Lacca & Madder

Lacca & Madder Lacca moves the Blood and eases Pain. It is used for Amenorrhea, Blood Clots, internal Blood Stagnation with fixed pain, and for Scrofula, Tumors, Rheumatism, Myalgia, Lumbago etc.    Madder moves the Blood, stops Pain, but can also help stop Bleeding; it is used for Uterine Bleeding, Blood in the Stool, Vomit or…

Geranium pratense, Meadow Cranesbill

Geranium pratense, Meadow Cranesbill Crowfoot Cranesbill, Batrachium Geranium pratenseFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Botanical name: Geranium pratense (syn. G. batrachioides)A number of related Geranium are used similarly Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Sweet, Salty Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Heat (West, Tibetan):-Fever, Cold, Influenza-Lung Heat cough, Inflammation of the Lungs 2. Moves…

21 Rules in the Treatment of Arthritis

21 Rules in the Treatment of Arthritis Out of Wirtzung’s General Practice of Physick (1654)Transcribed, amended and edited by Adam Tate Note that in the following text, ‘Gout’ refers to Arthritic diseases in general, and ‘Meat’ refers to Food in general. Some general things useful for Gout [Arthritis] 1. Confected Quinces2. Syrup and Electuary of…

Sinews and Ligaments

Sinews and Ligaments Bursitis, Tendonitis The Sinews and Ligaments are the soft tissues associated with the Joints. It includes the Tendons and Ligaments, and in traditional medicine, can sometimes encompass the cartilage. Bursitis and Tendonitis are two of the most common conditions that fall under diseases of the Sinews and Ligaments. Bursitis in an inflammation…

Gastroduodenal Ulcers

Gastroduodenal Ulcers Peptic Ulcers Ulcers occur in the Stomach and Duodenum as a result of excess acidity, H. pulori infection, or due to excess use of gastric irritants such as Aspirin or alcohol. It is only relatively recently that it was discovered that bacterial infection by H. pylori is related to many cases of Gastroduodenal…

Why Digestion Matters

Why Digestion Matters Photo from National Cancer Institute (Wikimedia) Why Digestion Matters 2400 years ago, Hippocrates said “All Disease begins in the Stomach”. Initially, this appears simplistic, but the longer I’m in clinical practice the more I realise this is largely true. The ancients were very paricular on diet regulation in the treatment of disease….


2C. Inciders Also called Incisive or Cutting Medicines Inciding or Cutting medicines; similar, but stronger to the preceding (Attenuaters). They generally cut tough and thick Humors, and can dissolve impacted Humors.                        Wormwood                       Agnus Castus                       Onion                       Celery                       Cumin                       Barberry                       Cyperus                       Cassia Wood                       Black Pepper                       Oregano                       Peony                       Tamarisk                       Costus                       Squill                       Germander                       Cyclamen                       Vinegar SouthernwoodCalamusGarlicChickpeaCarawayCalamintAgrimonyMustardRueRosemaryComfreyCapers root barkCyperusAgaricGround…


2R. Narcotic & Hypnotic Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 Medicines that ease pain and stupefy the senses, or promote rest and sleep. They work by suppressing the nervous system and dulling the Mind to allay the sense of pain.                        Mandrake                       Belladonna                       Poppy                       Cannabis                       Lettuce seed                       Saffron HenbaneHemlockOpiumNux Vomica preparedCoriander seedCamphor Addendum:…

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