P. Clear Phlegm

P. Clear Phlegm Phlegm represents a mucoid, sticky, obstructive substance, and is more than just the mucus of the sinus and mucous membranes. All thickness in the body can be said to be due to the Phlegm humor. This, therefore, may be either in the ‘first regions’ (gastrointestinal system), as well as within the Tissues…

Spider Web from Mt. Emei, Hui Dou Ba

Home About Materia Medica Materia Medica of Herbal Medicine FREE Materia Medica of Herbal Medicine PRO Animal Materia Medica PRO Animal Materia Medica FREE Mineral Materia Medica PRO Mineral Materia Medica FREE Formulas Treatment Types of Treatment in Traditional Medicine Treatment of Specific Conditions Diseases and Formulas Resources Brief Overview of Traditional Medicine Theory Timeline…

Drosera, Sundew FREE

Drosera, Sundew Ros Solis, Lustwort, Herba RorellaeBdud rtsi rtag ngu  བདུད་རྩི་རྟག་ངུ་ (Tibet) A. D. burmanni; B. D. intermedia; C. D. indica; D. D. peltataIllustrations of Indian Botany, Wight, 1840 D. rotundifoliaMedicinal Plants, Millspaugh, 1892 D. rotundifoliaFlora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Drosera spp.  1. D. rotundifolia (Common,…


12 Formulas for Trauma The Purpose of our ’12 Formulas’ Pages are to illustratevarious formulas used to treat a specific condition on one page. This can be useful to help Practitioners develop their own Formulas. Ancient Physicians noted that unresolved Trauma often comes back later in life. A damaged joint often becomes arthritic in later life…

Peony & Licorice

Peony & Licorice This is another useful TCM combination, however, these two medicines were also combined in Traditional European Medicine. These two medicines together form Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang (Decoction of Peony and Licorice).    Peony is a nourishing Blood and Yin tonic, especially appropriated to the Liver, and has the special function of soothing,…


2G. Cleansing Abstersive, Mundificativa, Lavativa, Elimativus These medicines cleanse the organs and tissues appropriated to them. They work in multiple ways, either by purging and opening, by resolving and thinning, by relieving inflammation, or by soothing and making slippery. Most of these medicines work in more than one of these methods to produce a cleansing…


2H. Carminatives Discussers of Wind; Ventositatum expulsiva, Resolitiva inflationum Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 They are generally warm, aromatic and thin. They relieve Wind, relax, and are anodyne. They are primarily used for Colic, Bloating and Griping, but also for the pain of Stones and Menstrual pain. They tend to relax the…

Bloodletting 2.

Bloodletting Part 2The Veins of Bloodletting By Adam Tate This is part 2 of an Article on BloodlettingBloodletting Part 1: Introduction to Bloodletting Bloodletting Diagram clearlyshowing Veins like Meridians.anonymous c. 1292Bodleian library Two Types of Bloodletting:Major Veins and Minor Veins Bloodletting as practiced in the West consists of 2 main types. Bleeding Major Veins of…


2S. Strengthening Corroborating Medicines; Roborants; Tonics The term ‘Cephalic’ denotes a medicine appropriate to the Head. By connotation, these are medicines regarded as strengthening to that part. Cephalic medicines may be Hot or Cold. A Hot Cephalic medicine will be regarded as ‘strengthening’ to someone with a Cold disease of the Head, the opposite applying…

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