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Spatholobus, Ji Xue Teng PRO

Spatholobus, Ji Xue Teng 鸡血藤 Ji Xue Teng (TCM) Spatholobus Ji Xue Teng Spatholobus Ji Xue Teng(Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Spatholobus suberectus (syn. S. floribundus, S. laoticus, Butea laotica, B. suberecta)Also S. harmandii, S. sinensisA number of plants have been used for Ji Xue Teng in different parts of China (see substitutes below). Parts used:…

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Serpentine, Jahara Mohara

Serpentine, Jahara Mohara Mineral BezoarJahara Mohara, Zehar Mohra, Zehr Mohra (Unani)Jawahar Mohra (Ayurveda)Naga pasana (Sanskrit)Shi Men Yan (TCM)Ophicalcite Hua Rui Shi of TCM is Serpentine mixed with Calcite.  Serpentine (Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Mineralogical Name: Serpentine (Soapstone variety); hydrous magnesium iron phyllosilicateSerpentine is a group of hydrous magnesium iron phyllosilicate ((Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4) minerals. There…

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Rubus, Kanda ka ri PRO

Rubus, Kan da ka ri ཀན་ད་ཀ་རི Kan da ka ri (Tibetan) Rubus niveusBotanical Register, vol. 10 (1824) Rubus niveus(Photo by Forest & Kim Starr) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Rubus spp.Several types of Kanda ka ri are recognised in Tibetan Medicine: Kanda ka ri dkar po (Kanda ka ri), R. niveus (White barked variety) Kanda ka ri…

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Chondrodendron, Pareira

Chondrodendron, Pareira Curare, Velvet Leaf. Ice VineNan Mei Fang Ji (TCM) Chondrodendron tomentosumBentley and Trimen, Medicinal Plants, Vol 2, 1875 Cross-section of the rootManual of Organic Materica Medica, Sayre, 1879 Botanical name: Chondrodendron tomentosum (syn. C. scabrum)A number of related plants were available as varieties of Pareira Parts used: Root, Stem Temperature & Taste: Bitter,…

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Myrobalan, Belleric PRO

Myrobalan, Belleric Bibhitaki (Ayurveda)Thandrikkai , Tanrikkay (Siddha)Bahera (Unani)Ba Ru Ra བ་རུ་ར (Tibetan)Mao He Zi 毛诃子 (TCM) Belleric MyrobalanIllustrations of Indian Botany, Wight, 1840 Chebulic, Emblic, Belleric, Citrine (Yellow) and Indian (Black) MyrobalanA Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748  1. Yellow (Citrine) Myrobalan 2. Black (Indian, Nigrum) Myroabalan 3. Chebulic Myrobalan 4. Emblic Myrobalan 5. Belleric Myrobalan Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Left…

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Eryngium, Sea Holly FREE

Eryngium, Sea Holly Shaukah al-Yahud, Qirsana (Unani, Avicenna) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Medical Botany, Stephenson & Churchill, 1831 E. campestre.Flora von Deutschland (4), Kohler, 1884 E. planumFlora von Deutschland (4), Kohler, 1884 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Eryngium spp.Although E. maritimum is the principle species, several species…

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Platycodon, Jie Geng FREE

Platycodon, Jie Geng 桔梗 Balloon Flower rootJie Geng (TCM) Platycodon grandiflorumHoutte, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 22 (1845) Platycodon grandiflorumPhoto by Kurt Stueber (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Platycodon grandiflorum Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Bitter, Pungent Classification: P. Clears Cold Phlegm Uses: 1….

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Cassiope, Gru gu ras sna PRO

Cassiope, Gru gu ras sna གྲུ་གུ་རས་སྣ་ Himalayan HeatherGru gu ras sna (Tibet) Cassiope fastigiataGarden, Vol. 28 (1885) Cassiope fastigiataWallich, N., Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, Vol. 3 (1832) Cassiope fastigiata(Photo by Ghislain118) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cassiope fastigiata (syn. Andromeda fastigiata) Parts used: Aerial parts Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classification: Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:-Cold,…

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Tamarix chinensis, Xi He Liu PRO

Tamarix chinensis, Xi He Liu 西河柳 Chinese TamariskXi He Liu, Cheng Liu (TCM) Tamarix chinensisPallas, Flora rossica seu stirpium imperii rossici (1784-1815) Botanical name: Tamarix chinensis (syn. T. pentandra)Also used are T. juniperina, T. ramosissima See also the related Western Tamarisk, T. gallica. Parts used: Stem and Leaf Temperature & Taste: Neutral/Slightly Warm, dry. Pungent,…

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Hiptage, Atimukta PRO

Hiptage, Atimukta Helicopter FlowerAtimukta, Madhavi (Ayurveda)Adigam, Madhavi (Siddha) Hiptage benghalensFlora Malesiana, vol. 5 (1955-1958) Hiptage benghalens(Photo by Forestowlet) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hiptage benghalens (syn. H. parvifolia, Banisteria benghalen), H. madablota Parts used: Flower, Fruit, Seed, Root, Heartwood Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet, Pungent, Bitter, Astringent Uses: 1. Clears Phlegm-Heat, Stops Cough and Wheezing: -Cough,…

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Dictamnus, White Dittany PRO

Dictamnus, White Dittany, Bai Xian Pi 白鲜皮 Polemonium of the ancients; FraxinellaBai Xian Pi (Root-bark of the Chinese Dittany) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Japanese Herbal, 17trh Century (Welcome) Dictamnus albusFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Dictamnus dasycarpus (Photo by Dr. Alexey Yakovlev) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Dictamnus spp. D….

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Solanum xanthocarpum, Kantakari PRO

Solanum xanthocarpum, Kantakari Yellow-Berried Nightshade, Wild Egg PlantKantakari (Ayurveda)Kandankaththiri Camulam (Siddha) Kan da ka ri  ཀན་ཏ་ཀ་རི  (Tibetan Medicine)Huang Guo Qie, Huang Shui Qie (TCM)Katai Khurd, Bhat Kattiya, Kanderi, Badinjan-barri (Unani)Hadaka, Fashakh (Arabic) Solanum xanthocarpum (syn. S. virginianum)N.J. von Jacquin, Icones plantarum rariorum, vol. 2 (1786-1793) Solanum surattense(Photo by Gabriele Kothe-Heinrich) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Solanum xanthocarpum (syn….

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