Adhatoda vasica, Malabar nut FREE

Adhatoda vasica, Malabar nut Vasa, Vasaka, Adarushah (Ayurveda)Adathodai (Siddha)Ba Sha Ka  བ་ཤ་ཀ  (Tibetan)Arusa, Hashees-tussual (Unani)Da Bo Gu (TCM) Adhatoda vasicaWeinmann, Phytanthoza iconographia, 1739 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Adhatoda vasica (syn. Justicia adhatoda) Parts used: Leaf, Flower, Root-bark Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Stops…

Chinese Drugs Personified

Chinese Drugs Personified This wonderful series of illustration personifies Chinese drugs in human form in classical Chinese illustrations. The idea was to represent their nature including taste and effects in illustrations depicting human forms. The Description from the Wellcome Collection: . Yaohui tukao (Illustrated Congregation of Drugs), published in 1935 (24th year of the Republic…

Camphor & Saffron

Camphor & Saffron This strong combination powerfully opens obstructions, promotes and regulates circulation, benefits the Heart, resists Poison and promotes Sweat. It is a very useful cooling medicine to ease pain in Burning Fevers or strong Inflammations.      It was often used for Epidemic diseases including the Plague, but was especially commended for Spotted Fevers…

Muscus, Moss

Muscus, Moss Left: Muscus Arboreus, Tree Moss; Right: Muscus Terrestris, Ground Moss (Clubmoss) Left: Muscus marinus I; Corallina; Right: Muscus marinus II.Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name:   1. Ground Moss: Muscus Terrestris; Lycopodium; Clubmoss  2, Tree Moss: Muscus Arboreus; Usnea  3. Stone Moss, Rock Moss Muscus Petram: Parmelia  4. Sea Moss, Muscus Maritimus; CorallinaRelated Medicines…

Trochite or Entrochus

Trochite, Entrochus This page from Historia Lapidum Figuratorum Helvetiae, Lang (1708) shows several types of Stones: at the top is various types of Trochite and Entrochus. Lesser Star Stones (fossil coral type) amd Greater Star Stone (Astroites Stellis Maximus). The latter is dealt with under Astroites, Star Stone. Metallotheca Vaticana Opus Posthuman, 1719 Asteria, AstroitesGesner,…


Poison The treatment of various types of Poison including plant poisons, the bites of venomous animals and insects, and metal and mineral poisons has been an important part of medicine from a very early time. In the most basic primitive tribes, knowledge of plants used against local poisons is one of the earliest classes of…

Art of the Apothecary

The Art of the Apothecary The Art of the Apothecary was as intricate and involved as the study of medicine itself. It was not uncommon for an apprentice to spend 7 years to learn all the aspects of the Art which involved everything from collecting, drying and preparing Medicines, to the preparation of numerous different…


Gastritis Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the Stomach and can be acute or chronic in nature. Symptoms include a gnawing or burning pain in the Stomach, indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, or a feeling of fullness after eating. Gastritis can be acute or chronic. Acute Gastritis is usually relieved by medicines that clear…

Fungal Materia Medica

Fungal Materia Medica Wall relief of a mushroom basket inTemple of Hathor, Dendera (Wikimedia) Fungi have been an integral part of Traditional Medicine for millennia. A wide variety of Mushrooms and Fungi species have been used, however from a medicinal point of view the most important group of this class are the Polypores.  In recent…

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Classically called Shaking Palsy Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive degenerative disease of the Nervous system. There may be spasms, tremors, rigidity, and loss of motor control. It is most common in middle- and old-age. It is caused by degeneration of basal ganglia and dopamine deficiency. In Traditional Medicine is an age-related disease associated…

Greater Cold Seeds

Introduction The Four Greater Cold seeds formed a cornerstone in Western Pharmacy for 2 millennia. They are often used in cooling compounds, and in compounds to nourish and moisten, such as would be considered Heat-clearing Medicines and as Yin tonics in TCM. The Four Greater Cold Seeds were typically derived from the kernels of:       …

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