Pulmonaria, Lungwort

Pulmonaria, Lungwort Male Comfrey, Spotted Lungwort New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Pulmonaria officinalis(Photo by Onderwijsgek) (Wikimeda) Botanical name: Pulmonaria officinalis Parts used: Leaf Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classifications: 3K. EXPECTORANT.    3L. ANTI-TUSSIVETCM:P. Clear Phlegm Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Nourishes Yin, Stops Cough:-Hoarseness, chronic and dry Coughs, Bronchitis-Shortness of Breath and…

Preparation of Medicines

Preparation of Medicines IntroductionThe Preparation of medicines is an art-form all but lost by modern Western herbalists. All Traditional Medical systems used various methods to prepare medicines. It is perhaps the Chinese that have the most detailed and elaborate system of medicinal preparation which they call Pao Zhi. In fact in TCM, certain herbs undergo…

Taking Herbs

Taking Herbal Medicine Herbal Medicine may be used in a variety of ways, both internally and externally: Internally:                                                       1. Powder2. Pills3. Infusion4. Decoction5. Syrups6. Wines and Tinctures7. Others Externally:1. Ointments2. Plasters3. Fomentations4. Washes, Baths5. Enemas and Douches PowderPowders are a good way to…

Pyrolusite, Wu Ming Yi

Pyrolusite, Wu Ming Yi 无名异 Wu Ming Yi (TCM)Chig Thub  ཆིག་ཐུབ  (Tibetan Medicine) Nodular form of Pyrolusite most used in TCMPhoto by Parent Géry Pyrolusite Crystals (not typically used in TCM)Photo: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Manganese dioxide (primary ore of manganese, containing 60–63% manganese) Parts used: Mineral Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet, Salty,…

Nardi Celtica, Celtic Spikenard

Nardi Celtica, Celtic Spikenard European Spikenard, Roman SpikenardSunbul Rumi (Unani) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 De Materia Medica, Dioscorides, 1555 Flora von Deutschland (28), Kohler, 1886 Botanical name: Valeriana celtica Parts used: Root or whole plant“It is small plant which is collected alongwith its roots” (Avicenna) Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent,…

Heart Disease

Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Heart disease is a general term for a group of symptoms affecting the Heart. It can be related to: Disease of the Heart Vessel Disease of the Heart Muscle Structural Changes in the Heart Blood clotting These changes typically are associated with age, but may also be hereditary.Symptoms may include: Chest…

I. Medicines for Internal Wind

I. Medicines for Internal Wind Anti-hypertensives, Antispasmodics, Anti-convulsives Wind disease is essentially an erratic condition of Qi, manifesting as various diseases of the Nervous system. Wind is basically Qi that is disordered, or not regulated. This causes either a loss of sense, or irregularity of proper function. Wind symptoms may include Headache, Migraine; Dizziness, Vertigo;…

Liver Cold, Phlegm

Liver Cold, Phlegm Western Tradition Syrup of ThymeSyrup of Agrimony (Mesue)Syrup of WormwoodSyrup of Wormwood (Mesue)Byzantine Syrup – Simple & Compound (Mesue)Syrup of Five RootsAromatic Rose Powder (Aromaticum Rosatum)New Rose Powder (Rosata Novelle) (Nicholas)Powder of Happiness (Letificans)Troches of AgrimonyTroches of Wormwood Lesser (Mesue)Greater Cumin Composition (Diacyminum) (Nicholas)Calamint Powder Lesser (Diacalaminthum) (Nicholas)Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcurma) (Mesue)Comp….


Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum The Regimen of Health from the School of Salerno Part 2. DIET Neue Artznei und Practicierbuchlin, Bock, 1551 Text TO keep good diet, you should never feedUntil you find your stomach clean and voidOf former eaten meat, for they do breedRepletion, and will cause you soon be cloid,None other rule but appetite…


4G. Hepatic Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 These are medicines appropriated to the Liver. Aphorisms on Hepatics, collected by Culpeper, (Composita, 1656): Hepatics may be divided into three divisions: 1. Such as delight the Liver. 2. Such as add strength to it. 3. Such as take away its vice The Liver is…


2M. Drawing Attrahentia; Attractive medicines These medicines are Hot and Thin in nature, and draw Humors or Fluid to a part of the body.Their main use is to remove corrupt Humors and expel Poison. Externally, they are used to draw matter and Poison from the deeper parts to the surface so they can be resolved….

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