Cow Urine, Gomutra

Cow Urine, Gomutra Gomutra (Ayurveda) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563, Zoological name: Bos taurus and related Parts used: Urine Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter and Salty Constituents: Water (95%), Urea (2.5%)Minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, ammonia, manganese, iron, sulfur, phosphates, potassium salts; Gold has been found in the amount of 3–10mg per liter in…


2D. Attenuaters of Congealed Blood Anti-thrombotic, Anticoagulant These have the effects of Inciding or Cutting Medicines, but are used for clotted or congealed Blood, as well as clotted milk in women’s breasts. They are likewise similar to the stronger sort of Attenuaters. They have several spheres of activity: Trauma, Bruising Chronic Fixed, stabbing pain, including…

for TCM Practitioners

MedicineTraditions for TCM Practitioners How Can MedicineTraditions be used by TCM Practitioners? As a Practitioner of TCM for more than 25 years, I have great respect for TCM and have seen many wonders achieved with its use. However, for the past 20 years I have also studied various other Traditions including Tibetan Medicine, Unani and…

Materia MedicaChinese

Photos of Chinese Materia Medica The following shows photos of some of the main TCM Materia Medica as available on the Chinese Herbal Medicine market. Detailed illustrations and photos are available in the Medicine Monographs. Detailed Photos of Individual Medicines: AconiteCordyceps Various grades of White (American) Ginseng Various types and grades of Pinella (Ban Xia),…

Lime, Calcium oxide

Lime, Calcium oxide Lime: Burnt Lime: Quicklime: Unslaked Lime: Calx: Calx Viva: Abesum (Calcium oxide, CaO)–Chuna (Ayurveda)Slaked Lime: Calcium Hydrate (Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2)Lime Water: Liquor Calcis, Aqua Benedicta, Blessed Water, Calcium Hydroxide Solution Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Minerological name: Lime is Calcium oxide (CaO)When ‘Slaked’ (added to water), it becomes Calcium Hydroxide Parts used: Mineral Temperature…

Galbanum FREE

Galbanum ‘Syrian Ferula’, Fennel Giant, MetopiumJaosheer (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Ferula galbaniflua (syn. F. rubricaulis, Bubon galbanum) Parts used: Gum Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter, aromatic Classifications: 2B ATTENUATERS.    2K. RESOLVENT.   …

Tincture of Honey

Tinctura MellisTincture of Honey Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Best HoneySpirit of WineFine, white, dry sand Latin MelSpiritum VitaeArena Amount 2 lbs.2 lbs.3 lbs. Preparation: Digest in a warm place in a sealed bottle; strain, and evaporate in B.M. to the thickness of Honey.Some used ‘Spirit of Wine twice rectified from Carminatives’, meaning…


2P. Hemostatics Styptics; Medicines that Stop Bleeding. Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 These are medicines which stop bleeding. In general, Bleeding may be either of a Heat type or Cold type. Types of Bleeding:1. Heat-type Bleeding–In this case the Blood is bright red, fresh and flows freely. It is seen in either…

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