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Materia Medica for Skin Diseases

Materia Medica for Skin Diseases Taken from:A Treatise on the Materia medica andTherapeutics of the Skin, Piffard, 1881 ABSINTHIUM (Right)Affections of the skin with heat and itching ACETIC ACIDGlacial Acetic acid is used Topically to destroy epithelial tissue Hyperhidrosis, Scabies PsoriasisTrichophytosisWarts, corns, callosities Nävus Lupus erythematosus Clavus, condylomata acuminata (injected)Clavus, verrucas, and molluscum contagiosum Pruritus…

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Sanguis Draconis, Dragons Blood FREE

Sanguis Draconis, Dragon’s Blood, Xue Jie 血竭 Xue Jie (TCM)Damm ul Akhwain (Unani)Raktaniryaas, Khoon-kharaabaa (Daemonorops draco, Ayurveda)Khoonkharaba, Heeradokhi (Dracaena cinnabari, Ayurveda) Traditional source of Dragon’s Blood according toParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Dracaena cinnabarBalfour, I.B., Botany of Socotra, 1888 Daemonorops draco (syn. Calamus draco)Martius, C.F.P. von, Historia Naturalis Palmarum, 1826 A ball of Dragon’s Blood with…

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Tamarix gallica, Tamarisk PRO

Tamarisk Tamarisk, French TamariskIhavuka, Shaavaka (Ayurveda) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Several varieties of TamariskParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 T. gallicaIllustrations of Indian Botany, Wight, 1840 Tamarix gallica in flower(Photo by Miguel Angel Masegosa Martínez) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Tamarix gallicaOthers used include T. aphylla, T. dioica, T. indicaSee also the related Chinese Tamarisk, T. chinensis. Parts used: Wood;…

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Tamarindus, Tamarind FREE

Tamarindus, Tamarind Chincha (Ayurveda)Tamar Hindi (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Tamarind treeAtlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 Tamarind Seed pod, Plantæ Utiliores, Burnett & Burnett, 1842 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Tamarindus indica Parts used: Fruit; Fruit Pulp Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Sweet, Sour Classifications: 2B ATTENUATERS.    2S. STRENGTHENING3B….

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Ligusticum sinense, Gao Ben PRO

Ligusticum sinense, Gao Ben 藁本 Chinese LovageGao Ben (TCM) Hooker, W.J., Hooker, J.D., Icones Plantarum (1891) Botanical name: Ligusticum spp. L. sinense L. jeholense L. tenuissimum Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Cold, Clears the Exterior:-Wind-Cold common Cold or Flu-acute Headache, Headache on the…

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Quercus, the Oak FREE

Quercus, the Oak Mon cha ra   མོན་ཆ་ར  (Tibetan) Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen, Felix, 1899 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Quercus spp.Q. robur, Q. alba, and Q. petraea are currently listed as official Parts used: Bark; Leaf; Acorns and their CupsOak was also the preferred source for…

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Sideritis, Ironwort PRO

Sideritis, Ironwort Soldier’s Herb, Shepherd’s Tea, Heraclea, Militaris Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Sideritis montanaDeutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, 1796 Sideritis syriacaPhoto by Kenraiz (wikimedia) Botanical name: Sideritis spp.A number of species are used the locally: S. montana (syn. Stachys bicolor) S. syriaca, S. scardica S. euboea S. raeseri Salmon listed 13 varieties in…

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Nausea & Vomiting

Nausea & Vomiting Neue Artznei und Practicierbuchlin, Bock, 1551 Western Tradition Nausea1. Infusion of Ginger (Ginger tea) is the most useful first line of treatment for simple Nausea. If it needs to be stronger, boil it a little. Syrup Preventing Nausea and Vomiting Peptic PowderPowder for Digestion (Riverius)Electuary of Ginger (Dia Zingiber) (Nicholas)Pills of Zedoary…

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Boerhaavia, Punarnava PRO

Boerhaavia, Punarnava Indian Hogweed, Spreading Hogweed, Horse PurslanePunarnava, Vrishchira (Ayurveda)Mukaratee, Mookirattai (Siddha)Gadhapurana (Hindi)Itsit, Ispat, Bishkhaparva (Unani)Huang Xi Xin (TCM) Boerhaavia diffusaBlanco, M., Flora de Filipinas., (1875) Boerhaavia siffusa(Photo by Neha.Vindhya) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Boerhaavia spp. (syn. Boerhavia)Two main types are used:  1. B. diffusa (Red variety)  2. B. verticillata, B. repens, B. erecta (White flowered variety)…

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Hydnocarpus, Chaulmoogra, Da Feng Zi PRO

Hydnocarpus, Chaulmoogra, Da Feng Zi 大风子 Tuvaraka, Katu-kapittha, Chaulmoogra (Ayurveda)Maravattai (Siddha)Da Feng Zi (TCM) Hydnocarpus heterophyllaBlume, Rumphia, 1848 Chaulmoogra Seed (Adam, 2017) Chaulmoogra Oil as traditionally available in India(Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Hydnocarpus spp: H. laurifolia (syn. H. wightiana) (Primary source) H. anthelmintica H. kurzii (syn. H. heterophylla) H. hainanensis Parts used: Seeds; Oil Temperature &…

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Valeriana, Valerian PRO

Valeriana, Valerian Baldrain; Phu (Classical name)Tagar (Indian Valerian, Ayurveda)Asaroon (Indian Valerian, Unani)Xie Cao 缬草(TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1897 VALERIAN ROOT1. Stem scar of valerian and folded roots. 2. Double band of grass. 3. Mass of roots. 4. Split rhizome and the large roots of Belgian valerian (Squibb’s…

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Plantago ovata, Ispaghul

Plantago ovata, Ispaghul, Psyllium Ispaghul, Ispaghula, Blonde PsylliumAshwagol (Ayurveda)Tukhm Aspghol (Unani) H.G.A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, Plantaginaceae, vol. 269 (1937) Botanical name: Plantago spp.Two main species supply Psyllium or Ispaghul: Blonde, White, Indian Psyllium, or Ispaghul: P. ovata (syn. P. orbignyanus, P. decumbens, P. ispaghula) Black, French or Spanish Psyllium: P. psyllium and P. afra Parts used:…

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