
Hypertension Hypertension is an abnormally High Blood pressure. It is defined as Blood pressure above 140/90, and is considered severe if above 180/120. While it is often asymptomatic, chronic cases can cause Heart disease, Heart attack and Stroke. Blood pressure is caused by both the amount of Blood pumped by the Heart, and the resistance…

Iron Oxide, Ferrum oxidum

Iron oxide, Ferrum oxidum Crocus, Crocus Martis, Crocus Martis adstringens, Rubigo, Ferrugo, Venetian Red, Red Vitriol Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Iron oxidePhoto by Benjah-bmm27 (Wikimedia) Minerological name: FerrumThe primary Ores of Iron, with percentage of Iron are:  Native Iron (100%)              Magnetite (72%)  Hematite (70%)                   Goethite (63%)  Pyrrhotite (60%)      …

Burdock root & Yarrow

Burdock root & Yarrow Burdock root effectively clears Heat and Poison from the Blood, being used for all foul and impure conditions of the Blood. It is used for various chronic skin diseases, diseases of the Joints, as well as chronic toxicity of the whole body.    Yarrow moves the Blood while helping stop Bleeding, thereby…


Pregnancy See also FertilityThreatened Miscarriage Western Tradition General Medicines for use During PregnancySyrup of Quince with Spices (Nicholas)Electuary of Pearl (Avicenna)Aromatic Rose Compound (Aromaticum Rosatum)New Rose Powder (Rosata Novella) (Nicholas)Powder to Strengthen in Pregnancy Morning SicknessAromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)Decoction for Morning Sickness (Ayurveda) Poor Appetite During PregnancyAromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)Powder for Pica 1….

Ground Pine & Germander

Ground Pine & Germander Germander is warm, dry and bitter, cuts, attenuates, Promotes Urine and Sweat, and Moves the Blood and eases Pain. It clears Damp, and promotes Urine and Menstruation.    Ground Pine is Warm, Dry, cuts and opens, strengthens the Nerves, Promotes Urine, and was specifically used for Gout and Arthritic complaints.    Together, both…


Testicles Stones or Cods (Traditional Name) Western Tradition SimplesTesticle Pain & Swelling from Heat Wood SorrelCelandineKelpBlack Nightshade SorrelHerb True LoveSargassumHenbane Testicle Pain & Swelling from Wind or Cold CuminAniseedTreacle Mustard (Thlaspi)Hawthorn fruitPill Millipede Dill seedFenugreekAgnus CastusThyme Topical Black NightshadeEarthworm RueDatura 1. “Take Rue and stamp it, and lay it upon his Cods [Testicles], immediately they…


Contraceptives CAUTIONSome of these remedies can be harmful if misused. Attempting Herbal miscarriage after thefirst Trimester is dangerous. Some of these remedies are taken to help prevent conceptionin the following month. While they may have some effect, effective rate is not knownand should not be relied upon today. Some are effectively ‘morning-after’ birthcontrol that can…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Also called PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Disease Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition where Cysts develop on the Ovaries. It has become the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. Main Clinical symptoms:Menstrual Irregularity: Amenorrhea (20%) Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstruation) (70–75%) Anovulation Infertility Hyper-androgenism: Hirsutism Male-pattern balding Acne Other: Obesity (up to…


Depression Depression is the feeling of despondency and dejection with a lack of interest or enjoyment in most or all activity. There may be feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy and guilt. It is usually accompanied with low energy, poor appetite and digestion and various other physical symptoms such as headache, insomnia, menstrual disturbances etc. Depression is…


4C. Cardiac Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 Cordials and Cardiacs are medicines appropriated to the Heart. The term Cordial is derived from the Latin base Cor, meaning Heart. Cordials are generally medicines which soothe the Heart and settle the Spirit, whereas Cardiacs relate to all medicines for the Heart. Aphorisms on Cardiacs,…

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