Comfrey & Plantain

Comfrey & Plantain This combination made the famous ‘Boyles Syrup’, so much used for dry Coughs and Coughing up Blood in particular. It is also the main combination in the Syrup of Comfrey.    Comfrey is Cool, Moist, and Sweet. It is astringent, helps stop Bleeding while also gently moving the Blood, and is very good…

Dizziness and Vertigo

Dizziness & Vertigo Dizziness and Vertigo are classed as Wind diseases in traditional Medicine. Humoralists would classify some as Phlegm, some Bile and some Melancholy. Phlegm refers to what TCM calls Wind-Phlegm, Bile equates with Wind-Heat and Melancholy with Yin and Essence deficiency. Wind-Phlegm–pale face and tongue, white coating, sound of phlegm in the throat…

Breathlessness, Difficulty Breathing

Breathlessness & Difficulty Breathing Including Shortness of Breath Breathlessness and Difficulty Breathing are conditions where breathing is difficult or strained. It can come after exercise, high altitude or after prolonged lassitude. Lung infections may be associated with Shortness of Breath, usually with Fever. Allergies, Fear and panic attacks can also cause acute Breathlessness. Chronic Breathlessness…

Menyanthes, Buckbean FREE

Menyanthes, Buckbean Bogbean, Water Trefoil, Marsh Trefoil, Marsh CloverShui Cai (TCM) Tabernaemontanus Icones Plantarum Medicinalium. 1788 Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Menyanthes trifoliata (syn. Trifolium palustre, T. fibrinum) Parts used: Leaf Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Heat and…

Baths, Enemas, Douches

Baths, Enemas & Douches Enemas Sample Enema Recipes 1. Olive oil (5 ounces), Aloe (1 dram). Dissolve2. Camomile (half handful), Linseed, Fenugreek (1 dram each). Infuse in 1 liter of hot water; strain.3. Decoct Camomile (2 handfuls) down to 8 ounces; strain, add Honey of Roses (1 ounce). Mix4. Decoction of Oatmeal (1 pound), Olive…

Sambucus Folium, Elder Leaf

Sambucus Folium, Elder Leaf Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 ‘Common’ and ‘Jagged’ ElderParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Sambucus nigra Parts used: Flower; Fruit; Bark Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classifications: 2B ATTENUATERS.    2F. PURIFYING.    2J. RAREFYING.    2L. EMOLLIENT.    2Q. ANODYNE3A. SUDORIFICS &…

Benzoin & Storax

Benzoin & Storax Benzoin and Storax are both Pungent, Sweet, Aromatic Gums. They powerfully move the Qi and Blood, regulate the Qi, stop Wind, ease Pain, relieve Tension, open the Orifices of the Mind and clear the Senses.    They are similar in nature and function, but mutually enhance each other when combined.    They are useful…


Convalescence Western Tradition Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue)Diarrhodon AbbatisAromaticum RosatumRestorative ElectuaryRestorative of NicholasSyrup Against Consumption Chinese Classification Qi DeficiencyBu Zhong Yi Qi TangSheng Mai San Qi & Blood DeficiencyShi Quan Da Bu TangRen Shen Yang Rong Tang Yin DeficiencyLiu Wei Di Huang WanDa Bu Yin WanZuo Gui Wan


4F. Splenetic Splenetics are appropriated to the Spleen, and are used for Pain, Swelling or Inflammation of the Spleen, and some are used for Melancholy disease. Aphorisms on Splenetics, collected by Culpeper, (Composita, 1656): Three excrements are especially beheld in the breeding of Blood, a watery Humor [Phlegm], Choler [Bile], and Melancholy. The proper seat…


Cachexia Cachexia is defined as weakness and wasting associated with severe chronic disease. It is a morbid state of the body due to the body being overburdened with the chronic fight against an ongoing illness. It is primarily a disease of weakness but often with the remnants of unresolved illness. It therefore requires a mix…

Blood Heat

Blood Heat ‘Blood Heat’ can have different implications. Heat of the Blood may cause Red, inflammatory Skin conditions such as Eczema or Acne. In TCM, the concept of Blood Heat is where a pathogen has moved from the superficial level (exterior) of the body into the interior. This classically is seen in the progression of…

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