Madder & Rhubarb

Madder & Rhubarb Madder in Neutral-to-slightly Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet and Pungent. It moves the Blood, stops Pain, but can also help stop Bleeding; it is used for Uterine Bleeding, Blood in the Stool, Vomit or Sputum. It is good for clearing Heat and Poison from the Blood, it being accounted one of the best…

Treatment of Melancholy from Praxis Medicinae Theorica et Empirica

The Treatment of Melancholy from Praxis Medicinae Theorica et Empirica, 1585 This text is interesting as it deals with the treatment of disease, but the whole text is set out in Table form. Each disease lists Preparers, Purges (where applicable) and Strengtheners (tonic medicines) used in the treatment of the disease. In some cases, other…


Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum The Regimen of Health from the School of Salerno Part 4. HUMORS Text FOUR humors reign within our bodiesAnd these compared to four Elements,The Sanguine, Choler, Phlegm, and Melancholy,The latter two are heavy, dull of sense,Th’ other two are more Jovial, quick and Jolly,And may be likened thus without offense,Like air both…

Cyanus, Cornflower

Cyanus, Blue-bottle or Cornflower New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Herbarium Blackwellianum, 1750 Botanical name: Centaurea cyanus (syn. Cyanus major, Cyanus cyanus)Great, Common, Double, Small-leaved, Mountain and Creeping types were used. Parts used: Flower Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classifications: Astringent, Opthalmic, Cardiac, Alterative, Alexipharmic Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison:-Fevers-given for venom…


3N. Vulnerary Vulnerary Medicines are those used for Trauma and Wounds including Bruising, Sprains, Strains, Dislocations and Fractures. Vulnerary medicines may be Anti-inflammatory, Blood moving, or otherwise promote Healing. The following Vulnerary Medicines can be used internally and topically. They are often best taken with Wine or Alcohol unless there is heat or bleeding, in…

Observations on Ginseng

Observations on Ginseng, 1680 This is an interesting short text as it gives a brief introduction to Ginseng along with the authors own personal experience in using it in Yorkshire, England, in the late ‘s. He notes its effectiveness in Consumption, Shortness of Breath, and for those weakened by long illness. The text contains several…

Taste of Medicines

Tastes of Medicines Taste is a very important aspect of the way a Herb works, and helps greatly to suggest the activity of a given Medicine. Taste has been recognised as important in all Medicine Traditions. The primary Tastes with their general effects are as follows: Bitter: tends to be cool, to clear Heat and…

Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549

Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Dracunculus Adders Tongue, Ophioglossum Harts Tongue Long Birthwort – Aristolchia longa Teasle – Dipsacus Round Birthwort – Aristolchia rotunda Ononis spinosa Official Birthwort – Aristolchia officinarum Dictamnus Cretenis, Dittany of Crete Sempervium majus Seseli, Siler Montane Sempervium medium Ambrosia Sempervium minus Balsamita

Imperatoriae, Masterwort

Imperatoria, Masterwort Ostrutium, Smyrnium, Astrentium Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Imperatoria ostruthiumKöhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1897 Imperatoria ostruthiumLosch, F., Kreuterbuch, unsere Heilpflanzen in Wort und Bild, (1905) Masterwort RootNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Botanical name: Imperatoria ostruthium (syn. Peucedanum ostruthium) Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent Uses: 1. Clears…


Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum The Regimen of Health from the School of Salerno Part 3. HERBS Nederlandtse Herbarius, Nylandt, 1670 Text IN Physic Mallow have much reputationThe very name of Mallow seems to sound,The root thereof will give a kind purgation,By them both men and women good have found,To womens monthly flowers they give laxation,They make…

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