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Timeline of Traditional Medicine

Timeline of Traditional Medicine The following gives a point-form overview of the history of Traditional Medicine. It is intended to be brief and to allow people to see what was happening in different systems at a given time. Some of the sources for the information given are older sources and therefore certain dates or other…

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Carline Thistle, Carlina vulgaris

Carlina, Carline Thistle Chameleon, Leucoacantha, Radix Heracanthae New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 (Illustration from «Bilder ur Nordens Flora», Carl Axel Magnus Lindman) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Carlina vulgaris, C. acaulis (Dwarf Carline Thistle) and related speciesBlack and White types were traditionally differentiated Parts used: Root, gathered in spring; rarely the herb Temperature & Taste:…

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Strengthening and Tonic Formulas

Strengthening and Tonic Formula Strengthening and Tonic herbs and formulas are used either to strengthen the body when weak, support the body during chronic disease and old age, or as a health tonic.  A list of various Tonic Medicines used in the various systems can be found here Here. Tonic Recipes:1. Rice boiled with Milk….

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Lithospermum, Gromwell, Zi Cao PRO

Lithospermum, Gromwell, Zi Cao 紫草 Milium Solis, GrommelZi Cao (TCM) Milium solisHerbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Greater and Lesser GromwellDioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Greater and Lesser LithospermumKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Lithospermum officinaleOeder, G.C., Flora Danica (1761-1861) Lithospermum erythrorhizon(Photo by Doronenko) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Lithospermum spp.  1. L. officinale  2. L. erythrorhizon (syn. Lithospermum officinale L. subsp….

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Euphrasia, Eyebright FREE

Euphrasia, Eyebright Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, 1893 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Euphrasia officinalis Parts used: Herb in flower Temperature & Taste: Cool (Warm in the west), dry. Pungentastringes, discusses Classifications: 2S. STRENGTHENING4b. OPTHALMIC Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Benefits the Eyesight: (West, Tibet)-sore,…

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Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood

Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood Roman Wormwood, Roman Mugwort Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Vietz, F.B., Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, vol. 1 (1800) Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch, (1543) Botanical name: Artemisia ponticum Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bittercuts, binds, discusses, resists putrefaction, purges Bile (Choler) Uses: -Generally used the same as Wormwood, but was regarded as…

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Crotalaria, Sana PRO

Crotalaria, Sana Sunn HempSana (Seed, Ayurveda)Sanal (Siddha)Tukhm Sun (Unani) Crotalaria juncea(Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1800) Crotalaria juncea(Photo by A16898) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Crotalaria juncea Parts used: Primarily Seed; also the leaf and Root (TCM) Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sour, Pungent, Bitter. Toxic Uses: 1. Warms the Stomach:-Indigestion, Loss of appetite 2. Clears Toxin from the…

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Euphorbia thymifolia, Dudhi PRO

Euphorbia thymifolia, Dudhi Asthma plant, Pill-bearing Spurge, Small EuphorbiaLesser variety (E. thymifolia):–Thyme-leaved Euphorbia–Dudhi, Chhoti Dudhi (Ayurveda)–Thar nu (Tibetan)–Sittrapaladi (Siddha)–Dudhi Khurd (Unani)–Shabram (Arabic)Greater variety (E. hirta, E. pilulifera):–Small Euphorbia–Badi Dudhi (Ayurveda)–Ammanptharisi (Siddha)–Dudhi Kalan (Unani)–Laban Maghrabi (Arabic)–Da Fei Yang Cao (TCM)E. prostrata:–Dagdhika (Ayurveda) Euphorbia thymifoliaK.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Indian medicinal plants, Plates, vol. 5: t. 847 (1918) Euphorbia…

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Polipodium, Polypody FREE

Polipodium, Polypody Bisfayaj (Unani)Shui Long Gu, Duo Zu Jue Shu [lit. ‘Multi-Foot fern’=Polypodium] (TCM) Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, 1832 Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Polypody root(Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Polypodium vulgare (TCM, West); P. virginianum is also…

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Cubeba, Cubebs

Cubeba, Cubeb Bi Cheng Qie (TCM)Kankola, Kokola, Kankola, Takkola, Kolaka (Ayurveda)Kabanchini, Kababah, Habb-ul-Uruus (Unani)Valmilaku (Siddha) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Medical Botany, Bohn, 1832 CUBEB1. Many fruits.  2. Large fruits.  3. Small fruits.  4. Seed in the pericarp. 5.  Stems. Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Piper cubeba (primary)Litsea cubeba Parts used:…

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Sulphur, Liu Huang 硫磺

Sulphur, Liu Huang 硫磺 Gandhaka (Ayurveda)Gandhak (Unani)Liu Huang (TCM)Mu Zi   མུ་ཟི  (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Sulphur, from Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Sulphur crystalsPhoto by Oscar Lumps of Raw Tibetan Sulphur (Adam, 2009) Mineralogical Name: Sulphur, Sulfur Parts Used:Native (raw) Sulphur may be used externally; Purified Sulphur is better for internal use.The names of the several…

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Clerodendrum serratum, Bharangi PRO

Clerodendrum serratum, Bharangi Serrate GlorybowerBharangi (Ayurveda)Kandoorbarangi (Siddha) San Tai Hong Hua (TCM) Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 52 (1825) Clerodendrum serratum(Photo by Yercaud-elango) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Clerodendrum serratum (syn. Clerodendron serratum, Rotheca serrata)In TCM, Clerodendrum serratum var. amplexifolium is also used. In parts of India, C. indicum (syn. C. siphonanthus) is used synomymously. Parts used: Root…

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