4K. Arthritic These are Medicines appropriated to the Joints. Aphorisms on Arthritics, collected by Culpeper, (Composita, 1656): The joints are most infested with Capital diseases, and therefore cured with Cepahlic Medicines. The reason is soon given, which is, because they are of a nervous quality. Those things are appropriated to the Joints, which have a…

Cynoglossum, Hound’s Tongue

Cynoglossum, Hound’s Tongue Lingua CanisYao Yong Dao Ti Hu (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Greater and Lesser CynoglossumHerbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Flora von Deutschland (19), Kohler, 1884 Botanical name: Cynoglossum officinale (West, TCM) Parts used: Leaf; Root; FlowerThe Root has been used in TCM Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweetish, Pungent, disagreeable and…


Inflammation The following is just a general indication of formulas that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Specific types of Inflammation can be searched individually, for example, Hepatitis, Gastritis, Dermatitis or Eczema etc. Looking at the section on Heat diseases also shows medicines which may be used for Inflammation. In general acute Inflammation manifests with Heat or…

Pimpinella, Saxifrage

Pimpinella, Saxifrage Burnet Saxifrage, Tragoselinum, Saxifraga major, Pimpinella alba Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 PIMPINELLA ROOT1. Nodulated surface of the root.  2. Crown with many stembases.  3. Stem scar.  4. Dark cambium zone.  5. WoodSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical…

Motherwort & Cyperus

Motherwort & Cyperus Motherwort is neutral or slightly warm, dry, pungent and bitter. It moves the Blood, benefits the Womb, regulates Menstruation and promotes Fertility. It benefits the Heart, treats Tachycardia and Palpitations. It also promotes Urine. Cyperus is warm, dry, pungent, slightly bitter and aromatic. It moves Qi and regulates Menstruation. Together, the main…


2N. Repellents Repercussives, Repulsives They are opposed to Attractive medicines. They prevent the flux of humors into a part, or drive them back to their source. They are primarily used to ‘repel Vapors’, and stop the beginning and increase of Inflammations, Discussive medicines being used after. Salmon noted: ‘But if the Matter be venomous or…


Ostracites – Fossilized Oyster shell Museum Wormianum, Olao Worm, 1655 Metallotheca Vaticana, Mercati, 1719 ‘Ostracites stone is like a shell, crusty and easy to break. Women use it instead of pumice stone for taking off hair. A teaspoonful (taken as a drink with wine) stops the menstrual flow. If anyone drinks two teaspoonfuls after the…

Primary Sources for Formulas

Primary Sources for Formulas The following is a list of the primary sources for the medicinal formula listed on medicinetraditions Western Tradition Antidotarium-Antidotarium, Plantini, Christopher, Antwerp, 1561-Antidotarii Bononiae, Joannem Rossium, 1574-Antidotarium Bononien, 1641-Antidotarium Gandavense sive Medicamentorum Componendorum, 1652-Antidotarum Romanum, 1585-Antidotarium Romanum, Laurentium Bertellum, Venica, 1590Avicenna–A Treatise on The Canon of Medicine of Avicenna, O. Cameron…


3F. Lithontriptic Calculum Fragentia; Lithontriptics Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 These medicines generally working by cutting and cleansing, but without manifest heat. The ancients believed Wind and Phlegm caused stones, so many of these cut Phlegm while relieving Wind. Sample Combinations1. Bearberry (1 scruple), distilled water (1.5 oz.), Tincture of Cinnamon (1…

Agrimony & Camomile

Agrimony & Camomile Agrimony is Neutral, Dry, clears Heat and Damp from the Liver, regulates and benefits the Liver and Bowels, and has an Astringent effect. It was traditionally said to be able to separate good flesh from the bad.    Camomile is Cooling, mildly Bitter and clears Heat and Inflammation. It has a beneficial effect…

Dandelion & Violet

Dandelion & Violet Despite the fact that both these medicines are commonly used in Modern Western Herbal Medicine, they are not found in any traditional formula, primarily because Dandelion was not commonly used (Chicory being far more commonly used in the Western Tradition). In TCM, Taraxacum sinicum Pu Gong Ying and Viola yedoensis Zi Hua…

Siliqua, Carob

Siliqua, Carob Locust beanKharnub Shami (Unani)Kharoub (Arabic) Prosperi Alpini, de plantis Aegypti liber, 1592 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Thomé, O.W., Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, vol. 3 (1885) Botanical name: Ceratonia siliqua Parts used: Fruit Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet Uses: 1. Benefits Qi:-fatigue, weakness, convalescence-has a mild effect 2. Stops Cough:-used in…

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