Lamb and Dang Gui Soup

Lamb and Dang Gui Soup Ingredients:      Lamb (preferably leg with bone), half kilo     Dang Gui, 60 grams     Astragalus (Huang Qi), 30 grams     Fresh Ginger, 5 slices, plus 5 more slices     Salt to taste Directions: 1. Add the lamb briefly to boiling water with 5 slices of Ginger, bring to boil, then drain and rinse2….

Geranium robertum, Herb Robert FREE

Geranium, Herb Robert Cranesbill is the common name of the GeraniumsGratia Dei (used for a number of Geranium species) Geranium robertumKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Geranium robertumFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Geranium robertum (syn. G. robertianum) Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. (Schroder said ‘temperately…

Calamus & Peony

Calamus & Peony Powder:                Calamus        200-500mg    Peony root     0.5-1 gramDecoction:                Calamus        1.5-3 grams    Peony root     6–9 grams Calamus is Warm, dry, Pungent, Bitter, and very Aromatic. It strongly opens obstructions of the Qi circulation, stops Wind, regulates Qi, clears Damp and Phlegm, and has a…

Notable Texts

Some Notable Texts of Traditional Medicine The following shows some of the principles texts of the Western Tradition, and texts which have been drawn upon by MedicineTraditions. See also:Principal Herbals from 1470–1670Authors and Sources Antidotarium Johannis Filii Mesue, 1550. Mesue the Younger died in 1051 and was a contemporary of Avicenna. His Receptarium Antidotari has…

Books on Medical Specialities

Books on Medical Specialties Below is a selection of texts on Medical Specialties. Some are in Latin, most are downloadable. Opthalmology–Fuchs, Leonard, Alle Kranckheyt der Augen, [All Diseases of the Eyes], 1539 (Downloadable) Gynecology & Obstetrics–Rueff, Jacob, De conceptu et generatione hominis… 1580 (Downloadable)–Mercado, Luis, Ludouici Mercati… De mulierum affectionibus libri quatuor… 1579 (Downloadable)–Bodium, Apud,…

Hops & Fumitory

Hops & Fumitory Fumitory is Cold, dry and Bitter. It is most appropriate to the Liver, clears Heat and Damp, Liver Heat, and cleanses the Melancholy humor.   Hops is Cold, dry, Bitter and slightly Sweet. It also affects the Liver but also the Spleen and Heart. It especially calms the Mind and Nerves, clears Bile Humor,…

Diseases of the Bladder

Diseases of the Kidney & Bladder Crooke, Mikrokosmographia, 1618 Western Tradition Bladder ColdSyrup of Betony SimpleSyrup of Betony CompoundSyrup of Two Opening RootsSyrup of Five Opening RootsGalangal Powder (Diagalanga) (Mesue)Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcuma) (Mesue)Philonium RomanumTriphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis) (Mesue)Oil of RueOil of St. Johns wortOil of PepperOil of SpikenardOintment of Marshmallow Cardamon 10 (Sug smel…

Myrrh & Frankincense

Myrrh & Frankincense Ru Xiang (Frankincense) is a drug that activates blood circulation.Mo Yao (Myrrh) disperses blood stasis. It is also good to relieve pain,eliminate swelling and promote growth of new muscle. ThereforeRu Xiang and Mo Yao are always used simultaneouslyin the same prescription. (Li Shi Zhen) Gums by their signature have a close correspondence…

M. Warm to Clear Cold

M. Medicines that Warm to Clear Cold Metabolic Stimulants, Digestives, Circulatory stimulants These medicines are metabolic stimulants. In general, they promote metabolism, increase circulation, enhance digestion, and increase bio-availability of medicines they are combined with. This class of medicines was said to increase Digestive Fire (Agni) in Ayurveda (Spleen Yang in TCM), and to digest…

Albizia cortex, He Huan Pi FREE

Albizia Cortex, He Huan Pi 合欢皮 Silk Tree barkHe Huan Pi (TCM)Siras (Unani)Shirisha (Ayurveda) Albizia julibrissin (as A. rosea)Revue horticole, serié 4, vol. 42: (1870) Albizia lebbeckM. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas., (1875) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Albizia spp.Three species can be noted: Albizia julibrissin (Syn: A. nemu, A. rosea, Mimosa…

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