Name The Key Indications: A Examples: Additions: Cautions:
Name The Key Indications: A Examples: Additions: Cautions:
The Art of PhysickSection A. Of the 7 Naturals1. Of the Elements D. What is an Element? C. An Element is the smallest part of that, of which it is an Element, Galen of Elements. Now he calls the smallest part of the most simple, which cannot be divided into other parts different in species….
Epsom Salts, Magnesium Sulphate Mineralogical name: Magnesium Sulphate Parts used: Salt Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty, Bitter Classifications: E. Laxative, Purgatives and Cathartics Uses: 1. Moves the Bowels, Clears Heat:-Constipation, Bowel Pain:-Dysentery and inflammatory conditions of the bowels; ‘specific in Bacillary Dysentery’ (Squires)-Edema with sluggish stomach and bowels.-Hypertension 2. Clears Swelling and Inflammation:-Rheumatic pain…
Glossary of Chinese Medicine Names Ai YeBa DouBa Ji TianBa Yue ZhaBai BuBai Dou KouBai Fu ZiBai GuoBai HeBai Hua SheBai Hua She She CaoBai JiBai Ji LiBai Jiang CaoBai Jie ZiBai LianBai Long Chuan Hua TouBai Mao GenBai Mao HuaBai Mu ErBai QianBai ShaoBai Tou WengBai Tou Weng YeBai WeiBai Xian PiBai ZhiBai ZhuBai…
MedicineTraditions–Important Texts Pharmacopoeia Augustana Pharmacopoeia Augustana is one of the earliest European Pharmacopoeias.It was translated and reprinted numerous times Text:Pharmacopoeia Augustana“Enchiridion, sive vt vulgo vocant dispensatorium, compositorium medicamentorum, pro Reipub. Augstburgensis Pharmacopoeis” Author & Tradition:Adolf Occo, 1524-1606.Western (European) Year Published1564 Brief OverviewPharmacopoeia Augustana like other early European Pharmacopoeias is a compilation of formulas, largely from…
The Elemental Universe Musaeum Hermeticum, 1578
MedicineTraditions–Important Texts Syrian Book of Medicines OrSyrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics Front page of Volume 1 of Syrian “Book of Medicines”,translated from a manuscript by E. A. Wallis Budge, 1913 Text:Translation of an original Syriac manuscripftTranslated by Wallis Budge, printed 1913 by Oxford University Press Author & Tradition:Author is uncertainBeing of Syrian origin, can be…
Eupatorium cannabinum, Hemp Agrimony Hemp Eupatorium, Water Hemp Eupatorium cannabinumEnglish Botany, Sowerby, 1804 Eupatorium cannabinum(Photo by Rosser1954) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Eupatorium cannabinumIn TCM, Eupatorium Pei Lan is used (E. fortunei and others). It is similar in taste and appearance, and likewise contains similar alkaloids. NOTE: The name Eupatorium was classically used for Agrimony; Eupatorium was…
Loss of Speech And Speech disorders Loss of Speech usually comes following Brain trauma such as CVA. It is therefore most often associated with Blood stagnation, but may also be associated with Phlegm obstructing the Brain. Speech disorders such as stuttering and slow speech development are generally associated with Wind disorders. Typically, Wind-Phlegm obstructs the…
Trochisci ViperiniTroches of Vipers, also called Viperine Pastils, or Theriacal Pastils Tradition: Western Source / Author: Preparation: Of the body, Hearts and Livers of Vipers, dried in the Sun sufficient The Vipers are best caught in the Spring. Their heads are cut off, their skin removed as are their bowels, leaving…
3P. Masticatories & Sternutatories Masticatories are medicines chewed while Sternutatories are medicines used as snuff. Both help clear Phlegm from the head, the former via the salivary glands, the latter via the nasal passages. Masticatories Pyrethrum root Oregano Hyssop Watercress seed Stavesacre seed Black Pepper Mastic AngelicaMarjoramSageMustard seedNigellaCubebVinegar Sternutatories Pyrethrum…
S. Worms & Parasites Parasitic Worms and other Parasites, both internal and external, can cause numerous diseases. Typically, Worms are gastrointestinal, and may be associated with mild malnutrition. However, in tropical and third-world countries, various severe parasites which can prove fatal, are encountered. Pumpkin seed Nan Gua Zi Wild Carrot seed He Shi Quisqualis…
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