3H. Lactagogue Lac generantia Medicines that promote and enhance Breast Milk The following medicines are used in to increase Milk production and improve Milk quality in Ayurveda:Cissampelos hernandi, Pinus deodara, Ginger, Cyperus rotundus, Sansevicra zeylanica, Tinospora cordifolia, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Swertia, Picrorhiza, Asclepias pseudosarsa                        Annis                       Fennel                       Parsnip                       Celery                       Agnus Castus                       Rocket seed                       Withania                       Barley broth                      …

Lavender & Rosemary

Lavender & Rosemary Lavender is Warm, Dry, Pungent and Bitter. It clears Cold and Damp, benefits the Brain and Nerves, and moves the Qi. It promotes Urine and Menstruation, and was traditionally said to resist Poison.    Rosemary is Warm, Dry, Pungent and Bitter. It moves Qi and Blood, clears Damp, settles Wind, and benefits the…

Fighting Fire with Fire

Fighting Fire with Fire By Adam Tate, 2013 The concept of Traditional Medicine generally relies on treating an imbalance with its opposite. So a condition with Heat or excess Bile would be treated with a cooling medicine to correct the imbalance. But what about the use of hot medicines to treat Heat diseases? The Ayurvedic…

Blood, to Move

Move the Blood Blood Stasis can have several different meanings. Acute Trauma with Bruising involves Blood stasis. But Blood stasis is also involved in many chronic diseases. Most chronic inflammatory conditions involve Blood stasis, as is Cirrhosis, Fibrosis and Tumors. Likewise Chest pain and Angina Pectoris is also associated with Blood Stasis. Many gynecological diseases…

Rose, Sandalwood & Licorice

Rose, Sandalwood & Licorice Rose is Cool, Dry, Aromatic and mildly astringent. It moves the Qi and Blood, gently clears Heat, benefits the Heart, Stomach, Liver and Spirit. It calms the Mind and Spirit and promotes calmness, and is most appropriated to the Heart. Useful in Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Hyper-emotionalism etc.    Sandalwood is Cool, Dry,…

King and Minister 3

King and Minister 3 King and Minister 3 is a Tibetan combination of Camphor, Sandalwood and Tabasheer that also appears in a number of Western formulas for Heat and Fever. The proportions are typically as follows: Camphor 1 part White Sandalwood 3 parts Tabasheer 3 part Today, only Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian in TCM) is…

Corrections to the Syrian Book of Medicine

Corrections to theSyrian Book of MedicinesAdam Tate, 2023 The Syrian “Book of Medicine” (properly called “Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics”) was translated by Wallis Budge and printed in 1913. Wallis Budge was primarily an Egyptologist and Orientalist, and much of his writings and translations were esoteric in nature such as his translation of the “Egyptian…

Aloe & Rose

Rose & Sandalwood Rose is Cool, Dry, Aromatic and mildly astringent. It moves the Qi and Blood, gently clears Heat, benefits the Heart, Stomach, Liver and Spirit. It calms the Mind and Spirit and promotes calmness, and is most appropriated to the Heart. Useful in Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Hyper-emotionalism etc.    In this pairing, White Sandalwood…

Diseases of the Nose

Diseases of the Nose Western Tradition Sinusitis & Rhinitis (Catarrh) Gargles:i. from Cold: decoction of myrrh or libani or sandaracii. from Heat: Rose water with Camphor, Rose, Pomegranate flower, Coriander water, Poppy water Fumigation:i. from Heat: Linseed infused in vinegar and torrefied; Barley and vinegarii. from Cold: Storax, Libano, Aloeswood, Sandarac Decoction for Catarrh (Alcala)Decoction…

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