Chelidonium minus, Lesser Celandine or Pilewort

Chelidonium minus, Lesser Celandine or Pilewort Bulliard, Herbier de la France, 1776-1783 Gourdon & Naudin, Nouvelle iconographie fourragère, Atlas, 1865-1871 Botanical name: Ranunculus ficaria Parts used: Whole plant Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent, biting Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:-Good for the Spleen; Spleen obstruction, hardness; Scrofula-Jaundice-bleeding Hemorrhoids 2. Externally:-topically for Hemorrhoids, it is…

Cancer Leukemia

Leukemia Leukemia is a type of Cancer affecting Blood producing cells in the body, primarily found in the Bone Marrow and Lymphatic tissue. It usually affects White Blood Cells. There are a number of types of Leukemia, some acute, some chronic, some affect children while others are more common in adults. Leumkemia is the most…

9 Rules for Health

The following is a compilation of general Health guidelines as promoted in Traditional Medicine. While not all is verified by modern research, some of it is. Nevertheless, it represents good general information for Health in most people. Drink Warm Drinks All Medicine Traditions state that warm drinks are healthier. Some traditional texts go as far…

Dodder & Wormwood

Dodder & Wormwood Dodder is mildly Warm and Dry, and cleanses the Spleen and purges Melancholy; used for obstructions of the Spleen and Liver, used for Black Jaundice, Ulcers, Fibroid Tumors and Cancers. It clears Damp and promotes Urine. In this combination, Dodder herb or Dodder seed may be used.   Wormwood is Cold, dry, Bitter and…

Doctrine of Signatures

Doctrine of Signatures The word Signature is made up of two words: ‘Sign’ and ‘Nature’. Its meaning is therefore literally the ‘sign of the nature’ of something. Since Ancient times, the Doctrine of Signatures was used to help realise the nature and qualities of a medicine. This is a way of reading the natural and…


2O. Astringents Binding Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 These medicines were traditionally also classed as Incrassating (thickening), Repellent (repelling) or Adstringent (binding). Astringent medicines are drying, usually in the 3rd or 4th degree. They thicken Humors and Fluids, and therefore hinder leakage. They also tighten lax tissues. They are used for Diarrhea,…

T. External Medicines

T. External Medicines External medicines represent a strong class of medicines, many of which are poisonous. Many of these medicines have been used externally for a very long time. It is said that the Europeans learned from the Arab physicians of the internal use of the metals and minerals which were previously only used externally….

Oil of Sulphur

Oleum SulphurisOil of Sulphur Tradition: West Source / Author: Preparation ‘Take a little earthen cup, which turn upside down, upon which place another Cup filled with melted Sulphur, place these in the middle of a Great Earthen Pan; over these hang a glass bell with a long neck like a Matrass, an Inch and a…


Doronicum Lepoard’s BaneDarunaj Aqrabi (Unani) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Japanese Herbal, 17th century (Welcome) Two varieties of DoronicumKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Doronicum pardalianches Doronicum scorpioides Doronicum austriacum Flora von Deutschland (29), Kohler, 1887 Doronicum paradalianches                 Doronicum plantagineumFlorigraphia Britannica, Deakin, 1857 Doronicum root (Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Doronicum spp.Various species of Doronicum are known including:…

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