Black Bile & Melancholy

Black Bile & Melancholy “Black Bile possesses in its constitution many varieties of matter.Some portion of it appears to be like the sediment of blood,and is sufficiently dense like the dregs of wine, but one portionof it is very much thinner in its consistency than these“.(Syrian Book of Medicine) Melancholy and Black or Burnt Bile…

Humoral Medicine

Humoral Medicine Before you go further, read our:Introduction to Humoral Medicine Humoral Medicine is a Traditional Medical Philosophy based on the concept of Humors (or Bodily Fluids) that determine both individual physical and psychological characteristics as well as being responsible for disease. They are Physiological, but can be Pathological. It is the Medical Philosophy used…

Medicines of Ancient Egypt

Medicines of Ancient Egypt The following list gives a brief summary of some of the Medicines used by the Ancient Egyptians (from Eber’s Papyrus 1550BCE and other sources). All of these were later used in Ancient Greek and Unani Medicine. Herbs AbiesAcaciaAjwan seedAloe veraAmmiAniseBalanitesBalsam Apple (Malus sylvestris)BarleyBasilBelladonnaCalendulaCamomile (Matricaria)CamphorCannabisCaraway (Carum carvi)Cardamom (Eletarria cardamomum)Castor oilCedarCeleryCinnamonColchicumColocynthCoriander seedCornflowerCubeb Cyperus…


Cough Cough is one of the most common symptoms presented and can be caused by numerous disorders.In the Western Tradition, Cough is broadly differentiated into Hot, Cold, Dry or Moist: Heat-type Cough Cold-type Cough Dry-type Cough Moist-type Cough These are dealt with in detail below. Cough should firstly be classed as acute or chronic.Acute cases…

Galega, Goat’s Rue

Galega, Goat’s Rue Goat’s Herb, French Lilac, Ruta Capraria Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Flora von Deutschland (24), Kohler, 1886 Botanical name: Galega officinalisSalmon described two varieties: Common and Mountain Goat’s Rue Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Bitter, Pungent Classification: S. Worms and Parasites Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:-Sudorific and Alexipharmic,…

Ayurvedic Disease Names

Glossary of Ayurvedic Diseases & Medical terms abhisyandi–heavy drug which obstructs channel    circulationadhimantha–glaucomaadhmana–flatulenceagada–antidotesagni–digestive poweragnimandya–suppression of digestive powerahladana–gives happinessaksi–eyeaksi sula–eye painama-by-product of improper digestionama pacana–aids digestion of undigested foodamavata–rheumatismamla–souramlapitta–acid gastritisanaha–flatulenceanjana–collyriumanulomana–moves wind downwardapaci–scrofula; lymphadenitisapasmara–epilepsyardhavabhedaka–migrainearjuna–subconjunctival hemorrhagearsas–pilesaruci–anorexiaasma–urinary stonesasmari–urinary stoneasra–vitiation of bloodasya–mouthatisara–diarrheabadhirya–deafnessbalya–promote strengthbasti–pelic regionbastiruk–pain in pelvic regionbhedana, bhedi–purgativebhrama–giddinessbhuta–seizure by evil spiritsbrmhana–nourishingcaksusya–promotes eyesightchardi–vomitingdadru–ringwormdaha–burning syndromedantavesta–pyorrheadaruna–penetratingdaurgandhya–foul smell coming from bodydipana–digestive stimulantdipta–acute rhinitisdrava–liquiditydusta vrana–putrid…

Photos of Insect Materia Medica

Photos of Insect Materia Medica See also individual Insect Monographs for more PhotosAll photos by Adam, 2009–2015. Large sacks of dried and prepared Earthworm. Dried Leeches contain a powerful anticoagulant similar to heparin. They are therefore very effective for Blood stasis. Wingless Cockroach, used similar to Pill Millipedes in the West, they powerfully move the…


Diabetes The term ‘Diabetes’ has been used classically for involuntary or excessive Urination. Therefore, not all traditional formulas classically used for ‘Diabetes’ are relevant for the modern diagnosis of Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus). Diabetes can be divided into Diabetes Insipidus and Diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Insipidus–marked by excessive urination, with dehydration and thirst. Diabetes mellitus–may present similarly,…


3I. Aphrodisiacs Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793 Medicines that stimulate Sexual desire. They are applied to Impotence in men and Frigidity in Women. They are also used to enhance the enjoyment of the sexual act. These medicines generally warm and strengthen the Kidneys.                        Orchis (Satyrion)                       Ginseng                       Galangal                       Clove                       Date                       Almond                       Hazelnut                      …

Agrimony & Camomile

Anemarrhena Zhi Mu and Phellodendron Huang Bai Anemarrhena Zhi Mu and Phellodendron Huang Bai are both Cold, Bitter, clear Heat and direct Fire downwards. Anemarrhena Zhi Mu drains Fire from the Lungs and Stomach, while having a secondary function of Nourishing Yin.It is used for High Fever, Heat of the Stomach or Lungs, as well…

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