2I. Antispasmodics These are similar to Carminative, but are stronger to relieve spasm in the muscles. Carminatives relax the smooth muscles to release Wind, whereas Antispasmodic work deeper to relieve Spasm and Pain of the skeletal muscles. Some have a marked sedative or regulating effect on the Nervous system. They are akin to the medicines…

Western Classification

Western Classification of the Materia Medica The Traditional Western Materia Medica was classified in a very functional and logical way. The effects of Medicines like the effects within the body were termed ‘Faculties’ of which there are 4. 1. Primary Faculties: Temperature: Hot, Cold, Dry and Moist (see here)2. Secondary Faculties: effects as a direct…

Gastric Reflux & GERD

Gastric Reflux & GERD Heartburn, Reflux Esophagitis Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disorder where the gastric contents flow into the esophagus causing symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux and pain behind the sternum. It affects about 20–30% of the population worldwide. In modern medicine it is sub-classified into 3 types: Non-erosive Reflux Disease…

Hordeum Germinans, Malted Barley, Mai Ya

Hordeum Germinans, Malted Barley, Mai Ya 麦芽 Mai Ya (TCM) Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Botanical name: Hordeum vulgare Parts used: Malted (germinated) Barley; Maltose (Barley Malt Sugar) Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweetcleanses, opens, digests, mollifies Classifications: O. Promote Digestion Uses: 1. Benefits Digestion, Strengthens the Stomach, Clears Food…

Purging the Humors

Purging the Humors Purging the Humors is at the center of Humoral Theory. Excess, stagnant or ill-formed Humors are the cause of many or most diseases in Humoral Theory, and thus they must be purged. Proper Purging requires:1. Preparing the Humor;2. Purging the humors;3. strengthening afterwards to ensure there is no return. Aphorisms on Purging,…

Simple Syrups

Simple Syrups     The syrups of many herbs may be made as for Syrup of Wormwood; Syrups of Fruits may generally be made in the manner of Syrup of Lemon juice; Syrups of Seeds are generally made as the Syrup of Aniseeds; Syrups of Spices and Aromatics may be made as for Syrup of Cinnamon;…


Edema Edema, traditionally called Dropsy, is the collection of Fluid in the tissues or cavities of the body. It may be acute or chronic, and associated with excess or deficiency. However, in general, Edema is associated with Damp-Phlegm. The Greeks divided Edema into several types: Anasarca: it was called Leucophlegmatia Hydrops (‘White-Phlegmy Edema’) by Galen,…

Betony & Vervain

Betony & Vervain This combination was long used, almost as a specific, for Headaches. Betony focuses on moving the Qi, while Vervain moves the Blood. Both Calm Wind, and have a direct effect on the head and nerves, and both have been used for their calming and sedative effects. Together, they treat both the cause…

Simple Oils

Simple Oils Simple Oils are oils of a single medicine. In some cases they are infused for a week or a month in a vessel left in the sun, this being done with flowers. Usually, however, herbs are decocted in the oil until the herbs become crispy. Sometimes a little wine is added and the…

Lactuca, Lettuce

Lactuca, Lettuce Kahu (Wild Lettuce, Unani)Tukhm e Kahu (Lettuce seed, Unani) Materia Medicinale Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Left: Garden or Headed Lettuce; Right: Wild LettuceKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 LactucaKoehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Lactuca virosaAtlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 LACTUACARIUMSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Lactuosa virosa (Wild Lettuce)Garden, Common,…

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