

Gum Ammoniac & Saffron Gum Ammoniac is very Warm, dry and Pungent. It strongly resolves Phlegm and Damp from the Lungs, Stomach and other parts. It resolves thickness and tumors associated with Phlegm and Damp. Saffron is a potent Blood-mover. It opens the fine capillaries to resolve stasis. It also enhances circulation of the Heart…


Cauterization Albucasis Chirurgicorum Omnium Primarii (1532) Although less commonly performed than other external point therapies such as Bloodletting and Cupping, Cauterization and Branding has been used in various cultures since ancient times. Cauterization is performed either with a red hot Needle or Iron, or some times with another substance such as a burning root or…

Lapis Ammonites

Lapis Ammonites Snake-Stone, Ammonite, Cornua Ammonis, DraconitesShi Shi (‘Snake Stone’, TCM) Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719 Cross section of AmmoniteBritish Mineralogy, Sowerby, 1804 Ammonite(Photo by Mokkie) (Wikimedia) History Lapis Ammonite was occasionally listed in Materia Medica, but rarely were there any medical uses given. As it resembled a coiled up snake, it was apparently used as…

Intro to Unani Medicine

Introduction to Unani Medicine Unani-Tibb, Iranian Traditional Medicine, Islamic Medicine Unani (Arab) Medicine is a direct offshoot of Galenic Medicine (‘Unani’ means Greek in Arabic). Just over 1000 years ago the Arabs took the writings of the Ancient Greeks and elevated them to a much higher level, clarifying and refining the Philosophy that had stood…

Collecting Herbs

Collecting Herbs Collecting herbs correctly has a big impact on the efficacy of them as medicines. First, and perhaps most importantly, the Herb must be identified correctly. Then, the correct time of collecting has to be known, followed by the correct way of drying and keeping the Herb. The following is taken from Culpepers English…

Excessive Menstruation

Excessive Menstruation For Menorrhagia; excessive or prolonged Menstrual Bleeding Western Tradition Simples Water Lily rootPomegranate barkPlantain seedChebulaRed CoralEarths (Red, Lemnian) Comfrey rootPomegranate flowerRoseNutmegPearl 1. Powder the skin of Hazelnuts and give in 1 dram doses. Menstrua fluxum retinent – Restrain MenstrumStyptic DecoctionSyrup of Comfrey Comp.Syrup for Excess Menstrual BleedingPhilons Persian Antidote (Philonium Persicum) (Mesue)Troches of…

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