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Mastic, Mastic Gum PRO

Mastic, Mastic Gum LentiskMastagi (Unani) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanische wandplaten (1904–1914) Left: P. lentiscus    Right: P. terebinthusFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 BUY MASTIC Botanical name: Pistachio lentiscus (syn. Lentiscus mastiches)Related species which have supplied Mastic or have been used as a substitute include P. terebinthus, P. cabulica (‘Roman Mastic’, ‘East…

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Human Urine

Human Urine Tong Bian (Boy’s Urine, TCM) Zoological name: Homo sapiens Parts used: 1. Adult Urine2. Boy’s Urine (best, used in East and West) Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Salty Classification: dissolving, cleansing, discussing, resists Putrefaction Uses: ADULT URINE:1. Moves the Blood (TCM, West)-pain from blood stagnation; internal or external trauma-‘The common people do advise,…

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Magnetite, Ci Shi

Magnetite, Ci Shi 磁石 LodestoneKanta (Ayurveda)Ci Shi (TCM)Khab len  ཁབ་ལེན  (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, 1491 Magnetite specimen (from Bolivia)Photo by Rob Lavinsky iRocks.com (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Mineralogical Name:Magnetitum Parts used: The best is black and strongly magnetic Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Pungent, Bitter and Salty Constituents: Ferriferrous oxide (Fe3O4); traces of…

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Centaurium, Centaury FREE

Centauri minus, Centaury the less Centaurea, Febrifuga, Fel Terra, Libadion (Pliny), Leptophyllum (Theophrastus)Seigar (Arabic) Mesuae Opera, 1570 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Centaurium erythraea Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cold (said to be Warm), dry. Bittergently binding, cleansing, opening Classifications: 2A APERIENT.   2B ATTENUATER.   2F. PURIFYING.  …

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Gentiana algida, Spang rgyan PRO

Gentiana algida, Spang rgyan Alpine Gentian, Small-leaf GentianSpang rgyan  སྤང་རྒྱན  (Tibet)Bai Hua Long Dan 白花龙胆, Gao Shan Long Dan 高山龙胆 (TCM) Gentiana algidaGartenflora [E. von Regel], vol. 29 (1880) Gentiana algida(Photo by Alpsdake) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gentiana spp. Spang rgyan dkar po (White flowered): G. algida (syn. G. nubigena), G. szechenyii, G. stipitata Spang rgyan sngon…

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Marrubium, Horehound FREE

Marrubium, Horehound Prassium New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Two varieties of Marrubium traditionally usedHerbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Koehler, F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen (1890) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Marrubium vulgare Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool (some said Warm), dry. Bitter, slightly Pungent Classifications: 2A APERIENT MEDICINES.    2K. RESOLVENT3G. EMMENAGOGUE.   …

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Hedyotis, Bai Hua She She Cao PRO

Hedyotis, Bai Hua She She Cao 白花蛇舌草 Bai Hua She She Cao (TCM)Kshetraparpata (Ayurveda) Oldenlandia tenuifoliaBurman, N.L., Flora Indica (1768) Oldenlandia corymbosa (Descourtilz, M.E., Flore médicale des Antilles, 1821) Hedyotis corymbosa(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hedyotis (syn. Oldenlandia) spp. H. diffusa (syn. Oldenlandia diffusa) (TCM) H. corymbosa (syn. Oldenlandia corymbosa) (TCM, India) H. pinifolia…

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Emerald, Smaragdus

Emerald, Smaragdus Zamarrund (Unani)Lu Bao Shi (TCM) Emerald in Schist (Afghanistan)Photo by Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com Emerald as used in Tibetan Medicine (Library ofTibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, India,Photo by Adam, 2009) Mineralogical name: Emerald is a type of Beryl, Al2Be3Si6O18Traditionally the stronger colored stones were called Male, and lighter colored stones, Female. Culpeper said ‘there…

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Bambusa, Zhu Li, Zhu Ru PRO

Bambusa Succus, Zhu Li 竹沥 Bambusa Caulis, Zhu Ru 竹茹 Bamboo Sap: Zhu Li (TCM)Bamboo Shavings: Zhu Ru (TCM) Bambusa tuldoidesCamus, E.G., bambusées, Atlas (1913) Phyllostachys bambusoides(Photo by Marco Schmidt) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Bamboo species including the following: Bambusa tuldoides, B. emeiensis Sinocalamus beecheyanus var. pubescens Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis, P. bambusoides, P. pubescens Parts…

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Fermentum Cerevisiae, Yeast

Fermentum Cerevisiae, Yeast Jiu Qu (Distillers Yeast, TCM) Botanical name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or Candida utilis Parts used: Froth or scum which rises to the surface of the wort of beer while fermenting.Brewers or Distillers Yeast was traditionally prepared from Wheat, Barley or Rice, often mixed with other herbs, made into a paste, formed into pills,…

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Shilajit, Mumiya Shilajit–Punjabi Asphalt, Indian Pissasphalt–Asphaltum Punjabinum–Shilajit (Ayurveda)–Brag zhun  བྲག་ཞུན  (Tibetan)–Xue Ling Zhi (TCM)–Mumiya Hindi (Unani)Mumiya, Momiya, Mumiai–Persian Pissasphalt–Asphaltum Persicum, Mumiai Persica–Mumiya, Mumiya Farisi (Unani) Mumia, showing the use of Mummified Human bodies supplied by grave robbers.Ortus Sanitatis, 1491 Massive lump of raw Shilajit from Sichuan province, China (Adam, 2016) Members CLICK HERE for the…

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Bupleurum, Chai Hu PRO

Bupleurum, Chai Hu, 柴胡 Hare’s Ear, Chinese ThoroughwaxChai Hu (TCM)Bod skyes zi ra ser po  བོད་སྐྱེས་ཟི་ར་སེར་པོ་ (B. falcatum, Tibetan Medicine) B. falcatumIllustration by James Sowerby (Wikimedia) Bupleurum scorzonerifolium(Photo by Лобачев Владимир) (Wikimedia) Buleurum aureum(Photo by Convallaria majalis) (Wikimedia) Cut Bupleurum Chai Hu (Adam 2023) Botanical name: Bupleurum spp.A number of species supply the market: B….

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