Unani Materia Medica

Unani Materia Medica The following is a comprehensive Materia Medica of Unani Medicines with links to Monographs for each medicine.. See also Introduction to Traditional Unani MedicineUnani Formulas AAbresham, Bombax mori, Silkworm CocoonAfteemoon, Cuscuta reflexa, Dodder herbAjwain Khorasani, Hyoscyamus albus, Henbane seedAkoob, GundeliaAlubalu, Prunus cereus, Cherry fruitAmaltas, Cassia FistulaAmber, Ambra grasea, AmbergrisAmla, Emblica officinalis, Emblic…

Pearl, Coral & Amber

Pearl, Red Coral & Amber Pearl is Cool and dry, and slightly Sweet. Despite its dryness, it has an inherent Yin tonic effect. It is primarily a medicine to calm the Heart, Mind and Spirit. It stops Spasms, is used for Insomnia, Dizziness, Tinnitus and is especially useful to settle Infants. Pearl is also used…


Hardness Sclerosis, Fibrosis Hardness refers to Sclerosis or Fibrosis. It may come after unresolved Trauma or Chronic Inflammation, and may be in a Tissue or in an Organ. From a Traditional Medicine viewpoint, it is usually associated with Blood Stagnation. Many Blood moving herbs and formulas having Fibrinolytic effects and help to resolve Fibrosis and…


Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids or ‘Piles’ refers to a swollen Vein or group of Veins around the Anus. They may be very painful, may be internal or external, and may present with Blood. The ‘Hemorrhoid Veins’ were long used in Bloodletting, and were said to be filled with Melancholic Blood. Excess of the Melancholy Humor helps produce…

Aloe & Rose

Saffron & Myrrh Myrrh is Warm, Bitter and enters the main blood vessel to move Blood, clears Stasis, resolve Obstructions and relieve Pain. It is most used for Trauma and Bruising, Gynecological disorders, Pain from Blood Stasis, as well as for Cold obstruction of the Lungs. It also is regarded as very strong against Poison….


4H. Nephritic These are medicines appropriated to the Bladder and Kidneys. Aphorisms on Nephritics, collected by Culpeper, (Composita, 1656): That the watery humor may be separated from the Blood, nature has added the Reins [Kidneys] to the rest of the bowels. Because a man should do something alse besides continually piss, the Bladder was added…

Cancer Lymphatic

Lymphatic Cancer Lymphoma Lymphomas are cancers of the Lymphatic glands. It is the 6th most common form of Cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). The main types of Lymphoma are: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s Disease) Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Primary symptoms: painless swelling of the lymph nodes Fatigue Fever Night Sweats Weight loss Itchy skin Risk factors include age,…


2U. Suppuratives Ripeners; Maturatives Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 Suppuratives, hep to bring a boil, abscess or tumor to a head. They are then able to be lanced and drained, or cleansed with resolving medicines. Some are Warming, others are Moist while others resolve Phlegm and thick humors. Some opens the capillaries…


Pain Dolor is the Latin word … in English it is named Pain or Dolour, the which may be many ways,as by sickness of the body, or disquietness of a man’s mind. (Boordes Book of Knowledge, 1542) Pain has several types and causes. Some of the main causes of Pain include: Inflammation–inflammation and congestion irritates…


Hypocistus Succus Hypocistidis, Hypocystis HypocistusKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 HypocistusNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 HypocistusKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Cytinus hypocistusWilhelm, Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 1885 Cytinus hypocistus(Photo by Acord H. Brisse) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cytinus hypocistus (growing on Cistus ladanifer) Parts used: Dehydrated juice of the fruit or whole plantNOTE: this was described as an excretion or…

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