Toxic Medicines The Safe Use of Potent Medicines

Toxic MedicinesThe Safe use of Potent Medicine IntroductionIn all Traditional Medicine systems, there are toxic and potentially Fatal medicines that are used from the Plant, Mineral and Animal Kingdoms. Despite the fact that many of these medicines are prohibited from use in modern western society, they continue to be used in many traditional cultures, especially…


Exhilaratives Exhilaratives are a class of medicine especially of the Arab physicians, although the original Laetificans (Latin for Happy or Cheerful), credited to Galen, shows the ancient Greeks were the first to use this class of medicine. However, Unani has a number of elegant compounds used as Exhilarants, often containing gems, and still uses such…

Cydonia malus, Quince

Cydonia malus, Quince Behi, Behidana, Safarjal (Unani)Safar Jal, Bizr Safarjal (Arabic) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Cydonia oblonga, C. vulgaris Parts used: Fruit (fresh or dried); Seed Temperature & Taste: FRUIT: Cool, dry. Sour; astringes, nourishes. Sweet Quince is less astringent.SEED:…

R. Astringents

R. Astringents Astringents medicines stop Leakage. They are used when excess fluid or Qi is lost from the body, or for various types of discharge. They tone and firm the tissues, and some have secondary Tonic effects due to an ability to stop leakage of Qi and Essence. Examples of Use:1. Diarrhea; Dysentery2. Leukorrhea3. Spermatorrhea,…


4A. Cephalic Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 Cephalics are medicines appropriated to the Head. They strengthen and benefit the Brain and senses. Aphorisms on Cephalics, collected by Culpeper, (Composita, 1656): Such medicaments as are accommodated to diseases of the Brain, are properly called Cephalics Of Cephalics, some are hot, some cold, whereby…


Memory ‘Memory is a retaining, establishing, and preserving of matters which have been conceived in the spirit’. (Wirtzung) The cause of loss of Memory is usually cold, or cold and damp, according to the western tradition. ‘For this is to be applied for a general rule to defend the head from all superfluous moisture’. According…

Sambucus Cortex, Elder Bark

Sambucus Cortex, Elder Bark Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale,Andrea Valuassori, 1562 ‘Common’ and ‘Jagged’ ElderParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Sambucus nigra Parts used: Bark; Root-Bark Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classifications: 3O. EMETIC Uses: 1. Clears Wind and Damp, Eases Pain:-both leaves and bark have been…

Premenstrual Syndrome & Hysteria

Premenstrual Syndrome & Hysteria Also called Pre-menstrual Tension or PMS.Classically referred to as ‘Suffocation of the Mother’ “The cause if clearly Windy Vapors ascending from the Womb upwards” (Culpeper) Hysteria Hysteria is a traditional classification where the mind and nerves are affected by the ‘Uterus’ [hormones]. It was associated with hyper-emotionalism, dramatic behavior, over-excitement, amnesia,…


Chinese names of Western, Indian and Tibetan Herbs The following list gives Chinese names for some Western, Indian and Tibetan Medicines. This is useful for several reasons. Firstly, because Chinese suppliers can be a useful source for herbs otherwise difficult to procure in the West. Secondly, because some Tibetan formulas are listed in Chinese sources…

Diseases of the Ears

Diseases of the Ears Slacks Herbal, 1892 Western Tradition Ear Diseases in GeneralBitter Almond oil (topically) Aurium dolori – Ear Pain1. Boil Onion in Olive oil and drop in.2. Steep crushed Garlic in Olive oil and drop in warm.3. Crush Garlic and boil in Mustard oil; drop into the ear war. (Ayurveda)4. Heat Olive oil…

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