Tibetan Jewel Pills

Tibetan Jewel Pills MedicineTraditions is a subscription service for students and practitioners of Herbal and Traditional Medicine. A Unique Resource with the most comprehensive Materia Medica ever created, ‘s of Traditional Combinations and Formulas, Treatment of Disease, and ample Resources to help you become a Master.–SUBSCRIBE NOW– The Tibetan Jewel Pills (Rin Chen) are some…

D. Clear Wind and Damp

D. Clear Wind and Damp Anti-rheumatics, Anti-arthritics These herbs clear Wind, Cold and Damp from the muscles, joints and bones. They are therefore primarily used for painful obstructions including various Arthritic and Rheumatic conditions, as well as some types of Neuralgia. The 4 main types of painful obstruction of the joints are:    1. Wind: moving…

Dreams and Nightmares

Dreams and Nightmare Dreams are viewed as a normal activity during sleep. Dreams are thought to be related to processing of daily events, or things on our mind. Good sleep and healthy dreaming cause us to sleep soundly and wake refreshed. This indicates our Qi is flowing smoothly. When sleep is disturbed by dreams or…

Betony & Sage

Betony & Sage Betony is Neutral and Dry, and clears Wind and Heat, moves the Qi and Blood, eases Pain, promotes Urine, benefits Digestion, clears Phlegm and stops Cough, and resists Poison. It is especially used for various types of Pain in the Head, Fevers, to Promotes Menstruation, and to dispel Poison.    Sage clears Heat…


3B. Febrifuge & Antipyretics These are medicines used to reduce Heat in Fever.                        4 Greater Cold Seeds                       Pomegranate juice                       Prune                       Wormwood                       Emblic Myrobalan                       White Sandalwood                       Rose                       Borage                       Dodder herb                       Yarrow                       Plantain                       Purslane seed                       Gentian                       Barberry bark                       Licorice                       Frankincense                       Armenian Earth                       Camphor                       Pearl                       Alum                       Rhino (Water Buffalo) horn 4 Lesser Cold SeedsLemon juiceTamarindAgrimonyYellow MyrobalanRed SandalwoodWater…


Bruising See also Trauma, Wounds Western Tradition Simples St. Johns wortComfreyMadderMyrrhDragons Blood AgrimonySelf HealRhubarbFrankincenseRed Earth 1. Ladies Thistle leaves boiled and used as a wash or poultice.2. Two or 3 ounces of Chervil juice taken.3. Take a dram of Betony powder with water4. Cumin, Salt (1 oz.), Honey (4 oz.). Boil a little and apply…

Back Pain, Lumbago

Back Pain, Lumbago Crooke, Mikrokosmographia, 1618 Back pain or Lumbago refers to pain int he back, most specifically lower back. Lower back pain may be acute or chronic. Acute back pain can be from muscle or tendon spasm, acute strain, spinal misalignment following stress such as carrying a heavy weight or bending is an unusual…

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