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Lysmachia, Jin Qian Cao PRO

Lysmachia, Jin Qian Cao 金钱草 LysmachiaJin Qian Cao 金钱草, Guo Lu Huang 過路黄 (TCM) The closely related and similar looking Western L. nummulariaIcones Plantarum Medicinalium. 1788 Lysimachia christinae flower(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Lysimachia christinae (syn . L. legendrei)A number of plants supply Jin Qian Cao on the Chinese Market: Desomodium styracifolium (Guan Jin…

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Tin Bhasma

Tin Bhasma Tin ashVanga Bhasma (Ayurveda)Gsha thal (Tibet) Mineralogical name: Stannum Parts used: Tin oxide (ash) Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classification: Uses: 1. Benefits Liver, Nourishes Blood:–disorders of Liver and Uterus–Anemia–improves Eyesight–promotes Beauty 2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:–Syphilis, Gonorrhea and other STD’s–obstinate Skin diseases–Lymph and Pus accumulation (Tibet, Ayurveda)–diseases caused by Evil Spirits…

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Rubus Idaeus, Raspberry FREE

Rubus Idaeus, Raspberry, Fu Pen Zi, 覆盆子 Fu Pen Zi (TCM) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Rubus idaeusThe Chinese Raspberry is R. chingii. However, a number of varieties are used including R. idaeopsis, R. coreanus, R. corchorifolius. R. idaeus is used in Hebei…

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Catharanthus, Madagascar Periwinkle PRO

Catharanthus, Madagascar Periwinkle Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosey Periwinkle, Rose PeriwinkleSadapushpa, Nayantara (Ayurveda)Nithiya kalyani , Sudukadu mallikai (Siddha)Sadabahar (Unani)Chang Chun Hua (TCM) Catharanthus roseusStep, E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse (1896) Catharanthus roseus(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus (syn. Vinca rosea, Lochera rosea, Ammocallis rosea) Parts used: Herb; sometimes the root Temperature…

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Aconitum naviculare, Bong nga dmar po PRO

Aconitum naviculare, Bong nga dmar po བོང་ང་དམར་པོ Red Aconite, ‘Bang Ga’Bong nga dmar po, Bong dmar (Tibetan Medicine)Gan Qing Wu Tou (A. tanguticum, TCM)Chuan Kui Wu Tou 船盔乌头, Wu Tou Zhou Gu  乌头舟骨 Aconitum gymnandrum‘Red Aconite’ (Lesser variety)Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1907) Botanical name: The first two listed are the primary species supply this medicine in Tibetan…

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Vateria, Sarja

Vateria, Sarja White Dammer, Indian CopalSarja, Sarjaka, Sarjasa (Ayurveda)Raal Safed, Kahruba Shamai (Unani)Hur (Avicenna)Kundurukam (Siddha) Vateria indicaHayne, F.G., Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in derArzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1805-1846) Botanical name: Vateria indica (syn. V. malabarica) Parts used: Resin Temperature & Taste: Warm, Dry. Pungent Classification: Uses: 1. Calms the Mind, Benefits the Heart:-Insomnia, Anxiety-Heart weakness…

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Delphinium denudatum PRO

Delphinium denudatum Nirvisha (Ayurveda)Jadwar (Unani) Delphinium denudatum flower(Photo by Delonix, edited) (Wikimedia) Delphinium denudatum root(Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Delphinium denudatum (syn. D. pauciflorum) Some classical Unani texts differentiate between 4 types of Jadwar: White, Violet, Black and Yellow. Other sources have described 5 types, given in order of preference they are:    1….

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Cordyceps, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao FREE

Cordyceps, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao 冬虫夏草 Dong Chong Xia Cao (‘Winter Worm, Summer Herb’, TCM)dByar rtswa dgun ‘bu  དབྱར་རྩྭ་དགུན་འབུ་ (Tibet) Dried Cordyceps as available on the Chinese market.(Photo by Rafti Institute) (Wikimedia) Left: uncleaned and cleansed fresh Cordyceps; Right: bunches of graded Cordyceps as sold on the Chinese Market. See also More Photos…

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Stephania tetrandra, Han Fang Ji

Stephania tetrandra, Han Fang Ji 汉防己 Han Fang Ji (TCM) Stephania tetrandraHayata, B., Icones plantarum formosanarum, vol. 1 (1911) Botanical name: Stephania tetrandra Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Pungent Classification: C. Clear Damp, Promote UrineD. Clear Wind and Damp Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine -Edema especially of the lower body,…

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Natron, Sodium Carbonate

Natron, Sodium Carbonate Soda, Alkali of Soda, Mineral Alkali, Crystallised Alkali, Nitrum Aegypticum, Black Ash (impure), Kali (impure)Natron and Trona (naturally occurring hydrated sodium carbonate)Aphronitrum (a form of native Sodium carbonate, Dioscorides)Bul Tog  ཨུལཏོག་ (Native, Tibetan Medicine)Sajji-Khar when from plants; Sajji-Mati when from the Earth (Unani) NitrumHortus sanitatis, 1491 Salsola australis; contains up to 30%…

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Galangae, Galangal

Galangae, Galangal, Gao Liang Jiang 高良姜 Gao Liang Jiang (‘High Mountain Ginger’) (TCM)Kulanjana (Ayurveda) Khulanjaan (Unani)Don gra  དོང་གྲ  (Tibet) GalangalParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Lesser Galangal, AlpinaIcones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Greater and Lesser Galangal rootHerbarium, Matthioli (Polish), 1596 ALIPNA1. Annulate, wavy leaf bases or scars. 2. Simple rhizome. 3, Branched rhizome. 4, Transverse section of…

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Bezoar, Niu Huang, 牛黄

Bezoar, Niu Huang 牛黄 Niu Huang (TCM)Gi Wam གི་ཝང༌  (Tibetan)Fad Zahar Madani, Hajr us Sam (Unani) Bezoar is a stone from the stomach of a quadraped. Classically, it was from the ‘Bezoar-Goat’, Capra aegagrus and related species. In the West, it was differentiated into Oriental (Eastern) and Occidental (Western) varieties, the former being regarded as…

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